Fallacy or Fact

People all over the golfing world refer to "The Open Championship" as "The British Open".

I believe the above is a statement of fact.

How is "lieutenant" pronounced?
That can't be true coz Fragger is the luckiest git in the golfing world and he's never practiced a day in his life......
Ah…rather guessed that Player spoke a load of tosh much of the time.

And likewise…my bestie golf buddy from back in the day reckoned I was dead lucky - and I did nothing vaguely approaching practice…maybe I just always aimed for the gap in the cross hedge and he didn’t 🤣
Who on earth would believe that?
I think there is an element of truth in the saying in as much as of you hit a ball without side spin you don't get nearly as much effect from the wind.
(And for the pedants, I know that strictly speaking you don't get side spin just a tilted spin vector but.most people understand what is meant )
No it doesnt, just means you dont use a handicap system to decide the winners
Yes it's does, because everyone factors in their handicaps after they have played to determine the winner. Those on high handicaps are on them for a reason and will have no chance of winning and therefore won't bother entering any comp that involves handing over money to a winner.
When it comes to top spin, back spin, side spin I use snooker as as my guide.

If you can do it to a snooker ball why cannot you do it to a golf ball?

Unfortunately the rules of golf forbid the John Spencer shot, holding the club like a cue and striking the ball with the butt end.