Why do you enter competitions?


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
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With all comps being swept up by 28 😬😉cappers why do we still enter ?

Foremost for me is I like playing golf with my friends ! 😂
Many of ours are drawn so it's a good way for new members to meet others .
Who doesnt like winning a few quid to spend in the pro shop every now and again.
It brings money in to the club via the bar .
It does also add a little edge to a round as well I guess.
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Because people would moan if all 20 of my counting scores were from GP cards..
I put in a lot of cards per year, over 100.
Normally play 15-20 comps - as a club we're not heavy on comps, even in the summer.
I feel I play the same regardless of whether it's a ckmp or not....I'm trying to make the best score I can and beat whoever I'm playing with as well...
Winnings go into the Pro shop and in the past I've always struggled to use them....new Prk shop from next month with, probably, more "useful" stuff available.
On the whole, though, I wouldn't be unhappy if there were no comps.
There's enough competitive edge amongst those I play with..
Because people would moan if all 20 of my counting scores were from GP cards..
I put in a lot of cards per year, over 100.
Normally play 15-20 comps - as a club we're not heavy on comps, even in the summer.
I feel I play the same regardless of whether it's a ckmp or not....I'm trying to make the best score I can and beat whoever I'm playing with as well...
Winnings go into the Pro shop and in the past I've always struggled to use them....new Prk shop from next month with, probably, more "useful" stuff available.
On the whole, though, I wouldn't be unhappy if there were no comps.
There's enough competitive edge amongst those I play with..
I try to put all gp rounds in too, but I'd miss the medals and stuff if we didn't have them
  1. If I didn’t it limits my opportunity to play at weekends
  2. I like to play with a card in my hand, we usually play match play formats outside of comp golf
  3. I like winning
I was a member of a links course many years ago which shall remain nameless (Jn 21 M5) and I had 2 issues.
1. No gross prize or divisions, just 6 nett prizes
2. Because some of the greens were 30-40yards front to back I asked the captain if those little flags could be attached to the flag sticks...
low down for flag at front and high up for flag at the back.
His answer was "I'm just glad if I hit the green".
So after playing one of the best rounds of my life in cold blustery conditions and getting nothing in return, I decided not to play any more medals and I never did
I mostly play comps because it's the only way to get a decent tee time on those days.
It also maintains my handicap because I don't score GP rounds with mates; those rounds are just for laughs and my HI would go up if I scored them because I don't try hard enough.
I actually play better golf with a scorecard in my hand but enjoy it less.
I like drawn competitions ,concentrate better in comps and try to keep my handicap up to date as I don't believe in GP cards for myself.
The challenge, plus I tend to try harder and longer in a comp.

In a non-comp round I can start messing around after a couple of bad holes but in a comp I'll try and stay focussed.
I like the competitive aspect of comps, we don’t have that many.

I like that the weekend comps (once a month generally) are drawn and I get to play with different people.

I like to enter opens to enjoy other courses.

I don’t enter to win. Been at my club 16 years, never won a comp (close plenty times). Been entering opens since about 2000, never won but have had a few prizes.
Because it’s part of being a member of a Golf Club, the income from Comps helps the Team, puts on a Captain’s Day, and whoever plays well and wins gets a small financial reward and a nice little memento on Prize giving night (if they win a board comp).

For myself I like to be competitive and test myself against the course, playing with a mate in Team Comps and hopefully get better and reduce my handicap.

Don’t care if a + Golfer or a High Handicapper wins, there’s nothing they can do to affect my game.
I play a variety of matchplay formats with my mates and in the knockouts, so it's nice to change it up every now and then and do a little medal.
It's the format that doesn't lie about the state of my game.
I used to play in comps just because I enjoy them for comps sakes.
Some I went in for the Kudos of having my name on a trophy or board on the club wall.

There was time when I enjoyed the money as well but these days there is nothing I want or need for relating to golf so have stopped playing in them in except for Saturdays in summer when it is the only way to get a game ay my preferred time.

At least when we do play we have divisions so no complaints about high handicappers winning everything.
It’s the main reason why I joined a club 5-6 years ago. I used to play football, that got the competitive juices flowing, and it’s the same with playing in comps. I enjoy the challenge, the chance of maybe winning a few quid and getting my name mentioned, but it’s more about the endeavour to get there, and so I don’t get down if I don’t win/top 3.

My aim is to get my handicap down as low as possible and be the best I can be at golf. 48 this year so time isn’t in my side, but it’s what pushes me to get out of bed on a rainy weekend!

When I play a social round with nothing on it I’m usually poor. And if I play on my own I’m worse than poor. No idea why!
Because they are on.
We have no tee times, or having to book to play a medal (which is the last weekened of every month).
Plus numerous other comps put on over the years weekends.