Chip in's


Tour Rookie
Mar 28, 2008
Armagh, Norn Iron
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A bit similar to the eagle thread.

Do you chip in regular?

I normally attack the flag from inside 100, however, if I have a good chance of a chip in - ie within 20 yards I almost always go for it.

My best is 3 in one round, I generally have one every 4 rounds at least. Its earned me at least half of my 2's money.
I cant remember the last time i did it, so i would have to say i've never done it.
a couple of weeks ago i started going to the practice range on a sunday for a couple of hours while the breadknife has a lie in. Last sat, chipped in for a 3 on 15 and on the 18. Practice seems to work. Heres hoping i can do it when it matters in a comp!
Very rarely, a few putt ins from the fringe but not many to write home about. I did get a 2 with a 15 yard pitch a fortnight ago which even astounded myself never mind the rest of my 4 ball. I usually put a red stripe right around my ball and as a by product you can see it spinning, I hit the pitch fairly hard but on the first bounce it nearly stopped dead in the hole with the spin, it turned over and must have run up the flag around 9 inches before dropping straight back in. Ive never seen a ball run up a flagstick before.
I've had a couple. Both real pin rattlers. Would have gone miles through the green otherwise. But instead they dropped in.

Both were from about 5-10 yards off the green from the rough to save par.

:) Happy Days
Never more than 2 in a round. Ave...???....probably 1 every 5-6 games?
They are sweet though..... :), you've got to love being 2 shots better than it might have been!!! :)
Down the years I've probably had quite a few but its not something I can say is a regular occurance. I'm quite happy leaving it by the flag!
I would hope to chip/pitch in at least once in every two or three rounds. Failing that, leave them close enough for 3 - 5 one putts a round.

Unless I absolutely have to use a SW to get out of or over a greenside hazard, I will, where ever possible, use only a PW, 9I or occasionally a 7 or 8I from 100 - 1 yds in.

I admit that I've been caught up over the years in the "must have" wedges marketing hype. Bought a 60* blob wedge 3 years ago which has spent the last 2 3/4 years in my garage and last year bought a Cleveland gap wedge. Lovely club but having to take a full swing for (say) a 75 yd shot it's (I'm) nowhere as accurate as a controlled 75% swing with the PW, or, a punch and run with a 7I or 8I.
Had one a couple of weeks ago in a 4 ball match play. On the 18th, all square, my partner had a putt, three foot, to give us a birdie on the 18th. One opponent already had a 5 ( picked up ) and one 2 foot for par, I had a 20 yard chip for birdie.....with really not a lot to lose I went for went in :-) Happy Days. Great way to win the game.
Hit and miss with me, they come along and I find I get two or three withing two or three days, then they go away for a spell.

Ken-A with that level of consistancy you must have a very good chipping skill, hang onto it, its worth gold.
I wouldn't say regular but I do from time to time.

I had a great chip in yesterday on the PGA. I forget what hole it was but I over shot the green and was sat a couple of inches into the rough. I had about 10 yards down hill with a bit of right to left. I bumped the ball just into the first cut and let it run away about 9 yards. I had the right line and it had good legs on the good true green. It was only to save par though.

I thought I almost had another on the 17th exactly the same but it just slid past the left and stopped within 6 inches. Shame the cam wasn't rolling for either.
One of my best shots of the year last year. 4 ball better ball matchplay. Lining one up 3 yards off the green, looked at it and said "you know how they say on telly that they fancy this one might go in? This looks just like that" and proceeded to knock it in. I just had a feeling, and our opponents were gutted.
I had 3 in a row last week.........

It was on the chipping green next to the first tee though. ;)

I do practice them a lot, as I said we have a chipping green next to the first tee. I get my fair share of them, but as Homer said they do come in fits and starts (like waiting for a bus)
I do practice my chipping, also the GM advice of pick a landing spot and just think of that really helps.

Our club has quite small greens (and I have poor GIR stats), so you really need to try to get the ball within 2-3' all the time and the chip in is a by-product of this.