Your Strangest member

shivas irons

Dec 26, 2011
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Got me thinking about starting this thread after a post I made on another thread.Ok every clubs got one or two :D and mentioning no names your strangest member past or present.
For me;
There was a chap at a club I was a member of for many years,he would be first on the course in the morning and play 9 holes every single day of the year alone,he didnt want to join a group when asked on course and never went in the clubhouse or pro shop,never played comps or had another social involvement with the club at all.He must have done this for 20 yrs and then just dissapeared :eek:.
No word of a lie,a high profile convicted murderer used to tee it up where I once played :eek:oo::eek:oo:.


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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We had a guy that we always referred to as 'Lemon Man', he was bit of an oddball with little social skill's, if you tried to chat with him he would mutter something and scurry off, I never played with him but we were often playing before or after him, he was always yards behind his PP's and always left things in the most awkward places despite his PP's having a word. Havn't seen him for years now.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Couldnt say he was strange, but he is certainly unique. When I won captains day he helped me with my speech. He is a true eccentric gent. His command of the queens English and pronunciation is just amazing. Even better to listen to when he has had a whisky. I was fortunate to listen to him one day when he was helping himself quite generously to the bottle on the bar when someone had shot an hole in one. He and his wife were stalwarts of the club from day one but unfortunately his wife passed away a couple of years ago and I have not seen much of him this last couple of years.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have "the colonel" True eccentric who has entered the clubhouse via the patio windows, had coat hangers left deliberately in jackets and had odd pairs of shoes. Lovely man, well into his 80's and a man who brightens a room when he comes in


Club Champion
Mar 30, 2016
New Zealand
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Maybe not properly eccentric, but there's an older Asian (Chinese) woman who plays almost every day at one of the courses I use regularly. She usually turns up very late in the day, plays alone, and plays quicker than any person I've ever seen. Including the speed golfers.

Seriously, she just doesn't wait. Ever. If you're on the tee, she'll just tee up beside you and hit in her own time. Without saying a thing. If you're on the fairway, same. The only time she'll wait is if you're putting when she gets to the green (she will have hit into the green even if you're there). Then she just hovers, glaring at you, until the moment your ball goes down. She usually takes her first putt before the pin is back in..

It's like watching a hand-cranked silent movie. Walking super-quickly, stopping just long enough to pull a club and work out whether she needs to hit around or over whoever's in front. As far as I can tell, she's never hit anyone. Just hits around them.

Probably clears 9 holes in 40 mins or so, and 18 in an hour and a half.

Impressive but odd.


Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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We have a guy who played 36 holes a day on his own. Even goes out Saturday mornings behind numerous four-balls and just waits his turn. He's played the odd comp off around 13, scored terribly and just carries on with his own little routine.

As all have said before, each of their own. It is what makes golf great that people can play the game for their own motives, goals and enjoyment.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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There's a bloke at my place keeps talking about some shyte in the TV called game of drones and how brilliant it is and all those dragons and things. We all try and swap cards before swindle tees off so we don't have to go round listening to it

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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I ain't got enough fingers and toes to be able to keep count, there are the odd one or two in particular but for the most there's an awful lot at our place...

One chap in particular has a habit of tagging on behind the last group off in the comp (it was me and a mates turn last night) and then pesters the crap outta you all the way around and refuses to go through when invited to do so as "you're in the comp" last night he bugged the shyte out of us for the first 4 holes and then my mate lost his cool a touch and asked him out right if he intended on 'dragging our arses all the way round' at which point he pealed off and disappeared down the first again, we'll see if he took the hint long term or not...

shivas irons

Dec 26, 2011
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We have "the colonel" True eccentric who has entered the clubhouse via the patio windows, had coat hangers left deliberately in jackets and had odd pairs of shoes. Lovely man, well into his 80's and a man who brightens a room when he comes in

There was a guy like this at our club,a former ww2 spitfire pilot who always had a few stories to tell,a charming true gent but with a firey temper to match,apparently he does frequent the bar at another club down the road from my place and is still going strong well into his 90's!.
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Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
We had this one guy who was in early retirement. He showed up on the course every day, always on his own, trying to find people who would play with him. He was nice, but a talker. Like it was totally impossible for him to shut up. Ever. No matter if you were on the tee or trying to putt, he would just babble on. It was quite annoying and let to people avoiding bumping into him on the way to the first tee, because they did not want to take him along. I played with him a few times last year, because I did not have the heart to say no. And as I said, he was actually a nice guy. Just incorrigable on the talking thing. I haven't seen him around this year at all, so I am assuming he changed to another golf club.

Deleted member 18121

At a previous club we had a member who didn't stand still the whole time you were playing....he'd sort of "paddle" like a duck with his feet continuously, during putts, tee shots, everything. Also when he hit the ball he'd grab his trolley at the end of his swing and start walking off down the fairway before he'd even put his club away.

It drove me insane and I only played with him once.