Who gets your vote????

Do you take lessons?

  • No- lessons are for young ones and ladies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes - but only when it goes wrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes- more than 2 per month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes - less than 2 per month

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Journeyman Pro
Dec 4, 2007
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A very sensitive topic indeed but very interesting too
Who do you want to run your country if there was a general election today???

And state why if you would please


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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I used to not bother but now think everyone should but it pains me to say noone is worth voting for at the moment as they have either shown in the past that they are incompetent or just slag off those that are incompetent.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
Interesting. But, like it matters!?

However, I'm pretty blue, well perhaps further right than that.

I'm starting not to care who I vote for now, but I would vote for a party that had balls.

In no particular order, I'd vote for a party that.....

Really believes in justice and the punishment fitting the crime, upto and including capital punishment.

Clamping down on spongers on the state benefits.

Cut out 1000's of unneeded public servents.

Brought public servent benefits in line with private sector benefits, ie loose the guarunteed final salery pension. Why should I pay for their retirement, when I can't get those benefits myself!

Only introuduces laws that can be policed effectively, whether that's speeding or the FSA.

That has a 'common sense' approach to policies.

That understands that not all the teachers in this country are good!

That anyone in this country that is willing to work honestly, is welcome to stay, the rest can sod off, regardless if your here by birth right or not.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Well that should make me popular. ;)


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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My limited knowledge of politics leads me to believe that rather than choosing who will be best you choose the 'lesser of 2 evils' ie the one that will do the least damage! I'm not therefore in a position to pick one of the options. I would vote for Hapless though!


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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this one I think is in the class of wishful thinking, flying pigs and orbiting cows. . . but i offer for inclusion in hapless' list

the party that tells the truth,
that puts the country first,
that listens and acts on what it hears from the electorate.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
To add to the debate, is this really a democracy anyway? Mandlesons recent return, Brown as PM? (Lets not get into that old debate!).

Should the great British public take a test before being allowed to vote? There are many people in this country that don't even understand percentages, and yet they're 'allowed' to put into power people that decide how much we get taxed.

Voting is not about Heat mags etc, or who's the best on TV. It should be down to policies, not personalities. I just hope that the folks with their own convictions (not based on class, historical reasons or popularity) vote in what they believe is right, and in their (and the countries) best interests, regardless of political persuasion.

Apologies for the spelling and English.

That's all for now. Should also make me less popular!


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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How about the "None of the above" Party?? They could get my vote.

What gets me is that whether we vote or not, a load of freeloaders who have mostly never worked in the real world get into a position where they can do what they want that affects our lives, get huge salaries and "expenses ;) ;)" and inflation proof pensions - all paid for by us.

Don't get me going.



Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Any one who isn't going to plunge us even further into debt, will sort out immigration, will sort out emigration with all our money, will reduce the number of civil servants, particularly those who retire early on final salary schemes, will put away law breakers, will hang people who drive with no insurance tax and mot, and more than anything else, will electrocute people who go straight on in a turn right lane.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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Well there isnt a lot to chose from I admit and most of the issues raised are a drop in the ocean of the economy. Important they are but more important is a government that sees the bigger piture and manages the economy of this country well. Without that everything else is wishful thinking regardless of how evocative or close to the heart some issues are.

Demands of public are often naive or ignorant of the wider picture.
To give you an example of the opinions of the public ( as response to a common point raised in this thread) regarding benefits and what portion of the publics perception actually understands benefits.

Last week I was talking to a couple of fella's at my brothers place, we got talking politics and the subject of benefit spongers came up. When I told them I was on benefits and how much I get each year , they both drew back and one of them let rip suggesting I was a sponger that didnt pay tax and was ripping the state off. When I explained to him and his mate that 1.I received less that the state save each yr by home educating my two children for whom I get nothing in respect of education. 2.I paid national insurance from the age of 16 till the age of 47 without breaks and paid more tax than most in that period and still pay tax on my modest Army pension. 3.Within my working life have worked twice as many hrs than any shift worker or worker in basic day work hrs. 4.That I never received a penny from the state for 6 months and when I did was a meager ammount as according to the state I had too much money. 5.Having spent most of my resources over the last 3 yrs, I finally get full benefits for my case which as I said is less than the state save as we home educate.Everyone pays national insurance yet so many tax payers complain when it is ligitimately claimed, yet if you paid for insurance with any old ins co. you'd all claim in a shot!

Now the point of this is that everyone has ideas of what they want to see and in enlightened eyes it can be accomplished fairly. The trouble is that even after my explanation showing I am no sponger to these two guys, they still see me as one.Which is why, whenever I see political preferences published, I always wonder how much people actually understand?

No offence intended.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
I dont buy labour at all and I think to be honest, that they get an awful ot of votes from people who know different.

My wife voted labour, the reason was because her dad was a labour voter, his dad was a labour voter. The sole reason behind their voting labour was that they are "putting the working man and his family first" which in fact is pony.

The other reason that they get so many votes is because of the benefits culture. I see and know what goes on here, we have a woman round the corner from us who has 4 kids, a 3 bed house that is rent-free, she pays no council tax and to top it off she is drawing £380 a week in cash benefits. On the drive of her house is a 54-plate mercedes clk230 cabriolet. I [****] you not and boy does she love to brag about how easy life is.

The people like this woman are the ones who will always vote labour, if they are having it so good why would they risk losing that?

For all their flaws I am a conservative voter. I truly believe that Cameron is the best of the bunch to lead us forward after the next general election.

Labour really make me laugh, this 2.5% vat reduction is nothing but a smokescreen to be honest as just like the good lord, the chancellor giveth, and he taketh away.


Tour Rookie
Oct 9, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
Labour really make me laugh, this 2.5% vat reduction is nothing but a smokescreen to be honest as just like the good lord, the chancellor giveth, and he taketh away.

The 2.5% reduction is a total waste of £12billion. The complications involved in the change are very onerous for many businesses big and small and people aren't going to feel a huge difference on the high street. All Labour's recent measures seem to be calculated on the back of a fag packet.

I have never supported Labour, the Tories need a decent leader, the SNP are intent on ruining my homeland (although Salmond is the most able Politician on the scene at the moment).


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
SNP, but as I'm in England, I'm a bit flummoxed.

Don;t want the Tories back for obvious reasons, Labour have taxed us out of existence, and the Libs would ban cars if they had a chance. Can't vote for any of the English parties. Didn;t vote last time around for just the same reasons, will probably do the same again unless we get another candidate.


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
SNP, but as I'm in England, I'm a bit flummoxed.

Don;t want the Tories back for obvious reasons, Labour have taxed us out of existence, and the Libs would ban cars if they had a chance. Can't vote for any of the English parties. Didn;t vote last time around for just the same reasons, will probably do the same again unless we get another candidate.

I watched the ITV Tonight program a couple of months back in regards to taxation. The program took the Labour government of the 1970s & current 12 years & the Tory 18 year one it was the Tories at 40.4% overall tax as the highest taxing party, Labour where 39.6%. Was interesting, I know I would rather pay tax on what and when I bought something rather than a sweeping taxation method of high income tax and low VAT.

I would vote Labour, I just think the Tories believing that a 10% NI reduction for businesses would lower unemployment very very ill thoughout as it would create another revolving door issue the country suffered in the 1980s & 90s also shows Cameron as another Eton boy without a clue.

There just isnt the options in the UK for a massive change which is needed.