ways to play


Q-School Graduate
Nov 13, 2008
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played this morning with my usual golf buddy and we decided to play match play instead of just who gets the lowest score. I really enjoyed it and it was a great finish and a nice change. I was just wondering what your favourite ways of playing were? also if there are any unusal/different ways anyone plays which mite be worth a try?
As my sig states, I love matchplay (fourball betterball is best because of the banter) and medal. Medal really gets you thinking.
I am not keep on Stableford to be honest. Play it all the time and get bored with it.
Skins is a good game if you are playing with 2 or 3 players off similar handicaps.
I'm fairly new to the game and in the dark a bit really, so what is skins?

Hopefully this will explain....
It sounds complicated, but it's not

Basically, you and your mate/mates play against each other, matchplay.
Before you start play, you allocate each hole a "value" or skin. Usually the first six holes might be worth say 50p each, the second six holes are worth a £1 each and if you are feeling really flush the last six holes are worth £2 each.
You each play the hole and if two people halve (irrespective of what the other players do) the hole is "pushed" and the "skin" carries on to the next hole. This carries on until a hole is won outright.
So for instance, taking the above values into account, if the first three holes were "pushed" (or halved) the fourth hole would be worth a total of £2.00 (4x50p). If somebody won that hole outright, they would win £2.00 off of the other three players and the next hole (5th) would be worth 50p again and so on.
Once again, using the above values, the MOST you could personally lose (if you didn't actually win any holes at all) would be £21.00. (6x50p, 6x£1.00 and 6x£2.00)
Hope that helps
4bbb is my fave format, Other than that usual match play if its just 2. And I like playing skins aswell.

Aint really played much else apart from stableford(boaring) and stroke(boaring)
With medal there is no place to hide. One ball and one chance. At least in stableford or matchplay the hole can be a disaster and you just move on. Strokeplay gives you no second chance and is a real test of mental and golfing skill.

That said we normally mix and match. Our little group has anything from 2-6 each week and so we either play matchplay (2 or 4 ball) or if there are more four or and odd number we have a stableford. £1 for best front 9 £1 for the best back £1 overall winner £1 for birdies and £1 for sand saves
I just like Stroke play and match play.
I dont mind the odd game of Texas Scramble or Stableford team or individual and I love making up games with regular partners.

A good one to play is when you win a hole you MUST par the next or better to keep your win. If you should win the next you have only secured the previous hole win(but only if you win with a par or better), you still have to par or better the next to secure it.
I quite enjoy most formats appart from mixed gruesomes!

Another game we play is Wolf Skins which is really good fun and it keeps everyone involved so even if you are having a bad day, one good hole could win you alot of skins!

We also have a bag of 8 Poker chips, 4 are bad and 4 are good. You put a value on each chip and whoever has them at the end of the round either gets money or owes money. You get a chip if you hit a tree or put it in water or three jab and good ones if you make a birdie or sandy par, stuff like that! I think you can buy them online but don't know where from? My friend brought me them back from Vegas!
I quite enjoy most formats appart from mixed gruesomes!

Another game we play is Wolf Skins which is really good fun and it keeps everyone involved so even if you are having a bad day, one good hole could win you alot of skins!

We also have a bag of 8 Poker chips, 4 are bad and 4 are good. You put a value on each chip and whoever has them at the end of the round either gets money or owes money. You get a chip if you hit a tree or put it in water or three jab and good ones if you make a birdie or sandy par, stuff like that! I think you can buy them online but don't know where from? My friend brought me them back from Vegas!

Beaker can you fill me in on how wolf skins works. I think you metioned it before but I didn't quite get my head around it then.
Ok, it could get a bit Lionel (Messi) but here goes:

You must have 4 players to play wolf skins.

On the 1st tee you need to throw balls to determine the order of play, we usually throw to a tee marker. So closest is number 1, furthest away number 4.

Each hole is worth a skin, just like a normal skins game. You can add sandy pars and birdie skins if you like.

So on the first, Player 1 is "The Wolf".
He tee's off and then can pick a partner from the remaining 3 Players but ONLY BEFORE the next player tee's off.
Player 2 goes next.
Player 1 has until Player 3 hits his ball to select Player 2 as his partner.
As soon as Player 3 has hit his ball he can NOT choose Player 2.
Player 1 has until Player 4 hits his ball to select Player 3 as his partner.
As soon as Player 4 has hit his ball Player 1 can only select Player 4, he can NOT pick Player's 2 or 3.
If he decides that he doesn't want Player 4 as a partner he can go on his own. He must decide this before leaving the tee.

If you go on your own, the skins are worth double, but only to the player going on his own, NOT the other 3 players he is against.

Once the pairings are decided it is then straight matchplay from there, lowest score wins the hole and therefore the skin/s. If a hole is halve the skin carrys over.

On the 2nd hole, Player 1 then goes to the back of the group and Player 2 is then the wolf and the same rules apply.

So basically each player is "The Wolf" at these holes:

Player 1 - 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th
Player 2 - 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th
Player 3 - 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th
Player 4 - 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th

Depending on stroke indexes, you want to be either Player 2 or Player 1 as you get to be wolf on an extra hole. This can be great if the overall skins count is close and there are a few skins on the last hole as (If you have the balls) you could go on your own on the last and win double skins!

Hopefully it makes sense?! It does sound complicated but I do think its one of the best golf games to play and once you play a few holes its dead easy.

You can be partnered with one person for 3 or 4 holes on the bounce and then on the next be against them, so you can imagine its good banter!
A fun game if you are not paying over the odds green fee's is playing one ball. You take it in turns playing the same ball. The objective being to get your partner into trouble so that you can take advantage of the next shot.

You agree what is out of bounds and to where you need to hit. The person who gets it in the hole wins the point.

Its a bit of a hack fest until you get to within about 150 metres and then gets very tactical. Good fun.
Another good game is battle golf. A bit juvenile but fun!

You agree on the number of clubs you can take out at the start and then you play with standard match play rules.

Only instead of gaining points you get to take a club from your opponants bag.

Winner after 18 is the player with the most clubs!