Your choice Forum 3 or 4 ball

Count myself lucky to have played with Rick many times , great fun on the course
I never got to play golf with Rick, but he and I went thirds on a 3 for 2 offer in a pro shop. He chose some very loud trousers but a plain-ish shirt, which seemed to be in character from what I understand?
One of the nicest people I've ever met.
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I never got to play golf with Rick, but he and I went thirds on a 2 for 3 offer in a pro shop. He chose some very loud trousers but a plain-ish shirt, which seemed to be in character from what I understand?
One of the nicest people I've ever met.
I took his place at Forest Pines when he had to pull out of the Old Farts v Whippersnappers meet some years back now!
My first choice would be a repeat of a 4x ball I played in at Hillside. @upsidedown @pokerjoke and RickG. That was a special day.

But there’s so many to choose from. @Blue in Munich who it was great to see lurking yesterday, @chrisd and @richart

Then there’s so many from the northern boys I’ve played with like Kraxx, Khamelion and Kellfire, who was very feisty on here but cracking company in real life. I’d add @moogie @Lord Tyrion and @Beezerk

I had a few trips up to Scotland, and played with the guys up there, and I’d have to include @williamalex1 and Dave the social worker whose forum name I can’t quite remember. Edit, it only took 24hrs to find the right brain cell - @virtuocity

To be honest, if it was going to be a day to remember it would have to be a forum meet, not just a 4x ball. I could add another 20 names without even trying.
You've nailed it again Brian, although this is a golf forum, it's not just all about golf.
Abilities diminish as years go by but you can't beat meeting great personalities, conversation, banter.
Being a tad geographically detached from the forum (which kinda leads to other detachments, meets, weather kinship etc) just pull three names out a hat and that'll do me fine for a 4-ball (y)
I managed to pip Rick twice in GM meets on countback and he always vowed he'd get his revenge but sadly we never got the opportunity to have another game. Whenever he was at a GM meet the room was alive with laughter and at the centre of the noise would be Rick.
Only had the pleasure of playing with richart on the forum but would love to have a game with the following;

All the Liverpool lads on OOB, Oriku, fundy, Homer, Mel Smooth, Tashy, Swango, Billysboots, Ian M (Aldersh*t fan), Lord Tyrion, Kellfire (anyone know if he's still around?), Slime and KenL. Also shout out to Ethan who has left the forum I think?
3 or 4 ball is too hard …..

2 x Scottish 4 balls….. Madandra, Birdieman , John Findlay, Atticus Finch, IanG, Toad, Craw and me

Or anyone from the old NW crew……

NWJocko, Qwerty, Bluewolf, StuC, Liverbirdie, Tuggles, Birchy, Huds, Karl102, Val, GaryinDerry

Good times.