Cutting across the course

At my place there are no restrictions stopping me from jumping around holes and playing them in whatever order I wish...though obviously I'd only really do that in the extreme if I was by myself. It's one of the big pluses of being a member - being able to play as few or as many holes as I want in a variety of orders according to the time I have available and how busy the course is.

That said, players playing a full round should obviously have priority over those playing a part round, and so I always check that if I am to jump to a hole out of order I won't hold up a group on the previous hole. And if I am caught then I must immediately offer to let them play through, no ifs, buts or caveats. And exactly the same applies if I am in a group that jumps holes.

In the OP a previous club with two tee start...we could start at 10th, however if all players in a group playing the 9th had their balls on the green then that group had priority on the 10th tee over a group ready to start. The group starting could tee off, but they'd immediately have to let the following group also tee off or play through.
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A number of years ago I was a member at Castletown, IoM. Worst case of erroneous entitlement I ever came across.

I'm playing 14th approaching the green, I see two ladies coming off 11 and heading to 15th tee, no problem really thinks I!

I get to my tee, about 100 yards behind them (Ladies tee is well off to the side also), they've both teed off and start to move forward. Erm I think not. I give a big "fore!" and hit my drive. As I catch up to them I think I'll go first..."lovely morning ladies". :cool:

That wasn't good enough..."you've no right to play through, you're a single, we have priority, we'll report you to the committee" :LOL:

"OK, go ahead, make sure you tell them you cut in, you literally have no priority"

I never heard about it again :ROFLMAO:
Is it still the case that solo players don't have the right to expect to be called through?


AS per Slab

It is up to each club to set their own course priority and etiquette rules.

Single players have standing where I play and have ever since it was changed more than 10 years ago.
I don’t know what it is but I just feel uncomfortable asking lol I always feel as if the person in front if slower should offer.
Feel sorry for what happened. Is there a rule at your Club stating there is no” cutting in” @the 10th if the 9th is not completely clear? If so politely tell them. At the moment in time you did not know how slow they would be but I am sure you are correct. You will also know how many are in front of the 10th hopefully so go to the 11th and miss out the 10th or even 12th if clear.

Not an ideal situation and they must have known they were wrong.
There are numerous places you can cut across at my place....obviously when the course is busy then its simply not possible, but late afternoons, evenings or if you are first out and only want to play a few problems cutting across as long as you don't push in in front of someone else....most places you can see where things are clear for you to cut across.
I think golf etiquette says you should only cut in if the hole behind is clear. Well that's my understanding anyway. Tbh faster groups should be let through, but if they don't i don't know a reason why you shouldn't ask.
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The two guys on the mobility scooters we’re waiting on the tee box and as I was putting on the 9th another guy appeared from the path and joined them and they started hitting there balls. When I seen them tee off I thought there not letting me through.
There is no certainty they wouldn't have let you through. You were never in a position to be let through to find out. Many slower groups in front would tee off before the faster group catches them, then let the faster group tee off and they then all walk up the fairway together.

Furthermore, for all they knew, you were only out for a quick early 9 holes. If that had of been the case, and they waited, then they'd have simply wasted time in doing so.

Other comments are valid, such as does the club adopt a 2 tee start? If so, they may have been booked in to play from the 10th at that time. Of course, if this wasn't the case, they cut in front of you and then never let you through when you were behind them, that would be considered very poor etiquette.
I like to jump around the course when it's quiet - For me, it is one of the main benefits of being a member. I will play 9 if it is busy / middle of the day etc, but if not, I'll play 1-6, jump onto 11 and sometimes jump back on to the end of the front 9 to finish

I can make loops of 6,9, 12, 14 holes etc and can judge my timings to get the best loop in before the light goes on me.

I wouldn't cut in on someone if there wasn't a gap, but if there is space ahead allowing me to get out of someone's way behind, then it's fine to jump on and play quickly to create a bit of space.
I like to jump around the course when it's quiet - For me, it is one of the main benefits of being a member. I will play 9 if it is busy / middle of the day etc, but if not, I'll play 1-6, jump onto 11 and sometimes jump back on to the end of the front 9 to finish

I can make loops of 6,9, 12, 14 holes etc and can judge my timings to get the best loop in before the light goes on me.

I wouldn't cut in on someone if there wasn't a gap, but if there is space ahead allowing me to get out of someone's way behind, then it's fine to jump on and play quickly to create a bit of space.
That’s the way to do it…?
What’s the deal with cutting across the course at your club ? At my last club east ren it wasn’t aloud but obviously someone people would still do it and jump from 5th to 13th. I managed to get the first tee time this morning 8am at my new club and I had to be in the car for 10am to get in town for 10:30am. So tee off and I usually play quite fast can do east ren in 1h50min. Get to the 9th at 9am and noticed a 3 ball has just appeared on the 10th. So try to make eye contact as the 9th goes past the 10th tee box and I say hello hoping they will say on you go but they barely said hello it was more of a grunt as two of them sat in there mobility scooters. So I just walked off after 9 as it was clear they were not letting me through even through they jumped the course.
Actually, it is allowed to jump from the 5th green to the 13th tee. You just have to make sure the 12th Fairway is clear first before you jump onto it.

1h50m around East Ren is rapid. In fact, 1h50m around pretty much any course is rapid. If you can get around that fast, then all well and good, but I wouldn't expect it as the norm. At the speed you play, you'll be faster than pretty much anyone else on the course. You may be allowed through sometimes, but if there are no gaps between groups there is every chance you won't be.
I'm guessing you've moved to Bonnyton, so I would chat to the Pro there to ask what the protocol is. That way, you are on more firm ground to discuss/challenge with anybody who does it in front of you. Unfortunately, at every course you have people who think they can do what they like because they've been there for years, and also still (incorrectly) think that single players have no standing.
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I like to jump around the course when it's quiet - For me, it is one of the main benefits of being a member. I will play 9 if it is busy / middle of the day etc, but if not, I'll play 1-6, jump onto 11 and sometimes jump back on to the end of the front 9 to finish

I can make loops of 6,9, 12, 14 holes etc and can judge my timings to get the best loop in before the light goes on me.

I wouldn't cut in on someone if there wasn't a gap, but if there is space ahead allowing me to get out of someone's way behind, then it's fine to jump on and play quickly to create a bit of space.

This. It means now the clocks have changed and we can get out after work I can decide how many holes I want to play based on time, how busy the course is and how I'm playing. We have loads of options (1-3 and 7-9 or 1-6 and 15-18 or we could go out on 10 if the 9th is clear and do 9-14 and up 18)
Is it still the case that solo players don't have the right to expect to be called through?

I'm not sure where I've got this from, but I have a vague memory of some kind of hierarchy here i.e. a 4 ball should call a 3 ball through if they are holding them up, a 3 ball should call a 2 ball through, but a solo player has no 'rights'? Is that a thing?

I'm asking because I was playing with my son last week and we called solo players through on two occasions, both of whom seemed genuinely grateful, and almost a bit surprised, that we had done so.

It disappeared from the Rules of Golf way back in 2003/4, but some clubs still have it as a local rule.

Several here have already touched upon it, but cutting across the course is fine, providing you don’t interfere with others and hold them up. As for starting at the 10th, unless the club allows a two tee start, etiquette would be anyone playing a full round should have priority.
My course is goes out 1-3 and comes back 16-18 and from there most holes are pretty close so you can make up any number of combinations depending on the light, time, how busy it is etc.

The only time I've ever had any contention with playing through was when there was 2 4balls close together and no one in front of them. The first fourball said there was no point me playing through as they were waiting on the guys in front.

I explained there was nobody in front of them so if they let me play through as well I'd be clear. So they reluctantly agreed. As it was we just essentially played a par 3 as a 5 ball and then I went on my way, teeing off on the next hole with the next group as a 5 ball, and playing my approach as a single.
What’s the deal with cutting across the course at your club ? At my last club east ren it wasn’t aloud but obviously someone people would still do it and jump from 5th to 13th. I managed to get the first tee time this morning 8am at my new club and I had to be in the car for 10am to get in town for 10:30am. So tee off and I usually play quite fast can do east ren in 1h50min. Get to the 9th at 9am and noticed a 3 ball has just appeared on the 10th. So try to make eye contact as the 9th goes past the 10th tee box and I say hello hoping they will say on you go but they barely said hello it was more of a grunt as two of them sat in there mobility scooters. So I just walked off after 9 as it was clear they were not letting me through even through they jumped the course.

You mentioned that you go round East Renfrewshire in under 2 hours so you must be going rapid and probably just caught the 3 ball out as they would not have expected even the earliest of tee times to be on the 9th green that early, a quick word with them would probably have sorted this out with no issues, if it does happen again, just have a quick chat with them, mention that you are a new member and on a tight time schedule and need to get through, they will no doubt oblige. Thanks.

Cheers, John