Bearsted Golf Club


Journeyman Pro
Aug 24, 2007
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My club has a variable annual sub, so it renews 12 months from the date you pay when joining. For most it's the 1st of April as that was the date it was before they changed the rule, and it was done to equal out the cashflow across the year. Because so many didnt renew because of lockdown they allowed members to renew from the date they rejoined so, in effect, they got the lockdown period for free unlike those who had paid prior to lockdown

So your still paying for 12 months golf from date you make payment whether it’s 1st March or 17th August! Which is the clubs choice and if it suits them then that’s great but they should not be asked for a refund if you injure yourself or take sick and are unable to play through no doing of the club!

You pay your subs in advance to have access to the course, practice facilities and clubhouse for the next 12 months and the club is (apart from lockdown which is out of their hands) providing that access so why should they refund you for a service they are still providing?

Your making the choice not to use it!! yes I know illness/injury/lockdown isn’t a choice but the club are keeping their part of the deal, your just not availing of it. Not their problem


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The v

The club, like a few in our area did, should have stated if subs weren’t paid within 7-days of the renewal date, you have effectively left the club and will need to reapply, which will include an interview and a joining fee with no guarantee that you’ll be accepted.

They did, but when it's about 100 people we couldn't afford to lose members by being awkward


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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So your still paying for 12 months golf from date you make payment whether it’s 1st March or 17th August! Which is the clubs choice and if it suits them then that’s great but they should not be asked for a refund if you injure yourself or take sick and are unable to play through no doing of the club!

You pay your subs in advance to have access to the course, practice facilities and clubhouse for the next 12 months and the club is (apart from lockdown which is out of their hands) providing that access so why should they refund you for a service they are still providing?

Your making the choice not to use it!! yes I know illness/injury/lockdown isn’t a choice but the club are keeping their part of the deal, your just not availing of it. Not their problem
Are you sure?

Some 300 members paid and in advance, then a couple of weeks later couldn't play, practice or use the clubhouse for about 3 months and 100 members didn't pay on time and didnt lose any money at all - not exactly fair I'd say, but i do believe some deal will be done in due course. Of course all of the members are in the same boat with the current lockdown


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Okay, as you ask so nicely........

As a very young in service beat bobby in the early 90’s I had a primary school on my beat. A very disruptive 10 year old got excluded for the umpteenth time for assaulting a teacher, and the lads father took it upon himself to protest at the exclusion by taking the lad into class and also sitting in himself, ranting and raving. Yours truly got sent to sort it out.

The lad was already known to the education authority and Social Services, and on my arrival both he and his dad were causing a bit of a scene. To cut a long story short, using the sort of negotiation skills generally only seen when aircraft are taken hostage by international terrorists (?) I managed to persuade the dad that his protest, in front of a class of 10 year olds, was no way to resolve the crisis. Both of them left under their own steam perfectly peaceably.

The following evening the local paper carried the front page headline “Police officer throws child out of local primary school”, with a photo of the lad gazing mournfully out of his bedroom window. The accompanying story left the reader in no doubt I had got hands-on with this boy and dragged him from the classroom.

Of course, the locals all knew I was the beat bobby, and the grief I got was unbelievable. The paper had made no contact with the school, and certainly not with the cops, in order to sanity check the accuracy of the story.

So, with the agreement of my shift inspector, I paid a visit to the news editor and had, ahem, a word. I got an apology of sorts and a promise of his help in future if ever I needed it. But no update on the story was ever printed and, of course, it was never likely. The paper in question was as anti-police as the good old Daily Mail so accuracy when reporting a story like that did not suit the narrative.

Returning to the OP’s post, I still maintain there is more to this than meets the eye. And I very much doubt the other side of the story will ever see the light of day. The scandal, if that’s what you can call it, has been printed and done it’s job. If we’re looking at the article and talking about it, so are others.

Click bait. Pure and simple.
Imagine a parent getting into a classroom now.
He would be arrested and rightly so.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I have my own golf insurance and it covers this scenario.
I would be surprised if most serious golfers don’t have some considering the price to replace stolen clubs etc.
Most people go to the press when they don’t get a satisfactory answer.
So would be interesting to hear what the club has to say.
It’s a dilemma that’s hard to deal with.
It always looks bad arguing with a terminally ill person.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Having had the "pleasure" of being in the company of James Jordan at a golf event he is definitely an acquired taste. That said, I can see this from both sides and I get his frustrations with the club but don't think running to the press is going to assist his case. On the other side, I think the club have backed themselves into a corner by rigidly hiding behind "rule 17". I think as a business they could have turned this into a PR success by making an exception. Of course you could argue that it would open floodgates but I would say a terminal tumour means there is no chance of Jordan senior ever playing again and if you debate each case ongoing fairly and equally then you can still control it


Journeyman Pro
Feb 22, 2012
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I’m on the side of the club here, where do you draw the line in refunding subs? You do it for one in a situation like this and we all know there will be a queue of people asking for refunds for every illness/injury that causes some time missed from playing golf.

On another note, it’s quoted in the article that the money was to be used for alternative treatment not available on the NHS. It also mentions the fees at £2500.

According to google and the relevant websites James Jordan is worth approximately £1.5 million so why on earth is he making a fuss over £2.5k when we are talking about his fathers health and well-being?

Maybe take a look in the mirror Mr Jordan and ask yourself is this really about your father or is it more about you getting a bit of media attention?

Hang on a moment, you’re talking about a person that has found out that his dad is dying. To suggest that he’s trying to benefit from that by going to the local rag with a story about a golf club is pretty outrageous.

I sincerely hope that you are not right.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I’m on the side of the club here, where do you draw the line in refunding subs? You do it for one in a situation like this and we all know there will be a queue of people asking for refunds for every illness/injury that causes some time missed from playing golf.

On another note, it’s quoted in the article that the money was to be used for alternative treatment not available on the NHS. It also mentions the fees at £2500.

According to google and the relevant websites James Jordan is worth approximately £1.5 million so why on earth is he making a fuss over £2.5k when we are talking about his fathers health and well-being?

Maybe take a look in the mirror Mr Jordan and ask yourself is this really about your father or is it more about you getting a bit of media attention?

Based on what; the somewhat inflated property values in the South of England or cash in the bank? I'm sure that there would be a number of people on here whose net worth could give Mr. Jordan a run for his money, but they doesn't mean they can afford to wave goodbye to £2,500.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I find it quite shocking that people side with the club (if the article is factual). A man is terminally ill and can't play. Only golf has this problem. In all other sports and hobbies I've been involved in the outcome would be very different. God forbid they offer help and assistance to a valued member who's about to die!!!!!! "Nah, let's keep his money he won't be needing it where he's going. We'll spend his money on some more blazers for past captains"


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Full membership at this club is a shade under £1300 a year, senior rates doubtless rather less, so where has James Jordan plucked the figure of £2500 from?

If Jordan is really quibbling over less than £1300 there has got to be more to this story. We’re all commenting, myself included, without knowing all the facts.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Full membership at this club is a shade under £1300 a year, senior rates doubtless rather less, so where has James Jordan plucked the figure of £2500 from?

If Jordan is really quibbling over less than £1300 there has got to be more to this story. We’re all commenting, myself included, without knowing all the facts.

It will be for his mother, who no doubt isnt going to play with his dad being so terminally ill.


Club Champion
Nov 24, 2012
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File this with ‘wearing a hoodie’ for yet another reason why some golf clubs still appear to be in the 1970’s.
“We put it to the committee”, why? There should be no question about giving the man a refund.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Full membership at this club is a shade under £1300 a year, senior rates doubtless rather less, so where has James Jordan plucked the figure of £2500 from?

If Jordan is really quibbling over less than £1300 there has got to be more to this story. We’re all commenting, myself included, without knowing all the facts.

Probably the cost of both memberships

Hmmm. Even the article suggests she was still playing whilst her husband was in hospital.

Why not. If he is in hospital for several days at a time having treatment and with Covid restrictions on visiting why not have a game of golf with her friends and take her mind off it for a few hours

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Probably the cost of both memberships

Why not. If he is in hospital for several days at a time having treatment and with Covid restrictions on visiting why not have a game of golf with her friends and take her mind off it for a few hours

Because she appears to be claiming her subs back because she says she can't play. Either get the subs refund & leave or remain a member & play, but not both.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Why not. If he is in hospital for several days at a time having treatment and with Covid restrictions on visiting why not have a game of golf with her friends and take her mind off it for a few hours

I agree 100%. But the suggestion to me was that the £2500 refund covered the subs of husband and wife because neither were going to be using the club’s facilities.