WHS doesn't work

I think it’s massively generous to suggest something is not amis, 10 GP rounds, none of them bad. Not saying he didn’t shoot them but I’d be highly suspicious as whether he pre-registered the rounds or just cherry picks good rounds.
with the app last year (think its now changed) you had to start the round when you started, but then you could just enter a name and phone number and sign a squiggle as the scorer.
i think (not tried it yet) now you need to preselect a playing partner from the database
ive seen him play and he isnt an 8hcp, full stop.
he usually plays by himself as well.

And come on - 9 shot difference is too much - we arent playing the masters. EVERY GP is better than his medal scores - you'd at least have one or two counters from a comp
If players are going to play in comps then at least 5/6 of his comp scores should make up his handicap.
Eight GP cards should not be allowed imo.

If this was the other way around and he was off 17.
He would be under scrutiny, but probably would not be winning anything anyway.
with the app last year (think its now changed) you had to start the round when you started, but then you could just enter a name and phone number and sign a squiggle as the scorer.
i think (not tried it yet) now you need to preselect a playing partner from the database
Nope, just tried it - I'm close enough to the course to start a scorecard from my desk - and "select marker" means the set of tees you're playing. Then you're off. I don't do GP cards so I can't tell you at what stage if any a marker needs entered, the SG App is still a horrendous mess
with the app last year (think its now changed) you had to start the round when you started, but then you could just enter a name and phone number and sign a squiggle as the scorer.
i think (not tried it yet) now you need to preselect a playing partner from the database
Now Scottish Golf is using the same software provider as the rest of GB&I, the app should function in the same way. In which case the attester is specified as part of the score submission process.
is the key difference then the attester is from a list of approved plyers in the database, rather than anyone with a phone number like last year?
Now Scottish Golf is using the same software provider as the rest of GB&I, the app should function in the same way. In which case the attester is specified as part of the score submission process.
Mate, I don't know how many times we've got to ask you not to muddy the waters when you haven't got a clue what's happening in Scotland.

The App is NOT the same, yes dotgolf are the providers but SG have their own spec, and they have Beta tested either appallingly, or not at all, and it appears not at all. They are months behind, you can't even book a guest on to your course properly even now 3 months plus after launch, results of comps can't be published etc. But you'll already know all of this of course :rolleyes:
is the key difference then the attester is from a list of approved plyers in the database, rather than anyone with a phone number like last year?

How to Guide there, but yes looks like now the marker must either be a club member or an Open Play member, a casual golfer with no club & CDH number won't be a valid marker. (y)

How to Guide there, but yes looks like now the marker must either be a club member or an Open Play member, a casual golfer with no club & CDH number won't be a valid marker. (y)
Thanks for that, it is interesting that entering the score within the 2 hours for 18 holes or 1 hour for 9 holes just gives you a warning telling you not to do it. Surely it should go straight to rejecting the score because it was clearly not pre-registered. Why give players the opportunity to do it wrong?
Played a competition this week and for the first time in my experience PCC kicked in. Hopefully it will work properly now.
Mate, I don't know how many times we've got to ask you not to muddy the waters when you haven't got a clue what's happening in Scotland.

The App is NOT the same, yes dotgolf are the providers but SG have their own spec, and they have Beta tested either appallingly, or not at all, and it appears not at all. They are months behind, you can't even book a guest on to your course properly even now 3 months plus after launch, results of comps can't be published etc. But you'll already know all of this of course :rolleyes:
Having watched the video, the app is exactly the same as the EG one and the process for GP scores is exactly the same (feign surprise).

How about you stop making a fool of yourself by basing your comments and opinions solely on your views about Scottish Golf or other forum contributors? We all know you just think everything associated with Scottish Golf is rubbish and you don't like anyone who corrects you - it's beyond boring.
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when you say book guests?

as in, put a guest in as an attester for a score? Nope - they have to be a member at a club or part of the igolf scheme.
Nope, as in book a guest on to the course
What has an app for handicap purposes got to do with booking guests in where you play?

Why would EG know what your or any club charges for for a guest? If they did how would they take the money and give to a club?

Because that is what Scottish Golf are doing with their implementation; providing (or repeatedly trying and failing to provide) total club management.

They just can’t help themselves, and it’s failing to deliver on their promise yet again.
What has an app for handicap purposes got to do with booking guests in where you play?

Why would EG know what your or any club charges for for a guest? If they did how would they take the money and give to a club?
That's where you book guests, through the app. The club takes the money. So what you're saying then is that the SG App & the EG App are not the same?
Because that is what Scottish Golf are doing with their implementation; providing (or repeatedly trying and failing to provide) total club management.

They just can’t help themselves, and it’s failing to deliver on their promise yet again.
They really are bloody useless, those of us involved at our club are convinced that they can't even spell Beta Test never mind actually do any. Imagine launching an App where you can't actually book on guests, and after three months the workaround they finally got is to create a number of "members" called 'Guest' and book that member on as your guest. An utter joke
Having watched the video, the app is exactly the same as the EG one and the process for GP scores is exactly the same (feign surprise).

How about you stop making a fool of yourself by basing your comments and opinions solely on your views about Scottish Golf or other forum contributors? We all know you just think everything associated with Scottish Golf is rubbish and you don't like anyone who corrects you - it's beyond boring.
Oh dear, from the responses above, it appears that (quelle suprise) the App is not the same at all, whodda thunkit of you eh?
Oh dear, from the responses above, it appears that (quelle suprise) the App is not the same at all, whodda thunkit of you eh?
I had a question from a Scottish friend of mine the other day querying if, we in England, had any issues with entering scoring in competitions via the England Golf app. Seemingly he/his club was having issues. I had to tell him that the EG App had no facility to manage competitions or add competition scores and that it was merely a tool for entering GP scores and tracking your handicap, or working out how many shots you get on a particular course.

The entering of a GP score from the video you posted above is identical to both systems...but seemingly from what you say (and what my friend has said by inference) the Scottish App is trying to do much more and provide "other" services? Certainly the EG app has no "booking facilities" to sign on guests at your club.