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Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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What???... the fact is, the golf club is a business, the members (including the OP) subscribe to that business for the right to play golf there. The amount of money we paid to the club, i'd imagine, helps to keep subscriptions down and facilities mantianed etc... It is a very valid point and no one is condoning what happened with the money, merely making a point that the comment 'go somewhere else next year' was, to say the least... strange!

It is perfectly obvious the benefit additional income from visitors and societies has. What I disagree with is the persistent references to money and the amount spent as if that was relevant.

I'm not saying that anyone from this forum did anything wrong but the finances of it all have nothing to do with the point.


Jan 29, 2010
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MR FINDLAY…You are unbelievable. Understandably you don’t have the intellect to comprehend what I have been saying. That’s to be expected, but then you actually try to defend these people.. You even have the audacity, all be it pathetically, to try to insult me….I let my club down. Your group let the good name of golf down…If you have played Goswick for three years as you claim. Then you should have been quite familiar with the procedure at 18. Let alone the proper etiquette as I have said

You were trying to enjoy yourself how very nice for you…what do you thing my group were trying to do? Are you as brainless as you appear.

How can you say their manners are impeccable when, in addition to the 8 tee offs and the 8 putting outs and the not waving the following group down… NOT ONE OF THE GROUP MADE ANT ATTEMPT TO STOPPED THE NOISE AS THEY WALKED PAST OUR ATTEMPT TO PUTT OUT ON THE 17 THE HOLE.

If that’s impeccable god save us..

It’s not a tricky situation for one second…It’s the rule of the club and to the best of my knowledge also golf. No more than 4 players in a group. You were enjoying yourself so stuff club rules and everyone else it appears.

To the Rock. I did have a word with the Pro but as would have been the case with the group ( a waste of time ) the deed was done …and again I will spell it out. Your groups actions are symptomatic of the decline in manners and etiquette that continues to pervade the game.
On the bar issue. Without wishing to be rude but you did ask remember…Lots of big bodies and stomachs there. Symptomatic of people who like their tipple.

By the way. Your correct Mr F it is my club and I expect visitors to respect me, and my clubs rules. I also look forward to your response to steve.r's posting.
Steve.r's question


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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No worries..............

I agree, the money has nothing to do with the right of wrong of the actions and paying a green fee does not entitle anyone to behave how they want. That said, apologies have been made and there was no intention to cause this issue and all actions were taken with the best intentions in mind.

That said, the relationship between the club and the forum members has always been strong and both parties have benefitted in the past and, hopefully, in the future. I know that my club would not be impressed if a member had basically told a reliable source of income and publicity to do one and not come back.


Jan 29, 2010
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HRC99 The club is not a business it is a members club. Yes the income has a value but if that is the price we have to pay no thank you.. Personally and I have said it loud and often put the subscription up and the visitor numbers down.. How would you like a 5hour medal round every week.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 15, 2010
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HRC99 The club is not a business it is a members club. Yes the income has a value but if that is the price we have to pay no thank you.. Personally and I have said it loud and often put the subscription up and the visitor numbers down.. How would you like a 5hour medal round every week.

I am coming down to Seahouses for a weeks holiday on the 15th, couldn't sign me on could you?


Jan 29, 2010
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Chris 66...It is sometime better to remain silent and appear a fool. Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Please avoid these pathetic attempt at insults. I am immune to the sorry rantings of people like YOU.

And again… I for one don’t want your custom if we can take your posting as indicative of your mentality…Go away.


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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Ooh, justagolfer. You are off on one today, aren't you?

I take it you've not read much of what I've said, including my response to Stevie_r. You start off with personal insults at our group, ignore the apologies and the reasons behind their actions and then moan because actually they saved you some time hanging about. Do yourself a favour and don't embarrass yourself and the welcoming nature and good name of your club any further.

And what's all this about "you can't putt on the 17th green when groups are playing from the 18th tee" Are there signs prohibiting that? Are you sure you have ANY of your facts straight?


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Please no more feeding.


Sep 11, 2011
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Did anyone hear about young Harry Moseley yesterday?

Very sad news... its amazing what someone can achieve if they put their mind to it. Raised over £500,000 whilst suffering from cancer.

Kinda puts a better perspective on life's woes


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Lordy Lordy....Mr Justagolfer, You have made your point, repeatedly..People have replied, some in agreement, some not so. Could I ask that you refrain from needlessly pushing your viewpoint and also making rather personal comments about the appearances of some players. Whilst I agree with your original complaint, your behaviour since has been just as bad, if not worse than the alleged behaviour of some forum members. You have complained about golfers not having manners, but since then have shown no manners yourself. Unfortunately, your original (and warranted) complaint has been lost in the rush to use personal insults.


Jan 29, 2010
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Thank you Dodger. Our Willy probably sums you up… I’m not afraid to be named as you will no doubt know…and it’s Mr Hamblett to you.

I have an opinion on all things because I can reason un like some…Remember the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, but your Amoeba sized brain probably won’t understand that any more than you understand the overall point I was trying to make.

Yes you can putt out on 17 if you wish to take you life in your hands, and yes members do ignore the sign, and don’t rake bunkers, and don’t replace divots… non of that makes it right. Think about it…

Just because it does not bother you again makes my point. It’s stuff everyone as long as I’m doing what I want…and one more thing the use of foul language no matter how you miss spell it only serves to demonstrate that some of our members are not nice people…

You heard it here first boys from Mr Gilbert Hamblett and if you would like to have a go at insulting me. ANY TIME YOUR READY !!!!

Over 4000 posts Dodger you need to get out more.


Very sad news... its amazing what someone can achieve if they put their mind to it. Raised over £500,000 whilst suffering from cancer.

Kinda puts a better perspective on life's woes

Yes it does but it isn't that relevant to this thread is it?

Harry M aside...... This reads to me like a wind-up. If it is, it's a load of self indulgent garbage. Very dull indeed.

If not, the OP is making himself look like a prize tool. Yes manners are in decline, in golf and life in general. Get over it. Ranting on a forum like this won't help.

My advice to you would be to join a more upstanding club with higher standards. Why not commute to Muirfield? No 8 balls there I bet! That said, I'd doubt they would let you in. Your incessant moaning would no doubt be uncovered during the interview process.


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