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So, you're answer to my non "grown up" question is forced adoption? Let me reiterate, as the first 2 times were obviously a little too subtle. How would you deal with families who, in your opinion, had too many children. How would you ensure that children did not suffer for the profligacy of the parents. Who exactly would you hold responsible.
Also, how would you decide who would suffer least from your suggested cuts. Would you means test all families. Would you check that these families had not fallen on hard times due to circumstances beyond their control. OR, would you assume, as you appeared to have done in the statement above, that all families existing on the breadline are somehow predisposed to sociopathic behaviour a la the baby P and the Shannon Marthews cases.
As an addendum to the questions above, I should state that we have 2 children. We stopped at 2 as that is the number we could comfortably afford. I do agree that there is now a culture of state dependency. That the family unit has broken down. It does annoy me when I see (rarely) the number of people who brazenly abuse the system with no intention of ever contributing to it. BUT, that abuse is a small price to pay for the help that is given to the much bigger number of honest people who have fallen on hard times, through no fault of their own, and need a temporary hand. I'm proud of our imperfect social model. I believe that it tries to do a worthy job. Coupled with the NHS, I believe that it is something that should be allowed to evolve naturally into a less imperfect model. Rather than be knee jerked into oblivion by intelligent people who react to sensationalist media muckstorms.
Rant over, so I'm going to pour a glass of Powers Irish Whiskey and watch the walking dead.
good post