Chute versus booking system

Does your club use a chute system or a booking system for non-competion/general play golf?

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If that was the case then the club would institute online booking as no one would stand for it. Clubs with no tee times do not have this problem.
Indeed. I am at a club with no booked tee times outside weekend morning comps.
We have regular swindles which everyone knows about. We have a 4 week diary which shows any society bookings with tee times/ numbers.
I have never waited more than 10 minutes to start playing golf.

There's some really peculiar mindsets on this thread (and some of the hcap ones). It's as if people can't possibly imagine that there are golf clubs which aren't like their golf clubs. And golfers who don't have exactly the same mindset as them.
The idea that there might be other lived experiences outwith their own appears not to occur to them.
Indeed. I am at a club with no booked tee times outside weekend morning comps.
We have regular swindles which everyone knows about. We have a 4 week diary which shows any society bookings with tee times/ numbers.
I have never waited more than 10 minutes to start playing golf.

There's some really peculiar mindsets on this thread (and some of the hcap ones). It's as if people can't possibly imagine that there are golf clubs which aren't like their golf clubs. And golfers who don't have exactly the same mindset as them.
The idea that there might be other lived experiences outwith their own appears not to occur to them.
All these roll up courses seem to have a lot of times when specific groups go out that everyone knows about. Almost like they are pre booked 😂
All these roll up courses seem to have a lot of times when specific groups go out that everyone knows about. Almost like they are pre booked 😂
Our three main gents rollups and when they play are identified in our Members Handbook - or at least were - I haven't checked the current version. And yes. These rollups run each week, have reserved tee times and are listed under Upcoming Competitions that any male member can enter.
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Turn up and queue for an hour+? What if you need to be somewhere else later in the day?
Join a club with a booking system. Like I said, I've been a member at clubs with both systems. The club with the chute had a vote at the AGM for a booking system and it was overwhelmingly voted out. The members never had a problem, they new the busy/quiet times and worked around it. Saturday mornings were obviously the busiest time. Our rollup would arrive around 8am, we put the required number of balls in the chute once everyone was there then have go into the clubhouse for a coffee/breakfast. Worst case ever was about a 40 min wait till the first group tee'd off but it was typically less than 30 mins. Unless you are the type that arrives at the club and rushes onto the 1st tee it isn't a problem.
For those that have no booking booking system swindles /roll ups going out at times that other well established members know about

What do you do about new members joining in?

Is there somebody in the club responsible for introducing them/asking them to let them join in?

If not how do new members get a game?
For those that have no booking booking system swindles /roll ups going out at times that other well established members know about

What do you do about new members joining in?

Is there somebody in the club responsible for introducing them/asking them to let them join in?

If not how do new members get a game?
When new members join, the club sec and pro brief then on what's going on.
Our main swindles are very inclusive - they welcome anyone and enjoy taking in new members.
For those that have no booking booking system swindles /roll ups going out at times that other well established members know about

What do you do about new members joining in?

Is there somebody in the club responsible for introducing them/asking them to let them join in?

If not how do new members get a game?
New members are given a sheet with times, meeting places, contact numbers etc etc...
Plenty of choice if roll ups are your thing..we have 17 Monday to Saturday....
For those that have no booking booking system swindles /roll ups going out at times that other well established members know about

What do you do about new members joining in?

Is there somebody in the club responsible for introducing them/asking them to let them join in?

If not how do new members get a game?
The swindles at my club have no sway, now or when we had to have bookings due to covid regs.
Any member can play at any time, unless the tee has been specifically reserved for a very limited number of times.
New members are normally advised on things by the pro of course shop, but many a new member has been invited to play with informal groups.
Not booked...they have no right to the tee at that time and if, say, a couple of 4 balls turn up to play then the roll up has to wait.
But as we know when they go out it makes sense to avoid those times..
Yes, breeds entitlement in my opinion. Seen it at clubs before where established groups feel a given time belongs to them.
We used to use a chute, but when a neigbouring club closed and we got a large influx of players then we had to move to a booking system to avoid losing the new members.
I was against it at the start but definitely wouldn't go back. With the booking system, if I suddenly feel like a game of golf I can go on to my phone, see if there is a slot free, book it and then turn up. With a chute I've turned up and there is such a queue I've turned around and gone home.
For historic roll-ups, some people are saying avoid that time, but why should you? Everybody should have access to the club at any time if you are paying the same fees on the same membership. Lots of people want to play at specific times, Saturday mornings for example, but those times are not the God given right of specific members of the club.
We used to have a roll-up at 12:00 - 13:00 on a Saturday, and some would get upset is someone else played then as "everyone knows that's our slot". Err, no it isn't.
At our AGM, some members asked for the return of the chute, and I was one of those who stood up and said I was a convert. Having the app on the phone to be able to book with a few minutes notice is better than having a chute for me. And I know then I don't have to stand around for 30-60 minutes for the tee to clear.
I’ll admit I am surprised that this works. How few players do some of these places have that the course and first tee literally never experience crowding and can always play within 10 minutes?

Of course there’s then the cheeky devil’s advocate post - are these places relatively unsuccessful at attracting people to play there partly BECAUSE they don’t have online booking…?
I’ll admit I am surprised that this works. How few players do some of these places have that the course and first tee literally never experience crowding and can always play within 10 minutes?

Of course there’s then the cheeky devil’s advocate post - are these places relatively unsuccessful at attracting people to play there partly BECAUSE they don’t have online booking…?
We have a hybrid system as earlier mentioned, booking Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - no tee times on the rest of the week. We have had a waiting list for the past 10 years at least.

Many clubs that I can think of in the area do not have any booking and none the less are full. Again if it was a real hassle getting on to the course or you couldn't get on or if you had to wait then of course they would use online booking (they are not deliberately making getting on the course nightmare and upsetting their members) - like all clubs, due to Covid, they have experienced both systems and some have chosen, almost always via a vote, to keep no booking. If it didn't work for them they wouldn't have kept it.
I’ll admit I am surprised that this works. How few players do some of these places have that the course and first tee literally never experience crowding and can always play within 10 minutes?

Of course there’s then the cheeky devil’s advocate post - are these places relatively unsuccessful at attracting people to play there partly BECAUSE they don’t have online booking…?
The course I was a member at is full with a waiting list since covid.
Just googled to see an image of the long forgotten ball chute and one of the results was a club that appear to still use that system, here's their comprehensive chute procedure which i found a good read

Ball Chute Procedure

The 1st and the 11th tees are the only tees that can be used to start from.
All players must be ready to play and at the ball chute when ball is placed in chute,
Players are not obliged to stay around the chute. They may avail themselves of any facility at the club. However, if all the players are not there when their ball is next in line in the chute, the ball will be placed at the back of the ball queue by the marshal. If not being marshalled the ball may be moved to the back of the queue by players who already have a ball in the chute.
No other interference of balls in the chute will be permitted except with the approval of groups who already have balls in the chute.
If a player wishes to join a group who already have a ball in the chute, that player should show courtesy to the groups behind that ball by seeking their approval to join the group in question. Such approval is not required from players not at the chute at that time.
4-balls are to be encouraged wherever possible; particularly at weekends.
Any member refusing to take guidance and instruction from the marshal will be reported to the Captain’s Committee and appropriate action will be taken.
Weekend rules also apply on all Bank Holidays.
Games may start only after 09:00 from the 11th hole.
If a game is on or playing to the 10th green, that game has priority. Thereafter games must alternate.
If any published booking from the 1st, is on or playing to the 10th green, that competition/group/match has priority.
On reaching the 1st tee, players must place their ball at the back of the ball chute and wait for their turn, providing there is no official closure in operation.
No members or visitors are allowed to join other groups who have already started.

And while not switched on atm they even have a webcam pointed at the chute so you can see how many balls are in it! I guess logging on to see the webcam stream is less hassle than logging on to see a booking sheet

I suppose if that's what the club/members want then its all cool but not a system I could use
I recognise those words - I'm a member at that very club
Chute works fine for 90% of the year and never has more than 3-4 balls in it even during peak times
Where it does fail is on weekend mornings during Jan & Feb when everyone wants a game and daylight is short. The chute holds 16-18 balls. I`ve seen it full on a few occasions - that's a 2-3 hour wait!!!
I can't wait until I've got all the time in the world to play golf and turn up and see how many are hanging around in front of me. Having a young family time is always limited so I'll only ever go to a club where I can pretty much work out when I'll be home.
I can't wait until I've got all the time in the world to play golf and turn up and see how many are hanging around in front of me. Having a young family time is always limited so I'll only ever go to a club where I can pretty much work out when I'll be home.

This in abundance!

I teed off at 7.52 on Saturday morning - booked to be out early so I could get back early. I turn up 5 mins before my tee time grab my bag out of the boot and go and play.

Anything that might force me to turn up 30+ mins before to achieve the same thing is just silly to me.