Trump and NATO


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Trump will be telling NATO that the NATO countries should be thankful that the US has invisible aircraft - because the F35 is indeed actually invisible. Yes we know it is 'invisible to radar' - but he truly doesn't seem to realise that specific rider - that it's invisible 'to radar'

There is so much barmy going on in Trump's head that this confusion is not surprising...

Take his speech to veterans - when he told them 'don't believe what you are reading and seeing - what you are seeing isn't happening'

And could we forget Putin responding to a question from the floor about him wanting Trump to win the election and supporting Trump

Well the White House seemingly has

And because Putin never actually said what he said in that joint press conference - and Trump didn't criticise Putin and Russia for interfering in the 2016 election - Trump is empowered to tweet...(about the November mid-terms)

“I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump!”

This is actually 1984 / Brave New World stuff

But hey - let's form a trusted relationship with him and get cracking good deals for the UK...yes let's...

But why not? He seems to love the EU now. Methinks some of his advisors who can actually think straight have got to him...maybe...
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Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I see the village idiot (Trump) has managed to stop a Trade war with the EU. Maybe playing hardball is the way to go. Hope the Brexit negotiators are watching.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I see the village idiot (Trump) has managed to stop a Trade war with the EU. Maybe playing hardball is the way to go. Hope the Brexit negotiators are watching.

Let's see if the EU and WH versions of events and agreements align...

We might as well accept right now that Trump will be claiming victory - but as he said - don't believe what you see and hear - oh I forgot of course - you must believe everything the Trump says.

And if you disagree? Well see Trump's falling out with a whole bunch of previous national security and intelligence chiefs - because they dare question and criticise him...and threatening to remove their security clearances - so they can't support the current incumbents of their previous positions.

Senior and leading Republicans saying - er no - that's not going to happen - and Paul Ryan (demob happy) brushing this off as Trump trolling...The PotUS trolling ex-security and intel chiefs...

Quoting Jake Tapper on Sarah Sanders volte face on Trump's consideration of turning over to Putin ex-US Ambassador to Russia and 11 others - What the hell is going on?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Trump is looking to get the best deal for his country, the Tories are not! :rofl:

And when he fails miserably?

In last couple of days a MSNBC reporter was interviewing a load of farmers across various states and they were telling him of the problems that tariffs were causing them. Trump of course derided the journalist; called those interviewed lackeys - and threw it to his meat-chewing acolytes as another lump of fresh Fake News (T)rump.


Sep 11, 2011
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Let’s see eh? He’ll get more out of them in a week than the “let’s pretend we’re leaving” crew have pretended to in two years....:D

And I think you’ve missed the point about agricultural tariffs....

Its not just the scale of the tariffs, 59% in some cases, it also quotas. When you look at the EU's own database on tariffs you do wonder just how much of a 'pay rise' that equates to if all of a sudden your spending power increased by 30%. Imagine the stimulation the economy would receive if everyone got a 30% pay rise...


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Trump is looking to get the best deal for his country, the Tories are not! :rofl:
Amen to that brother. It was the point i was trying to make rather than get a trumpesque response from others. 😉


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Amen to that brother. It was the point i was trying to make rather than get a trumpesque response from others. 😉

Trump cares a lot less about the USA than he does about himself. I thought that everyone had realised that by now. If it's good for Trump then the rest can sort itself out.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I so love Cenk Uygur (of The Young Turks) when he looks at the facts around what Trump says and does...yesterday Cenk considered what Trump has just said this week about the 2016 'adoption' meeting in Trump Tower that Don Jnr, Manafort and others in Trump's immediate circle had with Russians.

This is what happens when Trump's saying and tweetings are actually held up to the light and scrutinised for the lies that they are - and exposes the craven subservience of those close to him.

Of course why Trump and his acolytes are coming out with some of this stuff is that they have had to be honest to the special counsellor - and in time the truth will come out and will show up Trump as the blatant liar that he is. And so they get the lies out now and try and wriggle out from them. But no apologies for lying to the US public as yet forthcoming from the PotUS or his lackeys.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Waiting with interest to see/hear what Trump thinks of the US State Department imposing sanctions on Russia due to their involvement in the Salisbury poisonings. And if Russia do not open up for inspection within 90 days then further sanctions will be imposed. And they won't - so they will be.

We note that this is not Trump or the administration making a decision - this is US law requiring sanctions to be imposed when use of chemical weapons is determined beyond reasonable doubt by US intelligence services (those very services that Trump seems to have a love/hate relationship with depending on the way the public wind is blowing)

Meanwhile - Trump and his twittering are silent on the matter


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Trump's twittering - the sound of silence.

I wonder why? Maybe on the phone with his 'buddy across the sea' saying sorry for the actions of the State Department and asking his buddy to keep mum about - y'know - the stuff.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Silence continues to reign on TrumpTwit on the Russian Sanctions. Which is kind of strange don't you think given that Trump has been boasting almost continuously in the fall-out from Helsinki that he is the toughest ever against Putin and Russia - boasting that continued until these sanctions were initiated by the State Department.

You might have thought that Trump would have been furiously boasting in tweets how these sanctions demonstrate that he is strong and tough with Putin and Russia - but no - total and complete radio silence on the might wonder why?

And whether legally obtained or not, any recordings that Omarosa Manigault has on Trump that are released this week could make very interesting listening - especially as some apparently contain Trump using words relating to race that would find you or I banned from this forum.

Meanwhile what we find trump tweeting on is trade - he tells his followers his views on Harley-Davidson

Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better.

Good way he has of supporting his indigenous industry - damn them if they do something that might conflict with what he says will happen on trade and manufacturing industry.

Meanwhile for all US Trade Deal fans in the UK - note that Trump does not want a level playing field in trade - he wants things to be to the benefit of the USA above and beyond any other consideration. Good news.
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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Meanwhile for all US Trade Deal fans in the UK - note that Trump does not want a level playing field in trade - he wants things to be to the benefit of the USA above and beyond any other consideration. Good news.

And China, India, Germany et al are all philanthropists !!

Pity the UK leadership hasn't got the same driving force.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And China, India, Germany et al are all philanthropists !!

Pity the UK leadership hasn't got the same driving force.

In any deal if one party negotiates the terms to it's advantage over the other - then the other is agreeing to a deal that is not the best - might be OK - but it won't be the best. And it might have some disadvantages.

This is one flaw in what could be the UK's cunning plan to the WTO for 30th March 2019 - that the EU tariffs and quotas schedule can be adopted and used as a starting point for post-Brexit trade. That schedule has to be agreed by all 164 members of the WTO and that may not be quite so straightforward - since some WTO members might well want to renegotiate specific tariffs and quotas in that schedule - terms that are currently not to their advantage or indeed are damaging - but that they accepted in the bigger picture of their trade with the EU.

Meanwhile Trump eschews all deals where he has to negotiate with multiple partners. He wants it 1:1 so he can bully other parties individually into accepting what he wants for America.

And once the UK is out of the EU the government will have a market of 65million to negotiate with - whilst the EU will have a market of about 446million. Hmmm.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And once again the man derails the thread and turns it into another EU back slapping exercise.

Wouldn't if it weren't for the fact that a trade deal with the US is high on the list of 'must haves once left'. What does Trump really care about the UK...he's sounding more unhinged as the days go on.