Crossfield v Whoever

Not a huge Crossfield fan, but all the mainstream manufacturers brand their different iron heads as game improvement, lower handicapper etc. which suggests they must think it isn't just about the shaft?
I've seen that video and the young guy fitting the clubs really knows his stuff , sacrificing distance for tighter dispersion was impressive as most would run with the extra 10 yards distance.

As for Crassfield yawn...
I do like some of the Crossfield stuff but this does seem to smack of sourness after Alex came over so informatively in Liam's video and clearly his opinion about shafts doesn't sit with Crossfields and is polar opposite to what Crossfield has said for many years. I see GM decided to put something up about shafts today? Dabbling a toe in the debate?
I can't say Alex isn't a good fitter, 1. His videos do seem to get results, 2. I've never been fitted by him so I can't say.

However, he comes across supremely arrogant in any video I've seen him in, like he knows completely better than the whole of the golfing industry - he doesn't, or he'd be a mega-millionaire. His clubs seem good, but I think any decent fitter could get similar or better results than he does, in 3 or 4 head/shaft combinations, from any manufacturer and Alex acts like only his clubs are any good and everyone else's are shite. I think the problem in the industry is poorly educated fitters, as opposed to poor equipment.

I think people who don't like Alex are put off by his personality rather than his fitting.

As for Crossfield, his content has gone quite poor in recent times, and I understand his point in these tweets, but he seems to say them in an inflammatory way on purpose, this could have easily been said in a better way, where more people are actually likely to follow his advice. The way he tweets seems to be for attention
From the few videos I’ve seen of Alex @ Orka; he seems to suggest that whatever head you choose, he will find a shaft to make it work (spin, launch etc)

His other main focus seems to be that whatever club you’ve been fit for by the mainstream brands, the club you get may not match that fitting ( loft, weight etc).
I can't say Alex isn't a good fitter, 1. His videos do seem to get results, 2. I've never been fitted by him so I can't say.

However, he comes across supremely arrogant in any video I've seen him in, like he knows completely better than the whole of the golfing industry - he doesn't, or he'd be a mega-millionaire. His clubs seem good, but I think any decent fitter could get similar or better results than he does, in 3 or 4 head/shaft combinations, from any manufacturer and Alex acts like only his clubs are any good and everyone else's are shite. I think the problem in the industry is poorly educated fitters, as opposed to poor equipment.

I think people who don't like Alex are put off by his personality rather than his fitting.

As for Crossfield, his content has gone quite poor in recent times, and I understand his point in these tweets, but he seems to say them in an inflammatory way on purpose, this could have easily been said in a better way, where more people are actually likely to follow his advice. The way he tweets seems to be for attention

Were all welcome to our opinions, heres one from real life meetings with Alex rather than from a few videos.

Alex is one of the most down to earth guys you could ever meet in this industry who goes above and beyond for many of his customers, me included (more than once!). If you actually listened you would know he actually rates a couple of the OEMs (based on their tolerances and the quality of sets he sees from those manufacturers). Do you really expect someone who has his own brand of clubs not to promote his own product above his competitors? Seriously?

To give you an insight, he reshafted and rebuilt a driver head I had from another manufacturer with the right shaft and grip rather than sell me one of his own heads (as he could easily have done) as the performance of the two wouldve been similar for me

As for fitters, Alex for a few years has actually been working with some of the best fitters all round the country to ensure that they can offer his product and fitting to a level to ensure the customer gets custom built as they would if they had done direct.

One of the biggest issues in the industry is actually poorly built clubs from the OEMs who have large tolerances and still fail to build to them, yet the paying public thinks theyve been custom fit so everything is great with the set of irons theyve paid £1000 for that are actually nothing like what they ordered!

Go and meet the fella, pretty sure you'd come away with a different opinion
Alex is a great guy, I was lucky enough to be fit by him. As he always states it not custom fit it’s custom built. I was fit for my previous irons which where Mizuno MP25 loved them but when everything was checked the lofts where all about 2.5 deg stronger and the swing weights where all over the place. So there was nothing wrong with my fitting I had for the Mizuno just how badly they where built. I have gained about 12 yds per club with my new Orka irons and they are about 4 degs weaker. I’ve always found shafts the main changing point in a fitting so no idea what Crossfields going on about
Another interesting video, on where they mention if you have the right shaft, you technically should be able to hit any head

Not really sure that was exactly what he was saying. He said if you have no trouble finding the middle of the bat then work away and pick any head.

Your man was a pretty decent ball striker if a little high on the face so no real massive gains to be had from choosing a tech filled game improvement iron.
There is nothing wrong with trusting in your product and being confident with it. In the video with liam, which is all i have to go on with not knowing the guy. He seemed very knowledgeable and every prediction he made was spot on.

I would trust his word over crossfields anyday
I had a fitting with Alex, he's a nice guy. Is he arrogante? A little bit, bit not really in a bad way. He's just confident in what he is doing.

I'll also add that there were a couple of issues with my order, but he sorted them out for me afterwards. That doesn't strike me as someone who is arrogant.

The best compliment I can give Alex and friends is that a few pros at my place who have never heard of Orka, have had a quick whack with my clubs and all of them said they felt great.
Were all welcome to our opinions, heres one from real life meetings with Alex rather than from a few videos.

Alex is one of the most down to earth guys you could ever meet in this industry who goes above and beyond for many of his customers, me included (more than once!). If you actually listened you would know he actually rates a couple of the OEMs (based on their tolerances and the quality of sets he sees from those manufacturers). Do you really expect someone who has his own brand of clubs not to promote his own product above his competitors? Seriously?

To give you an insight, he reshafted and rebuilt a driver head I had from another manufacturer with the right shaft and grip rather than sell me one of his own heads (as he could easily have done) as the performance of the two wouldve been similar for me

As for fitters, Alex for a few years has actually been working with some of the best fitters all round the country to ensure that they can offer his product and fitting to a level to ensure the customer gets custom built as they would if they had done direct.

One of the biggest issues in the industry is actually poorly built clubs from the OEMs who have large tolerances and still fail to build to them, yet the paying public thinks theyve been custom fit so everything is great with the set of irons theyve paid £1000 for that are actually nothing like what they ordered!

Go and meet the fella, pretty sure you'd come away with a different opinion

He mentioned Ping as good in the video, and said there were a couple of others; do you happen to know which ones? If you know & would prefer not to post would you PM them?
I hate crossfield but I agree with he's tweet. the shaft absolutely makes a difference to the golfer but not in the same ball park as the majority of golfers think. People desperately want it to be the case so they can be "individual or unique"
Just had a good read through it all and a couple of things clearly stick out

1. Alex clearly likes a bit of social media banter and I guess to some it can be a bit brash

2. Crossfield clearly is becoming less and less relevant - found him to be very annoying but now he just seems like an empty vessel and made himself look foolish

3. Alex obviously knows his stuff - and there are enough people on here who know him and also work with him. His brand is superb

4. What actually does Crossfield do beyond loud noises on the Internet ? Does he know club building as well as people like Alex ?

going through it all and it seems only one of them came through with their head held high and it wasn’t Crossfield
Were all welcome to our opinions, heres one from real life meetings with Alex rather than from a few videos.

Alex is one of the most down to earth guys you could ever meet in this industry who goes above and beyond for many of his customers, me included (more than once!). If you actually listened you would know he actually rates a couple of the OEMs (based on their tolerances and the quality of sets he sees from those manufacturers). Do you really expect someone who has his own brand of clubs not to promote his own product above his competitors? Seriously?

To give you an insight, he reshafted and rebuilt a driver head I had from another manufacturer with the right shaft and grip rather than sell me one of his own heads (as he could easily have done) as the performance of the two wouldve been similar for me

As for fitters, Alex for a few years has actually been working with some of the best fitters all round the country to ensure that they can offer his product and fitting to a level to ensure the customer gets custom built as they would if they had done direct.

One of the biggest issues in the industry is actually poorly built clubs from the OEMs who have large tolerances and still fail to build to them, yet the paying public thinks theyve been custom fit so everything is great with the set of irons theyve paid £1000 for that are actually nothing like what they ordered!

Go and meet the fella, pretty sure you'd come away with a different opinion

i had a similar experience with a orka fitter. he told me my swing weights and lofts were all off. I even watched him measure them. i decided not to use him as he was a cock to a junior golfer. when i went elsewhere the club builder told me my clubs where spot on. Well, apart from my p wedge that was 1 degree too strong. everytime I speak to someone that went to him they all said how he bashes the way mainstream clubs are made and why you should buy his