Best Movie One Liners

“It hardly does you credit Lockhart, when the First Lieutenant’s in pain, how can You laugh at anything else”
The Cruel Sea

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse “
The Godfather

“I speak German. Perfect “
The Guns of Navarone
A favourite of mine from a favourite movie

”There are 20 million women in this island and I have to be chained to you”

Anyone able to identify this … spoken in an iconic moment of a classic movie.
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From the film No Country for Old Men

“It's a mess, ain't it Sheriff?"
"If it ain't, it'll do till a mess gets here.”

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"You are nothing but a loose lush Lucille"

From Peter Jacksons film Meet The Feebles....words spoken by Robert (a Hedgehog with a lisp) to Lucille (a Poodle) after finding her seemingly blind drunk (actually having been drugged by Trevor - a porn movie producing Rat).