Driver fitting- No difference?

If you go on to a well known testers youtube channel you will see he suggests that TaylorMade has not bought out a driver that really improves an average players hitting since the M2.
I have got an M4 (simply because it was what I could find second hand at a reasonable price) and have had a Sim which was resold and a Stealth at recent fitting and stuck with it.

From time to time I try different shafts, the joy of modern clubs which makes this easy, just to see if they change anything.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

OEM's marketing for drivers is at least 98% hyperbolic gobbeldygook! And the other 2% is questionable.

If any one driver was much more than marginally better than the rest - every pro would have it in their bag.
About 12 months ago the screw on my G25 snapped and out of interest I asked my local fitter about a replacement driver. He gave me 20 mins (for free) hitting some new drivers with different shafts and there was no difference.

Most handicap golfers are better off improving strike, being slightly stronger and working on technique rather than papering over the cracks with a new driver.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

OEM's marketing for drivers is at least 98% hyperbolic gobbeldygook! And the other 2% is questionable.

If any one driver was much more than marginally better than the rest - every pro would have it in their bag.

I have to agree and I am not sure how much further OEM's can push technology within the current limits so need to find ways to part golfers from their cash.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

OEM's marketing for drivers is at least 98% hyperbolic gobbeldygook! And the other 2% is questionable.

If any one driver was much more than marginally better than the rest - every pro would have it in their bag.

It’s never as black and white as that

The first thing is many of the pros have club contracts so use the drivers that they are paid money to use

Each driver when released with have some level of improvement- whether that be forgiveness, reduced spin , increased ball speed etc

Each driver is tested to the 9th degree by machines etc to ensure that there will be some sort of gain

Most of the time your average club golfer won’t see many of the improvements of each time but that will be down to the golfer and their swing as opposed to the club being no better than the previous model

The main manufacturers will be constantly looking for improvement each year
I have to agree and I am not sure how much further OEM's can push technology within the current limits so need to find ways to part golfers from their cash.
Most have been successfully duped for the last 10 years or more, with new colours and technical sounding acronyms. But hard to say if there will be a steady supply of newbies following on indefinitely eating up the gobbeldygook to maintain a steady state, or whether a point will be reached where the crowd realises the emperor has no clothes. Even 'reviews' as mentioned earlier offer little more than a rehash of the publicity blurb, and focus on looks and sound. Those guys know well that a true review is pointless, as the answer is known in advance as far as performance goes - "the same as all the rest".
I am looking at getting driver fitting soon as I have only ever guessed what I need. Currently hitting 12deg loft with reg shaft. But I would love to try other combinations just to see what the difference is..

I did try and book one and was told they haven’t got any availability until July?
Most handicap golfers are better off improving strike, being slightly stronger and working on technique rather than papering over the cracks with a new driver.

Why not do all of the above and get a new driver ??‍♂️
About 12 months ago the screw on my G25 snapped and out of interest I asked my local fitter about a replacement driver. He gave me 20 mins (for free) hitting some new drivers with different shafts and there was no difference.

Most handicap golfers are better off improving strike, being slightly stronger and working on technique rather than papering over the cracks with a new driver.
It doesnt even paper over cracks though. While money is just money for those who have £500 to drop on getting a different colour driver to match this years shirts, it is actually a negative impact on their game - they are wasting time expecting something from the driver, or giving themselves 'time to get used to it' (optimism talk for the club not making a bit of a difference, but they havent given in to the reality that they just paid £500 for literally no improvement), rather than improving their game.
Update: played with the new stick today. Did I see a difference, no. Did I enjoy having a new club yes. Got a 296 poke out there as well as a 199. If I play 400 rounds of golf (6 years) plus practice I would argue that’s fair value

I think it’s a bit much saying it will have a negative impact on a players game. I think most people see limited difference.

I think people who seriously want to improve know they need to work through golf lessons and practice
It’s never as black and white as that

The first thing is many of the pros have club contracts so use the drivers that they are paid money to use

Each driver when released with have some level of improvement- whether that be forgiveness, reduced spin , increased ball speed etc

Each driver is tested to the 9th degree by machines etc to ensure that there will be some sort of gain

Most of the time your average club golfer won’t see many of the improvements of each time but that will be down to the golfer and their swing as opposed to the club being no better than the previous model

The main manufacturers will be constantly looking for improvement each year

We'll have to agree to disagree a!though in some ways we are in accord.

Very few top pro's sign 14 clubs in the bag contracts just in case something revolutionary suddenly appears or they want
To keep a favourite club - if Whizz Bang Golf developed a legal driver that genuinely gave 10 yards plus extra their rep would be
knocked down in the rush.

But as far as mere mortals playing in the monthly medal are concerned the infinitesimal improvement that I accept must be within the new driver to keep the
Advertising Standards happy produces negligible gains and they are seduced more by the marketing hyperbole than any realistic expectation of game changing distance gains.
I've never been for a driver fitting. I feel my swing is too erratic to get a decent fitting. It different every hole nevermind every round to get a decent result from a fitting.

The best fitting I've had is a putter fitting, it surely has to be the one club where you swing/stroke is as repeatable as it gets.

I had a driver fitting 5 years ago and nothing was significantly better than my old Mizuno MX700. I am still using it.

So instead of spending £400+ on a driver, I had a £60 putter analysis session then got a putter (£160 Odyssey) that actually suits me.
My understanding though I claim no expertise is that most people are actually fairly consistent in their swing in terms of both shape of swing and speed of swing, including mid- high handicappers. Inconsistency in shot outcome tends to come from face angle and point of impact on the face. If you have a driver whose characteristics suit the swing shape and speed a fitting is unlikely to improve things. If you have a driver whose characteristics don't suit that then a fitting may well help and you can carry on working on strike and face direction.
It’s never as black and white as that

The first thing is many of the pros have club contracts so use the drivers that they are paid money to use

Each driver when released with have some level of improvement- whether that be forgiveness, reduced spin , increased ball speed etc

Each driver is tested to the 9th degree by machines etc to ensure that there will be some sort of gain

Most of the time your average club golfer won’t see many of the improvements of each time but that will be down to the golfer and their swing as opposed to the club being no better than the previous model

The main manufacturers will be constantly looking for improvement each year

Even if a pro is contracted by an OEM to use the latest releases and they may do so upon release there are numerous cases of a top player going back to an "old favourite" even though it may be hidden under the current model headcover.

Even the top reviewers are getting close to saying there is no difference when they review the latest releases and several have even compared offerings from the same manufacturer over a 10 year period and the distance gains have been marginal at best. Surely if these guys aren't getting any more distance then a club golfer won't see any changes unless they are using a really old model or an unsuitable shaft (e.g. x-stiff for a moderate swing speed) and so are really being sold a pup in the marketing claims with each release
I did a fitting for my driver, over two years ago. I was using a G30 I'd bought second hand, and while I can't remember the numbers, the G410 was going a little further and fading/slicing less, so I went for it. If distance and dispersion were both the same, I don't think I would have spent the money. I'd say the fitting was worth it as the best results were with a non-standard shaft, i.e. without doing the fitting I never would have got to try it.

Still love this driver now, it I did another fitting tomorrow I'd be doubtful that anything noticeably beats it.
I went to Scott Gourlay for a driver fitting for my 40th birthday in December.
I was using a TM M6 with stiff 9deg atmos black, that I got for £150 new from that dodgy shop in Chester at the start of lockdown (Golf Depot?!)
Fortunately I was swinging well on the day.

Long story short, the fitter made a tweak to my driver setting (opening face and decreasing loft), but we couldnt beat it for accuracy or distance despite trying a range of exotic combos.

We did play with some 3 woods as we had time left - my stock m6 3 wood was very poorly fitted - shaft too light and couldnt be flattened (which is why I hit everything left with it, despite going miles). Ended up buying a new 3 wood specced to me (albeit sourced myself)
Went for a driver fitting to replace my old Callaway XR16 this week with the hope that 6 years might have pushed on the tech.

Improvements - none!

Dispersion - just as wild as ever. The fitting turned into a bit of a lesson to stop me hooking it left with odd wild block.

Distance- about the same but longest hit with the old club.

Result - Stealth plus because…. new and shiny

Has anyone else had a recent fitting and not seen much change? If so, did you stick with the older model?

Im not one for marketing gimmicks but would have hoped for some improvements.

Have you tried the Epic Flash? I switched from the XR16 2/3 weeks ago and for me there has been a noticeable improvement. The XR16 is a brilliant club but a mate who generally hits similar yardages to me has a rogue and was outgunning me so i felt i was losing out on some distance. With the epic flash, I definitely feel it comes off the face a lot quicker (but havent any official monitor stats to prove it).
I wont pay £500 for a driver but i did have a fitting for a TS3 which cost me £350. It was useless. For woods, hybrids & putters etc ,rather than have a fitting i'd now rather buy from ebay, test, and move it on if it doesnt work. This way youre unlikely to be left much out of pocket. I got the flash from golfclubs4cash with a 20% off ebay voucher which was an added bonus. I also use the costco wedges that are every bit as good as my old mack daddys. It just goes to show you dont have to spend big money for quality gear.
Still Playing a cobra f6 and been in a few shops the last couple of years seeing if I can pick up some yardage. Nothing has been more than a couple of yards longer for me. If something could genuinely give me an extra 10 yards I would buy it but not 2 or 3 yards.
Still Playing a cobra f6 and been in a few shops the last couple of years seeing if I can pick up some yardage. Nothing has been more than a couple of yards longer for me. If something could genuinely give me an extra 10 yards I would buy it but not 2 or 3 yards.
Even a couple of yards is questionable. With the variation in distance from most real world golfers, it would take a huge sample size to really see such a small difference. Beware statistical trickery or slick sales 'fitter' patter.