On a theme to what @RichA posted, when my wife went in to see her mum recently she bought 2 rubbish womens magazines. She brought them out and her mum went through each one with an oo and an ah. I very much doubt that she knew who the people were but it didn't matter. They were a talking point, something to occupy her. After a while she then stood up and said that she was finished, 'did you have somewhere to go?', and then walked off to her room . In her case she is happy to have things going on around her, she doesn't always need to be involved. If you do want to involve her then you need to think what will grab her, not will interest us. She used to be an estate agent and loved trawling through the regional house selling section in the paper at a weekend. She would read it out to us back then so now it is an absolute slam dunk.
In essence, don't get hung up on entertaining the person you are going to visit with a fascinating monologue. Simply being there is the thing and they are not going to judge you based on the quality of your chat. The music idea is a cracker, I will suggest that to my wife .
@Robster59 couldn't agree more regarding social services. Utterly useless in our experience as well, along with the allotted person who is responsbile for dementia in our area. The health service and systems do not deal well with this illness.
In essence, don't get hung up on entertaining the person you are going to visit with a fascinating monologue. Simply being there is the thing and they are not going to judge you based on the quality of your chat. The music idea is a cracker, I will suggest that to my wife .
@Robster59 couldn't agree more regarding social services. Utterly useless in our experience as well, along with the allotted person who is responsbile for dementia in our area. The health service and systems do not deal well with this illness.