Brucellosis in Dogs


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I dont know how many on here have an imported rescue dog (ours is from Romania).
Most of you may well be aware, but there is a major concern amongst vets now that dogs coming in from Eastern Europe could be infected with or be a carrier of this disease.
Blue Cross Brucellosis in Dogs
We have been advised that many vets will now not treat dogs from Eastern Europe unless they have been tested for this disease.
We have had to do this with our boy (cost just over £100) and thankfully he has been found to be negative. If we had not done this, the vet would not have treated him. If he had proved positive, the vet would not treat him.
Just really a heads-up to anyone who has brought in a dog from Eastern Europe that you may need to go through this process as well.

Frank 1.jpg


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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What I don't understand is with so many abandoned and unwanted dogs in the uk why anyone is bringing in animals from abroad.

We do have so many unloved and unwanted dogs in our own country why we do we need to bring more in.

Just wondering as we don't want any humands coming in apprently.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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i remember ready about vets having concerns about the diseases being brought into the UK by rescue dogs. we are on a few pointer groups and they have lots of Dogs from Cyprus and the Balkans. i was under the impression to import any animal into the UK it had to have relevant health certificates and proof they are free from disease.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
What I don't understand is with so many abandoned and unwanted dogs in the uk why anyone is bringing in animals from abroad.

We do have so many unloved and unwanted dogs in our own country why we do we need to bring more in.

Just wondering as we don't want any humands coming in apprently.
At the time we were looking for a dog, trying to get one from the RSPCA or the Dogs Trust was a nightmare. This was August 2021 and there was a high demand for dogs. The Dogs Trust and RSPCA were insisting on you had to have a 6 foot fence all around which we could not meet so they would not entertain us. We have moved house to a garden that is fully enclosed and in the old house he was never allowed in the garden without a lead. Nowadays, lots of people are giving up the dogs they took on during Covid, or they can't afford the vet bills, but back then trying to get any dog was difficult. Also, we met someone who had a Romanian rescue and we saw the plight of the dogs in that country where they are basically treated as vermin so did our contribution.
i remember ready about vets having concerns about the diseases being brought into the UK by rescue dogs. we are on a few pointer groups and they have lots of Dogs from Cyprus and the Balkans. i was under the impression to import any animal into the UK it had to have relevant health certificates and proof they are free from disease.
Our dog was full vaccinated (including rabies) with a full pet passport brought in via a reputable and registered charity (Angel Watch Rescue & Rehome). They wouldn't be allowed in the country without it. However Brucellis wasn't as high profile then as it is now, and we weren't aware either. He is fully vaccinated with the booster and takes regular worming and tick treatment.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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At the time we were looking for a dog, trying to get one from the RSPCA or the Dogs Trust was a nightmare. This was August 2021 and there was a high demand for dogs. The Dogs Trust and RSPCA were insisting on you had to have a 6 foot fence all around which we could not meet so they would not entertain us. We have moved house to a garden that is fully enclosed and in the old house he was never allowed in the garden without a lead. Nowadays, lots of people are giving up the dogs they took on during Covid, or they can't afford the vet bills, but back then trying to get any dog was difficult. Also, we met someone who had a Romanian rescue and we saw the plight of the dogs in that country where they are basically treated as vermin so did our contribution.

Our dog was full vaccinated (including rabies) with a full pet passport brought in via a reputable and registered charity (Angel Watch Rescue & Rehome). They wouldn't be allowed in the country without it. However Brucellis wasn't as high profile then as it is now, and we weren't aware either. He is fully vaccinated with the booster and takes regular worming and tick treatment.
i suppose by its nature its very contagious, im not 100% on if its transferable between species, but humans and cattle get it too