Brexit - or Article 50: the Phoenix!

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I see PMQs is back to normal, a slanging match on every topic going. More heated than usual.
May behaving as if yesterday didn't happen, telling us how amazing the Consevatives are doing.:cry:
She's resilient I'll give her that.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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I see PMQs is back to normal, a slanging match on every topic going. More heated than usual.
May behaving as if yesterday didn't happen, telling us how amazing the Consevatives are doing.:cry:
She's resilient I'll give her that.

The whole day will be like that i.e. 7hrs of whoever fancies it giving the government a kicking before a pointless vote that everyone knows the result of before it takes place, and another day wasted as we move ever closer to the 29th March...

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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I see PMQs is back to normal, a slanging match on every topic going. More heated than usual.
May behaving as if yesterday didn't happen, telling us how amazing the Consevatives are doing.:cry:
She's resilient I'll give her that.

Yes, I was hoping for a bit more conciliation in the circumstances where all parties are supposed to be working together. But it's clear Corbyn just wants another general election. Christ what a shower of .....

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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That's right, however playing the general public against each other, specially on this topic is dodgy ground for any political party is it not. Its already been suggested that any future referendum could mean the end of democracy in this country, ie a good majority of the population becoming even more dismayed with the political set up.
There's already enough division as it is without causing further damage.
I heard a political analyst say a few months ago, any party who calls for another referendum would be committing political suicide. Is that really just as true today?

Whilst I can completely understand why people would not want a second vote, I think 'end of democracy' is stretching it a bit. And I suppose that the vast majority of the population are already dismayed with the political set up and so divided so some may say, how worse can it possibly get. Trouble is that I fear we are about to find out whatever happens.

As for a party committing political suicide then it depends on the current feeling in the country. Normally I'd agree it would be that, but if the only other option is a no deal then I'm not sure it would be viewed as such by so many.

Deleted Member 1156

Yes, I was hoping for a bit more conciliation in the circumstances where all parties are supposed to be working together. But it's clear Corbyn just wants another general election. Christ what a shower of .....
Yes indeed, at a time when the country (Parliament) needs to work together to get the best possible outcome all they can still do is squabble and go for petty points scoring. The whole lot of them should be ashamed!

Deleted member 18121

Whilst I can completely understand why people would not want a second vote, I think 'end of democracy' is stretching it a bit.

I dont think its a stretch at is the process at every general election the nation has a vote and that is adhered to, if they wont deliver on that then whats the point in voting at all?

I've said it a few times now, if it does go to a 2nd vote I will vote leave again (because this is too important not to), then I will never vote again in my life.

if 2nd Ref results in

Remain: That will be decisive and that is the end of the matter

Leave: You thick old people didnt know what you voted for, Gina Miller will be back in Court and repeat last 2 years

....... see what's going on?

genuinely interested in this. Some polls I've seen show that leave would now command closer to 57% of the vote....if that is the case, then what.


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Apr 3, 2014
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Yes indeed, at a time when the country (Parliament) needs to work together to get the best possible outcome all they can still do is squabble and go for petty points scoring. The whole lot of them should be ashamed!

Yes indeed , it would be nice and refreshing if a few constituents watched their MP behaving like a child then called him or her to remind that he represents them , their ward and indeed their town \city whatever and he\she had better start growing up or come the next GE he may be kicked off the gravy train , perhaps then we may get some dignity back in the chamber. Time to put national interest before self interest ,,,,,

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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if 2nd Ref results in

Remain: That will be decisive and that is the end of the matter

Leave: You thick old people didnt know what you voted for, Gina Miller will be back in Court and repeat last 2 years

....... see what's going on?

I would probably argue that if the question put before the public was a choice between no deal or remain, then there would be little chance for anyone to claim they did not know what they were voting for. And as such, whilst there will always be those that will sulk as they did not get their way, both sides would accept that is what the public specifically want.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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I would probably argue that if the question put before the public was a choice between no deal or remain, then there would be little chance for anyone to claim they did not know what they were voting for. And as such, whilst there will always be those that will sulk as they did not get their way, both sides would accept that is what the public specifically want.

A loaded question. Would potentially force the leave voters to modify their views whereas the remainers could stick as before.

Deleted member 15344

So there is no majority for Mays deal and there is no majority for a no Deal according to reports - so what the hell have they been doing for 2 years

Corbyn and his cronies are not going to support the government regardless because they are using it to try and get into power - totally disgraceful putting their own needs in front of the general public

It’s time for them to grow up - form a cross party commission , include business leaders , general public etc etc the head of departments and get this pile of 💩 sorted for the good of the public - their priority should be the best interests of the residents on the UK - all of them not just people who voted to leave


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I would probably argue that if the question put before the public was a choice between no deal or remain, then there would be little chance for anyone to claim they did not know what they were voting for. And as such, whilst there will always be those that will sulk as they did not get their way, both sides would accept that is what the public specifically want.

I guess the point I was making is that no "Leave" outcome will ever result in the Federalists packing in and accepting the outcome.

If you start with a trading cooperative and wilfully morph it in to a Federal Country purely by stealth, why would they suddenly start recognising the plebs voting on it?

Come on Italy... we need you to kick off now!


Q-School Graduate
Oct 30, 2011
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Lol, what exactly else is Corbyn going to do? Bit naive to suggest that he's not going to use the largest defeat of a Government ever to attempt to win an election.

MPs would only approve a Norway style Brexit, which although seemed good enough for Farage pre-referendum, would now be claimed to not respect the will of the people by dictator May. No other deal would command the majority of MPs, and I don't think any deal at all would satisfy the public.

Can't see it being settled any other way than a No Deal vs. Remain public vote, to provide a mandate for a specific action. What a barrel of fun that would be.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Yes indeed.... he had to do it.

And your Referendum Questions are interesting too... I am sure if that was on the table early on, the EU would budge, they stand to risk lots of revenue if we got to WTO. If the first Ref had been done one that basis and "Leave" won... would have Remain accepted it? Not a chance!
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