Trophy for Royal Ascot


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I was looking at the prizes for the Royal Ascot meet and may be able to "acquire" a decent shield as well. I would dearly love this to be an annual event and was thinking of getting engraved

"GM Forum Spring Meet"

What does everyone think. Should I get it?.

My thinking is that this one has worked out pretty well in terms of numbers and location and I'm sure I could wrangle an even better deal next year. Should it stay in one location which is my preference so everyone knows where each year. If we have other regular meets we can give them other titles. My concern is that if we always switch locations it always makes it hard in terms of people getting there etc. At least with one fixed event per forum calender people can book in advance (getting cheap travellodge rates etc) and make arrangements well in advance to utilise friends and family in the vicinity

Also, as RA obviously precludes our friends north of the border and fromthe Midlands up, it allows them to organise their own event. If these forum meets are big enough to warrant a trophy/shield perhaps we can then publish a winners list on the GM pages at the end of the season.

Just my views before I went ahead and got the shield. Not looking to start a north/south divide thing or my event is better therefore.... just my ideas. Please be constructive not destructive.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Whilst a Shield is a nice idea, does it not turn the event into a competition rather than a Forum Day Out. In the three events I've played in up here in Scotland, they have all been more of a social gathering with golf rather than the other way about. Yes there has been prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd and nearest the pin etc, but its been about getting out on the course and having a good time, rather than turning up and trying to win.

How do you monitor / adjust those with unofficial handicaps for instance.

Just my thoughts, I'm sure you will all have a great day and that golf will be the winner in the end.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I agree but didn't the individual stableford at the England v Scotland make it a competition. Doesn't a small prize for the winner on the day make it competitive. I wasn't looking at it as a competitive thing.

I have a rough idea of the unofficial handicaps from playing with some and getting independant reports on others. I'm sure we can find a way of monitoring these if we need to

It is all about playing on the day and having fun and not to be taken seriously. I just thought a shield would be a nice permanent reminder over time of who did well on the day and that a list of forum winners from across the country and meets this year would be a nice touch in the forum pages.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
I see the handicap thing but I do think the forummers are an honest bunch.

Played in a society with a copper who said he was off 28, he won with 58 points or something and then said that he played off very low singles when he gave up 3 years previously.

Cant see this happening with the forum.

I am always up for a bit of competition, I love the friendly banter but the competition side makes for additional fun.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Fair enough, you've thought it out. I just wouldn't like to see this forum's golf days end up like those of another forum I used to frequent before I came on here (long time ago!) They were very competitive which put me off even considering puting my name down for an event.

At Goswick, the final days stableford was there to keep everyone intersted. If you were beaten in your match then you still had the individual stableford to try and keep going. Made for hectic time keeping cards up to date I can tell you.


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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To me the forum meets are about meeting the guys and not about winning or at least not for me.Yes beating the English was nice (when isn't it?)but it was more about having fun.

DCB is correct with the stableford on day 2 of Eng v Sco it was there to keep you interested even if your game was done and dusted.


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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To me the forum meets are about meeting the guys and not about winning or at least not for me.Yes beating the English was nice (when isn't it?)but it was more about having fun.

DCB is correct with the stableford on day 2 of Eng v Sco it was there to keep you interested even if your game was done and dusted.

For me, day 2 was a bit of an anti-climax in regards to competitve edge.
We had exchanged banter etc.. prior to the event and on the first day didn't really "Know" the guys we were playing against. After a night of "bonding" it didn't seem the same, To me, anyway.

have a shield by all means, but don't let the event get the better of the cameraderie (sp)


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2009
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I think a bit of competition is a winner, we are all going for the banter and the getting to know new golfers but the chance of winning a small prize makes it seem like a proper event.

Seems a good idea to keep RA as the location for now as it seems reletivly central.

I might even try to sort a southern event later in the year.

Really looking forward to RA what is the plan are we playing stableford?


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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I play in about 3 events a year - our "works interdepartmental competition" for example - where ostensibly it's a competition with winners, trophies, etc but the main reason for turning out is the banter (and the golf) with folks you've seen not for a while. For Royal Ascot, don't see that a trophy will get in the way of anything, or spoil the craic. Something vaguely on the cheesey side will stop it being the be-all-and-end-all.


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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IMHO, you need a competitive edge to bring the best out of all who attend.

Homer, heres a suggestion form regulating the unofficial handicaps. Use the Callaway Scoring System for all players. We use it for visitors to our society outings, it ensures fair play for all.

Heres a link:


Assistant Pro
Jun 1, 2008
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don't get me wrong I'm not knocking it Homer, I hope to attend next year.
it's just that if we are intending on an annual "main" event for the forum then this location will be prohibitive for a fair few members.
I know you're never gonna be able to keep everyone happy with location or dates come to that, but a central location (somewhere near Oldham i think :eek:) for the U.K. would give a fair crack of the whip for all.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I never said it was central or convenient to all. The only thing I said was it would be nice if things like England v Scotland and RA became regular fixtures and at similar times each year. Perhaps if we get a lot of other events organised across the UK (NE v Yorks is still on the cards etc) and they work out we can prepare a fixture list for publication in the mag in say January or February. It would give everyone an idea of where and when and they can then make their own decisions as to which are easily accessible (or they want to stay over for) and when to book leave.


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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When we rolled up to Blairgowrie over a year ago my motivation in playing well was NOT TO COME LAST !!!! I dont think a token for the winner will detract from the occasion so have a great day folks.