The sum total of my years work - Swing Video included


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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sure. & good luck you made some good steps forwards.

just really about making sure your first move from the top doesn't take your left shoulder, neck, head further left to the target side of the ball. that makes it very difficult to then have any way to deliver the club without over use of the arms & hands which if timing if off will likely give you shots blocked right or some hooks.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As it stands, and this is probably the first time I've said this, I'm happy with the results my current swing is giving.

My issue with regards to scoring lie in my short game.

Besides if I keep changing things, I'll never have chance to let things settle and see where they lead.

Spot on.
Why keep changing something when it works?
We've all seen the quirky swings on tour so we know we can play well without a 'perfect' swing.
Gareth, you've made the changes and worked hard to get your swing to a point where you are happy. Well done.
Now dont go and mess it up by trying to achieve the 'perfect swing'
Get down the short game area and sort out those wedge yardages


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Quite a few people have mentioned your swing while technically much better looks too mechanical. This could be because you are thinking about the mechanics and technique before you swing. You stay very static for a good 2-3 seconds before the takeaway. It is likely that your analytical brain is getting in the way of a nice fluid movement.

If this is the case then you could try a couple of things at the range. Try and clear your mind before you go into your shot. Step behind the ball and line up your target then forget everything mechanical and technical as you move into your stance. Numbers help with this as they have little to no emotional attachment. A nice soft number like one, seven or nine in a nice quiet rhythmical loop in your head will shut down the analytical brain (PFC) and activate the instinctive muscle memory part of the brain (cerebellum).

When at the range hit 8 shots with each club, 4 thinking of technique and then 4 with a clear quiet mind. Gradually reduce that until you are hitting 3-5 2-6 1-7 then eventually no shots thinking of mechanics. If you are working on a new move again in the future or a fault has crept in move back up to 6-2 and then gradually reduce again each session.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Thanks for those Coach.

As it stands, and this is probably the first time I've said this, I'm happy with the results my current swing is giving.

My issue with regards to scoring lie in my short game.

Besides if I keep changing things, I'll never have chance to let things settle and see where they lead.

Fair enough Gareth but then why post your swing up here and ask for recommendations?

Perhaps better to get a video of your chipping if the short game is where you want to make improvements and you're happy with your full swing...


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Unfortunately i know nothing bout the mechanics of the golf swing , to the NON trained eye the second video looks much better , id take it ha .

One problem i had for a while was i was standing too square and couldnt clear my hips so i opened my left foot a little and it made the follow thru much easier ..

Fair play for the hard work , will hopefully be getting a short game lesson myself this off season ..


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
In my opinion your set up looks better but the lateral movement towards the target with your upper body at the start of your downswing is not good. If you're happy (as you say you are) then that's good, stick with it and be a 14 h/cap for the next few years
:rofl: LOLOL :D :D :D



You make a nice 'box' at the top of your backswing but it straightens the moment you start your downswing because your head/right shoulder work targetwards rather than staying put and rotating your right shoulder down on more of an inclined plane. What you're doing now must be a killer on your back.

All in my humble opinion of course.
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