Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
No sorry to disappoint ?
Only leaving this because I see the mods are mounting their horses.
I'm sure it is. I'm also sure it's terrifying to see a line of horses charging at you. And I'm sure it's not a lot of fun for the horses either. I still haven't seen what "significant disorder" provoked that charge. Maybe there was something to make that a proportionate response, maybe not.
I don't want to get into an argument with someone who clearly has an axe to grind. So if you can't drop it and move on at least stop getting personal about it.
All society can do is make the same opportunities in life available to everyone. It's then up to the individual to make the best of those opportunities. The important question to ask ourselves is 'are we making these opportunities available to everyone'. if the answer is 'yes' then we can do no more, if 'no' then we need to change.
Sorry, I thought a little more and have expanded my answerNo, you posed a question..
I was wondering what you thought the answer to that question is.
Please read my further post. Although I cannot see what's difficult to understand from the post you quoted.I have read the post a number of times and I’m struggling to see the link between it and the current issue with racism and treating people differently based on their colour
Yes equal opportunities should always be there but what’s the connection to that and how the every man on the street or people in power act towards people of a different colour ?
No sorry to disappoint ?
Please read my further post. Although I cannot see what's difficult to understand from the post you quoted.
Maybe you can answer the question.
The horse bolted, Police horses dont bolt for nothing.The police officer fell off her horse after she rode head first into a set of traffic lights. She did not fall off as a direct result of anything being thrown at the police or horses.
The police officer fell off her horse after she rode head first into a set of traffic lights. She did not fall off as a direct result of anything being thrown at the police or horses.
I thought the subject was about Black Lives Mattering, that's what my post is aimed at. You may think it's all about racism, I have tried to look at why there is unrest in certain communities and what causes it, you are looking for a finger pointing excersise.Read it and it seems to be focusing on education and family break ups in regards Black people but again I can’t see the link to racism from others
Some very successful black people have been subjected to racism , high profile sports stars , music , film etc
Racism exists in all walks of life regardless of education , wealth , family life , upbringing
I see equal opportunities as a small part of how we treat people the same
The police officer fell off her horse after she rode head first into a set of traffic lights. She did not fall off as a direct result of anything being thrown at the police or horses.
I thought the subject was about Black Lives Mattering, that's what my post is aimed at. You may think it's all about racism, I have tried to look at why there is unrest in certain communities and what causes it, you are looking for a finger pointing excersise.
The horse bolted, Police horses dont bolt for nothing.
Tashyboy would say otherwise!I don’t believe it was a charge in the video where the rider fell off - the horse bolted when a child’s bike was thrown at it spooking it , unless I’m mistaken the police don’t ever do a horse charge at crowds ?
The police officer fell off her horse after she rode head first into a set of traffic lights. She did not fall off as a direct result of anything being thrown at the police or horses.
Some outlets (IE Mail and Sun) have posted photos of someone rolling a bike towards a completely different horse and police officer. There is no evidence to show what caused the horse to ride into the traffic light or whether it bolted before or after the rider came off.
I don't agree with this violent protest, but it's important to get the story right when the outlets that openly support racism are trying to do down anti racists by posting fabricated versions of what happened.
I am reluctant to weigh in on that since it appears there was a stooshie last night and someone banned for suggesting the police shouldn't be charging horses into groups of protesters. Suffice to say it looks like the response to protests about police brutality has been more police brutality. The world over.