Trump and NATO


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Jul 24, 2012
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Re: Trump Unhinged

On the TV they've put the caption up saying "opinion is divided" in the UK on Trump. Is it?? I thought everyone unanimously thought he was a total prat.

It is indeed divided - with a recent opinion poll putting UK approval at 11% and disapproval at 67%...

Here's Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC) on the interview - as one of the contributors describes it - insane, insulting and incendiary


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Dec 29, 2011
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Re: Trump Unhinged

I'd have thought you could describe Vlad as being his bessie mate...
By all accounts he put the Donald into the White House and he's most definitely a despot...
Lot of blood on his hands...

Rather suspect there's many on this forum with an affinity with the Donald...
They'll be definitely echoing his outbursts about Sadiq and Jezza, for sure, come the autumn election...


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Re: Trump Unhinged

Please God don't be going down the route of claiming that the Sun's reporting of the interview is Fake News - because it's all recorded!
And of course the Sun has no history of mkaing up stories for it's own agenda.......
In case you hadnt realised, recordings can be edited to say or sound what you like.
Perhaps you love the Sun because they didnt dig into the Oxfam scandal like the serious broadsheets did.
And yes, Freddie Star did eat that must be true as the Sun headlined it.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Re: Trump Unhinged

And of course the Sun has no history of mkaing up stories for it's own agenda.......
In case you hadnt realised, recordings can be edited to say or sound what you like.
Perhaps you love the Sun because they didnt dig into the Oxfam scandal like the serious broadsheets did.
And yes, Freddie Star did eat that must be true as the Sun headlined it.

The interview was recorded. I repeat. The interview was recorded. Excerpts of the interview have been released.


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Jul 24, 2012
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Re: Trump Unhinged

And I repeat, you have no knowledge of how much editing went into it to say what you want it to say.

Oh for goodness sake. Have you listened to what he actually said. His own words...

And his comments on immigrants - both in the interview and even in the press conference today - that immigrants don't add any value...frankly pretty disgraceful coming from anyone - but coming from the President of the United States on a visit to the UK and a PotUS that has an immigrant mother...

Deleted member 1147

Hang on ave not written anything yet. 😁

Any man that says " if she cannot keep her husband happy, how can she keep America happy", Trump talking about Hilary has to be worth listening to.
He talks in riddles, gets his words IN a right tangle. Wonder if he's me dad. 😳
Anyway, he has started a trade war with China coz it is importing Billions more than than it takes back. China steals other countries ideas inc Americas.
Dont think he wants to disband NATO, he wants countries to pay there fair share.
He wants to look after his countries veterans.
he wants to create jobs in America.
He wants to cut illegal immigration.
He pulled out of a climate deal because it favours both China and India.

yup he does sound like a complete and utter tool.

I think that, when he says he wants to do those things, he actually means that he wants to make lots of money for himself out of the Presidency.


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Jul 24, 2012
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And unless things have changed he flys in c/s Marine 1 two ac which aren't Osprey.

That's true - he didn't fly in an Osprey - I only thought he was as I saw some coverage of him flying into London (or to Chequers?) and there was just one Marine 1 helicopter plus a smaller helicopter and an Osprey - so I assumed he must have been in the Osprey. Which he wasn't - oops - sorry.


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Jul 24, 2012
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Well that was quite a press conference with Putin - his bestest buddy it seems given that he told CBS news at the weekend that he viewed the EU as a foe...brilliant - good to know who your friends are.

And a tweet from John Brennan tells us that Trump - in his press conference - was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in his views on Russia - and also what he actually said about his OWN country

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2011
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Well that was quite a press conference with Putin - his bestest buddy it seems given that he told CBS news at the weekend that he viewed the EU as a foe...brilliant - good to know who your friends are.

And a tweet from John Brennan tells us that Trump - in his press conference - was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in his views on Russia - and also what he actually said about his OWN country

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

A number of Republicans are giving him hell


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And not just the usual Trump critics in the GoP - and even Fox News

Many are suggesting very clearly and forcefully indeed - and with great concern - that, by his own words and actions, Trump appears to be a serious risk to US national security. And his attacks and criticisms of the EU, NATO, May and Merkel all sit very neatly with a view that Trump is Putin's puppet - doing all Putin's work in undermining the EU and NATO. As the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said about Trump and Putin and their discussions "They were magnificent," Lavrov said, answering a journalist's question. He added that the talks were "better than super."


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If I have to explain, you wouldnt get it anyway

Nicely condescending thankyou...

So what do you think of Trump in the press conference? You think it all just great and that all those in the USA who are freaking out are just bad losers and exaggerating things?