My MiL goes in for respite care for 1 week on Friday. First time and likely to become permanent very shortly.My Dad is being discharged from hospital tomorrow. He is going direct to a local home as the medical and care needs have agreed, thankfully, that going home isn't viable for him or my Mum. She is relieved on one hand but crippled with emotional guilt on the other. I am relieved for all.
Now the next step in the journey is around duration of stay and funding. I think he's there for a fully paid six weeks if I understand correct, with a figure of £1,400 a week quoted, to finally assess his needs and care package. As this is new for us with no experience, I'm after any guidance from you guys about what are the options after the six weeks. I guess they means test my Dad's income to see if he can pay all, most, little or none of his care going forward. He is not well off at all, thus it should be little or none. But I don't know what the NHS or whoever has the purse-strings will be able to pay or what's their set limit. I have it in my head they will pay a set percentage/amount (e.g. £1000), then the rest of the care comes out of his pension, savings, benefits, etc.?
Anyone who has an info, I would appreciate it. I just want to ensure that we cover all the bases and that we are not missing out on any entitlement or support to make the process easier. There's lots of resources and info about; it's just piecing it all together to get the right informed outcome. The Beacon website has been very valuable.
My understanding after listening to my wife explain it to my FiL multiple times is a follows:
They can not touch your mums money, nor her house whilst she is alive and living in it.
The state will pay an amount towards the cost, you will need to top up the rest from pensions, his savings, etc. Once the savings money is used up, pensions keep going of course, your local council will then decide whether they top up the money or whether they move your dad to a home that they suggest and is within their budget. The choice then is simple, either you pay or he is moved.
The figures are not as great up here, North / South divide working in our favour this time, so for us the gap is likely to be easier to bridge or more likely, the council will simply agree to pay the difference if my MiL is happy there rather than put her through the upheaval. Don't forget incidentally, the council at that point will negotiate the fee with the home and their power may get a cheaper rate than you or I could achieve.
My wife has found that Age UK have been very helpful on this front. Are you in touch with them for advice? If not it may be worth speaking to them.
Best of luck and please post what you learn. It is helpful for all of us going through this as getting accurate information at times is ridiculously difficult.