Anyone's Club do this??


Assistant Pro
Nov 11, 2013
Northern Ireland
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In our weekly club email this week it has been stated that the club are to introduce a new booking system for competitions, it stated that:

- The system to book casual tee times will remain the same BUT remember to CANCEL your time if you don't intend to use it, failure to do so will result in penalties.
- To book OPEN tee times both visitors and members will have to pay for their entry upon reserving their tee time online.
- To book club competitions, members will be required to reserve their tee times as usual BUT payment will be taken via that members 'competition purse'. In general at 12 noon the day PRIOR to the competition. This means that members are responsible for cancelling or changing their tee time UP TO 12 NOON THE DAY PRIOR to the competition date otherwise their competition purse will be debited with the entry fee and this will be NON-REFUNDABLE.

What is the competition purse?
Everyone who has registered to book tee times will now have a 'competition purse' facility when you view your account details. This will allow you to keep track of your account and competition entries as well as top up your balance via credit/debit card online. You can also top up in the pro shop. Please note that the system will NOT allow you to book a competition tee time if you do not have enough funds in your competition purse, you will therefore need a minimum of £3 in your account to enter club competitions for 1/4/15.

This has a lot of people up in arms, and I have heard of petitions and the like doing the rounds, now I am much more laid back and go with the flow, and I can see why they are doing it as they are obviously losing business by turning people away and then members are not showing up, but I was just wondering has anyone heard of this or does their club run it?
erm, no, well not to that extent anyway.

My last club we all had a card that would be used to pay for drinks, food and competitions, once we booked into a comp through HDID where you registered your name only against a tee time, it only took your money once you "booked-in" at the Pro shop, if you didn't turn up due to a last minute emergency or any other reason it didn't take your money, however, it would still accrue the comp fee if you didn't have enough at the time, many a time I put money on my card at the bar and was told I still didn't have enough to pay for the round because it took what I owed for previous comps, so it allowed credit for comps but nothing else. I think it worked OK personally but yours is going a little too far.

In our weekly club email this week it has been stated that the club are to introduce a new booking system for competitions, it stated that:

- The system to book casual tee times will remain the same BUT remember to CANCEL your time if you don't intend to use it, failure to do so will result in penalties.
- To book OPEN tee times both visitors and members will have to pay for their entry upon reserving their tee time online.
- To book club competitions, members will be required to reserve their tee times as usual BUT payment will be taken via that members 'competition purse'. In general at 12 noon the day PRIOR to the competition. This means that members are responsible for cancelling or changing their tee time UP TO 12 NOON THE DAY PRIOR to the competition date otherwise their competition purse will be debited with the entry fee and this will be NON-REFUNDABLE.

What is the competition purse?
Everyone who has registered to book tee times will now have a 'competition purse' facility when you view your account details. This will allow you to keep track of your account and competition entries as well as top up your balance via credit/debit card online. You can also top up in the pro shop. Please note that the system will NOT allow you to book a competition tee time if you do not have enough funds in your competition purse, you will therefore need a minimum of £3 in your account to enter club competitions for 1/4/15.

This has a lot of people up in arms, and I have heard of petitions and the like doing the rounds, now I am much more laid back and go with the flow, and I can see why they are doing it as they are obviously losing business by turning people away and then members are not showing up, but I was just wondering has anyone heard of this or does their club run it?

Seems extreme, but i actually quite like it. Means the club can run much more effectively as a business, takes away the hassle for the pro (as at most clubs) of collecting entry fees etc.

Also means they can track people that book times and then dont attend.
my previous club you had to pay 7 days before competitions as they were all drawn to be entered into the draw and get a tee time, (other than monthly medal) no pay no enter.

currently we have no such stipulations and you can withdraw upto 2 hours before your slot but there have been warnings that monitoring is taking place about the amount of bookings being made initially and then cancelled, with a view to implement penalties for regularly doing this
I introduced a card charge system at one of my old clubs in the 1990's.
There was huge demand for tee times with over 1000 members and many non members.

We had a £10 default fee on any time not cancelled 30 mins before play. If not paid the right to pre book on a card was lost
Never really gave us any bother after the first couple of weeks, a phone call to save £10 and pre booking rights was quite a bonus.

We generally did not run the default system during the winter months but we did not tell anyone.

The only real problems occurred with localised fog.
There were some great excuses for not getting to the tee on time, most were generally turned down.

However the guy who ran over his dog whilst reversing out of his drive was let off.....not sure to this day!

Golfers who book tee times or groups that overbook without filling that slot are a major revenue loss to most golf clubs.
Seems a pretty strict system (& guessing it’s been introduced to combat no-shows etc) which suggests a need for something, and this scheme has clearly been given a deal of thought but do wonder if it goes too far in terms of notice periods and when payments are taken

i.e using the approach of... something must be done, this is something, therefore we must do it

(Although if I genuinely have an emergency as a member then I’m not going to worry about a £3 comp fee)
Sounds pretty good, well thought out.

Some would say a little extreme for something we do for fun but I think people should keep social commitments and hold them in the same regard as professional ones.
We have issues with no shows in comps but don't have a pre-booking system so the club is looking at one warning and then a ban unless you make the effort to call at least 30 minutes before your time. I see it is we have golf as a hobby and sometimes, life gets in the way and it perhaps isn't possible to play when scheduled but I can't think of anything other than a family accident, illness etc that would stop anyone picking up a phone and making one quick call to pull out. Will be interesting to see how stringently this is policed
We have issues with no shows in comps but don't have a pre-booking system so the club is looking at one warning and then a ban unless you make the effort to call at least 30 minutes before your time. I see it is we have golf as a hobby and sometimes, life gets in the way and it perhaps isn't possible to play when scheduled but I can't think of anything other than a family accident, illness etc that would stop anyone picking up a phone and making one quick call to pull out. Will be interesting to see how stringently this is policed

The threatened to do the same last year, I don't know of it ever being implemented?
The threatened to do the same last year, I don't know of it ever being implemented?

Reared its head again with the new GM and incoming captain. Due to start effective March 1 although not seen anything to say its official yet
Any no shows for the comps should be forced to go and pick up all the balls on the range with the tiny range basket they give you :)