Does your club require a minimum number of Acceptable Scores before winning prizes in a Competition.

So in your opinion...... What is??

No idea but this system is too volatile as people can get a load of shots back quickly, have a good round and clean up. WHS rewards the inconsistent golfer.

Not that bothered personally, I don't play opens or knockouts, just try to play the best I can and see how far down the leaderboard I end up.

Only goal I have in golf is to get to scratch, even if it's for one round. Achievable under WHS not under the old system.
Lower the hard and soft cap maybe. That would be a fix if the diagnosis is that people are rising to quickly.

But I find it hard to believe there are so many player deliberatley, or through erratic play, gaining 3 shots quickly, and that that is enough to have 61 after 61 after 61 net.
Something does not in the anecdotal reports, add up.
I view the issue quite simply. Previously our handicap was representative of our ‘stretch’ ability. Players in range say 14-22 could occasionally shoot low scores well under their handicap but their handicap would be quite quickly adjusted to reflect that stretch score. Today WHS reflects ‘average’ ability and so does not reflect stretch ability. Scores well under their handicap are smoothed out across 8 scores and so handicap does not come down as quickly to reflect stretch ability. There therefore remains much scope for players in the 14-22 range to continue to score well under their handicap. In any club where there are many members in this range there is always going to be one who scores to and beyond their stretch ability and so well under their average ability and handicap.

Just seems like a numbers game. I have no evidence to substantiate this other than observe what seems to me to be obvious, that far fewer players are occasionally able to play well under their ‘stretch’ ability than are able to play well under their ‘average’ ability.
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It's always been difficult to 'manage' folk who, for one reason or another, are improving significantly.
I've had a 'purple patch' where the system couldn't keep up with my improvement - from being at the club practicing every day while between contracts. The solution was to put plenty of general play cards in, as the equivalent of WHS was active at the time (in Aus).
I'm struggling with this as I haven't been able to submit enough cards. Where I am it's three competitive & nine non competitive cards in 12 months. However I had over six months out injured with a lower back disc injury so have had little chance to play properly. When I did play, there were a lot of friendly four ball games where there's no way we would all putt everything out. The system is totally unfair for anyone who suffers an injury & can't play!
I'm struggling with this as I haven't been able to submit enough cards. Where I am it's three competitive & nine non competitive cards in 12 months. However I had over six months out injured with a lower back disc injury so have had little chance to play properly. When I did play, there were a lot of friendly four ball games where there's no way we would all putt everything out. The system is totally unfair for anyone who suffers an injury & can't play!
…though the truth is that maybe you could just do as we do if someone needs to put a card in. He putts out, the rest of us don’t.
No, we don't have any minimum score entry requirements as far as I know.
But, lots of clubs are having issues with big scores & people playing off of incorrect handicaps.
All kinds of reasons for this which has been covered at length on here numerous times.
Suffice to say, I believe that the majority of clubs comps are seriously compromised now & tbh most are not worth entering any more.