Voyager EMH
Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Other way round at my club.It's only really a problem at my club in the Senior section tbh.
The Men's scores, by & large are not outrageous.
The Seniors on the other hand
Anyone under about 15 or 16 h/c has no chance.
The ones that are doing the damage with the outrageous scores are the 20 - 30 h/c mob
The over 30 h/c & there are a few are pretty genuine & are either elderly or just terrible golfers.
The h/c Committee are fully aware of the issue but seem powerless or unwilling to act.
It's got to the stage now where I believe it's just accepted that this is the new normal.
It's resulted in many of the under 20 h/c golfers only playing in the men's comps off the longer tee's.
Seniors have their own comps as well as the club-wide comps and hence submit more cards and tend to have realistic up-to-date handicaps.