

Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Well, obviously you don’t step on their line, and you are given hints and tips in the course to help you with that

Jamie was very specific about these matters but, in any event, common sense would apply surely. Having said that I've had many a person not doing Aimpoint walk (inadvertently) on my line.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 25, 2015
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I don’t use aimpoint, but I have taken on the straddling of the line on greens that I’m unsure if there is any slope at all, so when I straddle the line it won’t be on a putt that has a large break. Hence I’m confident I’m not treading on my line. If there is a big slope it’s so blooming obvious there is no need to straddle.


Jul 13, 2015
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Each to their own but if you can't read a green or judge pace then walking and straddling it isn't going to suddenly make you a genius on the greens

Game is slow enough without amateur golfers doing g this nonsense on every green during a medal.

Deleted member 1418

Each to their own but if you can't read a green or judge pace then walking and straddling it isn't going to suddenly make you a genius on the greens

Game is slow enough without amateur golfers doing g this nonsense on every green during a medal.

Yep - with you totally on that one. From what I've seen from a number of videos, I just can't see how this doesn't add to the pace of play.

Deleted member 15717

Yep - with you totally on that one. From what I've seen from a number of videos, I just can't see how this doesn't add to the pace of play.

Because the intelligent golfers use it when others are wandering around their putts, so when they get over their own putt, they know the read already. It adds no extra time at all against those who walk around and want to view a putt from both sides. Can read a 6ft putt in seconds

Deleted member 1418

Because the intelligent golfers use it when others are wandering around their putts, so when they get over their own putt, they know the read already. It adds no extra time at all against those who walk around and want to view a putt from both sides. Can read a 6ft putt in seconds

What about if I'm lining up my putt from one side of the whole; and someone using Aimpoint is directly opposite me on the other side of the hole and I'm first to play. I reckon I take no more than 15 seconds to read my putt and hit it by the time I get to my ball. Surely then the player using Aimpoint is going to slow our group down by then having to go through all the routine when it's their turn to putt?

Not wanting to create an issue out of it but seems to me that it's far longer than my more 'traditional' method.

Deleted member 1418

Forgot to add that if anyone cannot read a 6ft putt in seconds anyway should probably take up another game and give golf a miss!!!! 😉😂😂😂


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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I couldn’t be doing with it myself if being honest. But each to their own and Golf is such a psychologically driven game that I imagine those who do have faith in Aimpoint get a positive benefit from it.

But would add if it’s a silver bullet to putting excellence then why don’t more Tour guys and girls use it?


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Used it for years, doesn’t add any time to any other green reading technique unless you don’t aim at all or want to get the ball in the hole.

I’m usually waiting for others as people seem to mark their ball and walk away from it. Where as I’ve walked to my ball got a quick reading on the way, marked and lined up.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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The only time I have penalised a player for a time penalty on the green was a junior international using aimpoint. He was penalised under the relatively new 'warningless' PoP CoC limit of 60 seconds.

However, he did wander around the hole also.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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Used it for years, doesn’t add any time to any other green reading technique unless you don’t aim at all or want to get the ball in the hole.

I’m usually waiting for others as people seem to mark their ball and walk away from it. Where as I’ve walked to my ball got a quick reading on the way, marked and lined up.

+1, half the lot I play with do that plumb bobbing thing and take at least twice as long and then miss.

Deleted member 15717

Used it for years, doesn’t add any time to any other green reading technique unless you don’t aim at all or want to get the ball in the hole.

I’m usually waiting for others as people seem to mark their ball and walk away from it. Where as I’ve walked to my ball got a quick reading on the way, marked and lined up.

This....but some people refuse to believe it is quick


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Because the intelligent golfers use it when others are wandering around their putts, so when they get over their own putt, they know the read already. It adds no extra time at all against those who walk around and want to view a putt from both sides. Can read a 6ft putt in seconds

This but as so often with Aimpoint conversations, the ones that have never tried it are the most vocal on why it doesn't work. I have no issue with those that don't want to try it. It's the same with any technique but I wouldn't knock it if I haven't tried it. Pace of play is not an issue and I can make a solid read in 10 seconds and usually do so while others are getting ready to putt.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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This but as so often with Aimpoint conversations, the ones that have never tried it are the most vocal on why it doesn't work. I have no issue with those that don't want to try it. It's the same with any technique but I wouldn't knock it if I haven't tried it. Pace of play is not an issue and I can make a solid read in 10 seconds and usually do so while others are getting ready to putt.



Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Used it for years, doesn’t add any time to any other green reading technique unless you don’t aim at all or want to get the ball in the hole.

I’m usually waiting for others as people seem to mark their ball and walk away from it. Where as I’ve walked to my ball got a quick reading on the way, marked and lined up.



Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Very few players at mine use Aimpoint and none of them are going to putt inside of 15 seconds unless they are just tapping in a lagged putt

This thread will go one for several more pages with the nay sayers being more vocal than the Aimpointers if anyone doesn't want anything to do with it - don't bother with it, but don't make out that, in itself, it slows down play there are plenty of guys who look at each putt from all 4 corners, walk all round the green etc etc but they're ok cos they can sight read putt lines and still miss if tour players only make about 48% of putts from 10 foot then us mere mortals on our greens aren't making anywhere near that no matter if you use Aimpoint or not


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Very few players at mine use Aimpoint and none of them are going to putt inside of 15 seconds unless they are just tapping in a lagged putt

This thread will go one for several more pages with the nay sayers being more vocal than the Aimpointers if anyone doesn't want anything to do with it - don't bother with it, but don't make out that, in itself, it slows down play there are plenty of guys who look at each putt from all 4 corners, walk all round the green etc etc but they're ok cos they can sight read putt lines and still miss if tour players only make about 48% of putts from 10 foot then us mere mortals on our greens aren't making anywhere near that no matter if you use Aimpoint or not

So true.