Head Pro
But that is how your Differential & Index are shown.
Remember, CH and PH will vary significantly from CONGU as 'handicaps' gets bigger because of the way Slope is progressive. The higher the Slope the greater the CH & PH vary from the Index.
Actually comparing your CONGU exact to your WHS conversion can be misleading because each CONGU score was 'sloped' and 'de-sloped' individually and then 'averaged' to produce the WHS conversion.
The really interesting information would be to see a plot of how the UHS exact changes over 20 (or more) scores as opposed to a plot of WHS Indices (or CH?) for the same scores.
ie what would have happened under UHS for the same rounds played since WHS (or better still since 2018 )
What like this you mean.....these are all my scores from Jan 2018 which is when WHS started using CONGU scores to create WHS indexes before going formally live on Nov 2 2020. The CONGU handicaps are from my own historical record (up to Nov 2nd 2020 and then manually calculated by myself thereafter) which I have access to as an administrator on our HandicapMaster software. The horizontal scale is not time is round based so I've put some annotations in to show when certain events happened like the first lockdown and the point when WHS went live....