What's the longest it's taken you to play 1 hole?


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I had a record on Saturday, it took my group around 35 minutes to play our Par 4 7th!!!

Everything was moving along quite nicely for 6 holes, it was pouring with rain and we had to wait for the group in front for a couple of shots but nothing too bad...and then we reach the 7th tee.

As we approach we see the group that was in front of us just leaving the tee and the group that was in front of them standing around. When asked what they were still doing there they told us that they didn't want to play in the heavy rain that we had just had so took cover in the shelter by the 6th green and waited for the group behind to catch up and go through (they didn't seem at all concerned when I pointed out that they should be penalised for undue delay just saying they don't see why they should play in the heavy rain and wondering why everyone didn't stop). The 7th is a really bad hole to do this on due to it's design.

Once the group in front had cleared they tee'd off and then eventually it was our turn. Just after I tee'd off, a 2-ball who's 3rd member was a no show approached the tee and one of my FCs then hit his ball in the clag. As we left the tee I told the 2-ball we would call them through once the congestion that was now up front had cleared. After a couple of minutes, my FCs ball was nowhere to be seen and the group in front had cleared the green. My FC is a stickler for finding lost balls and wasn't prepared to give it up just yet so we had to call the 2-ball through. All this time, my ball is in the middle of the fairway and it's not raining for the first time all day. My FC gives up on his ball and goes to his provional which he's hit in completely the opposite direction to the first. In the meantime, Homer's group is on the 7th tee looking impatient and it now looks like we are causing the slow play. I'm not sure if Martin heard but I had to release my frustration at the whole situation by shouting some expletives as loudly as I could.

Eventually we finish the hole, about 35 minutes after we arrived at the tee and me absolutely fuming.

Anyone beat that?


Q-School Graduate
Jun 1, 2011
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Not that long, but I once tee'd off on our Par 3 8th hole, ball landed about 10 feet past the pin. As i put my club into my bag it starts raining really hard. My 2 playing partners waited until the rain died down, eventually I told them they had to play. They both missed the green and then waited again for their second shots. Eventually when I got to my ball, the green was flooded! 3 putts for a 4 and I was not a happy camper.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Don't remember the time in minutes but was probably when 5 groups playing the same hole (with three of these on the tee)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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One of the first times i played at Royal Dornoch. we were stuck behind a few groups on yanks who were not on the quick side and were really soaking up the surroundings. Got to the 9th tee, they had been buggering around and even walked down onto the beach for a photo opp, all 4 duffed the tee shot then spent 15 mins looking for balls, the dropped and duffed again. took them 5 or 6 shots each to reach the green then took more photo's of each of them in a bunker, then all 4 putted. 40 mins plus:(

one of the reasons i don't go to Dornoch outside the members times now.


Aug 5, 2011
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Royal Dalmuir nr Clydebank, pretty good looking par 3 about 190 yds over a deep ravine. It was the 3rd hole in the days I played it, came through the hedged entrance to the tee to see 9 three and four ball groups spread out on the steep bank waiting to play. Beautiful sunny day so everyone just chatted and watched in dismay as group after group topped, duffed, thinned into the ravine:eek:

was over an hour to play that hole, and thats after waiting over an hour to tee off the 1st.

ahhhh happy days:whistle:


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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played in a corp day at the oxfordshire, at the 13th they had organised a beat the pro. you know the crack, you have to get inside the pro's tee shot. Anyway, i think from arriving after the 12th green to teeing off was about an hour. Lucky the halfway hut was there and there was a tab! i think i managed 4 bottles of bud while waiting... then i stuck mine to within 10ft! boom!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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The way I was playing it was all an irrelevance. I had totally zoned out and was in a little world of my own from which no amount of NGT was going to bring me back from. I hadn't actually noticed who was doing what, where or how. Just wanted my nightmare to be over.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Yesterday in a scratch match. We followed a juniors match but they had an hour start on us. Caught the last match on the 12th waiting for a ruling so they let us through. Caught the next group on the 14th - they were looking for a ball in the trees. It's near the loo so I popped off whilst my opponent sat in the sun. Returned to find lads still looking for lost ball so I started some chipping practice. One of the lads started back to the tee with his driver (heaven help us!) and then must have almost tripped over his ball a good 30yds behind where he was looking :mad: He then returned to his bag to get the club he then needed and hit the next shot way right but was making progress at last. It's a Par 5 so we took our drives eventually and strolled down to them. Lads now finally hitting into the green and finally cleared that part of the hole so I took my 2nd shot. Opponent was a big hitter so she waited for them to finish the hole as she was going for it (ditch in front). The lads then seemed to be wandering around aimlessly with their bags in one place, the ball hunt in another etc etc. Finally they finished the hole so opponent addressed her ball and then we saw one of them walk back across the green to the bridge (waving at us to carry on!)...he then proceeded to return to every spot on the hole he's been as he'd lost his mobile phone!!

I got par, she won the hole with a birdie and probably took about 30 minutes!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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At a previous course there was always a bottle neck on the tough par 3 4th. One year in club champs we waited a good 40 mins on the tee to hit our shots. The 2nd day when I got to that tee I went into my bag, laid out my beach towel, got out my newspaper and kicked back lol


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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Just over 40 minutes to play (I think) the 16th at Dalmahoy on a corporate day. It's a 600+ yd par 5 and there were 4 fourballs on it at all times. Nearly walked in.

I hate Dalmahoy and I hate corporate golf days because of that.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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You think that is long.

Sandy Williamson won the Scottish Boys in 1939 and was presented with the trophy in 1946.

The only bald player to win the Boys Title.

I don't know the timing but I was part of a four ball that was waved through by three other four balls on a short par 4.
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Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Believe it or not, four of us once took 45 minutes to play a hole ...................................... and we weren't held up ......................... and we had buggies!
We were the first on the course, which was shrouded in a heavy early morning mist, and we'd not played this course before.
It was a par five. Death to the right, death to the left and the green ...................... when we eventually found it, was tucked round to the left and nicely perched above a ravine, and in the mist it was spooky.
The course, and I'm sure many of you have played it, was Monte Mayor. Probably the wildest ride I've had with a set of clubs!
And yes, it really did take us 45 minutes. Mostly looking for the bloody green!



Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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About 30 minutes to play the 10th on the brabazon. We spent that long collecting balls from the lake to stock up my bag. people always use premium balls on the brab too

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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We had our Captains away day last Friday and the last group out were painfully slow, taking over 5 1/2 hours to get round. As they played the par 5 eighteenth they seemed to lurch from one disaster to another with players losing balls in the rough or going OOB. it took 40 minutes for them to complete the hole much to the delight of the packed balcony.

Deleted Member 1156

Played in a scratch team event a few years ago, betterball format. Came off a green and when we got to the next tee, a par 3, there were 3 groups on the tee. Finished that hole then the next tee had 5 groups on it. Waited 40 minutes alone on that tee. The 2 holes took about 1hr15 to complete.

Thankfully it started moving again after that.


Pathetic timing on this thread...

.. As my other post mentioned, at a June medal our 4 ball really struggled on our 8th P4. Two of us lost balls including multiple from me.. Had to let a group play thru. Shot 23 between the two of us. Not sure how long it took - felt like an hour (though it might only have been 10-15 or 20 or 30max)


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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One of the first times i played at Royal Dornoch. we were stuck behind a few groups on yanks who were not on the quick side and were really soaking up the surroundings. Got to the 9th tee, they had been buggering around and even walked down onto the beach for a photo opp, all 4 duffed the tee shot then spent 15 mins looking for balls, the dropped and duffed again. took them 5 or 6 shots each to reach the green then took more photo's of each of them in a bunker, then all 4 putted. 40 mins plus:(

one of the reasons i don't go to Dornoch outside the members times now.
Patrick I'm surprised you didn't give them a few of your famous choice words.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Royal Dalmuir nr Clydebank, pretty good looking par 3 about 190 yds over a deep ravine. It was the 3rd hole in the days I played it, came through the hedged entrance to the tee to see 9 three and four ball groups spread out on the steep bank waiting to play. Beautiful sunny day so everyone just chatted and watched in dismay as group after group topped, duffed, thinned into the ravine:eek:

was over an hour to play that hole, and thats after waiting over an hour to tee off the 1st.

ahhhh happy days:whistle:
CMac was that the course featured in a episode of Still Game ??

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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Believe it or not, four of us once took 45 minutes to play a hole ...................................... and we weren't held up ......................... and we had buggies!
We were the first on the course, which was shrouded in a heavy early morning mist, and we'd not played this course before.
It was a par five. Death to the right, death to the left and the green ...................... when we eventually found it, was tucked round to the left and nicely perched above a ravine, and in the mist it was spooky.
The course, and I'm sure many of you have played it, was Monte Mayor. Probably the wildest ride I've had with a set of clubs!
And yes, it really did take us 45 minutes. Mostly looking for the bloody green!


Sad to see that MM is no longer with us. Would have loved the chance to play it again as it was a real test.

Thought I had got my first ever hole in one there, about the sixth hole, par 3, 180 odd yards over a valley and the ball disappeared as it approached the hole but was a couple of rolls short when we reached the green.