The future of golf clubs ??


Assistant Pro
Jan 31, 2014
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Evening all...

We received this letter last week at our club, already there is a petition with over one hundred members against the idea. I'm not sure where I stand on this tbh, what are you're thoughts on the subject? and if you're club already uses this system does it work? effect roll ups etc....


Dear Members,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] As you know the Club is already running a tee booking system for competitions. This after initial hitches appears to be working well. There have also been an increasing number of members expressing concern that they cannot justify arriving at the Club and having to wait for an hour or more to play. The Management Committee is therefore looking to extend the system to all golfing activity early in the New Year.

Some members may feel that this will mean they can no longer just turn up and play. That is incorrect. Members will be able to turn up, but instead of checking the ball shute, they will go into the Pro shop to see if the tee is booked. If not, you can book that slot and get out and play. If there is a booking you can take the next available slot. That is no different from the ball shute. Five balls in the shute equals five tee bookings on the system.

Members will be able to book their tee times up to 21 days in advance - by telephoning the Pro shop or the Secretary, by booking online, by going into the Pro shop or using the booking system that will operate in the bar. Visitors will only be able to book up to 7 days in advance.

Before taking this decision, enquiries have been made of other local clubs who are already operating it, like Launceston and Thurlestone, to see what their experiences have been. Yes, they did face some initial resistance from members, but once those members saw it operating they realised that it is a fair system and none has noticed a change to their playing habits or times.

In addition to making life easier for the members, the system will also provide us with important information on the use of the course. Quieter times can be identified and marketed to visitors and societies, so that such use does not interfere with the members' enjoyment of the course and Clubhouse. The Clubs we have spoken with have seen an increase in green fees since introducing the system and at Yelverton that can allow for greater investment in the course and clubhouse. It will also allow better management and control of issues such as slow play, as at present, there is no way of knowing what time a group set off except in competitions.

The introduction of the system will include the availability of training for all members on how to operate it. This can be run either for large groups or for more flexibility, just you and your golfing buddies if you prefer. Initially we will run these sessions over a two month period, but members will be free to seek any further training beyond that period.

The club fully understands that there will be those who feel that the new booking procedure is unnecessary, but we ask for you to be forward thinking and to give it a fair chance. The operation of the system will be monitored to see any issues that need to be ironed out and a full review of its operation will be undertaken six months after its introduction. The club must continue to move forward, using the tools and technology available to us and change is part of the onward development of Yelverton Golf Club for the benefit of its members."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] Yours Sincerely,
Yelverton Golf Club[/SIZE]


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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One of the minimum requirements, for me, of joining a golf club is to be able to book a tee time. Sounds like your other system only suits people with plenty of time on their hands.


Sep 11, 2011
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Moved from a come when you like club, apart from comps, to one with a booking system early this year. Bliss! I can check up online before I leave work or home... no more waiting for an hour or more, or turning up only to return home.

A definite plus!


Nov 16, 2011
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Seems thoroughly sensible.

Which would members sooner have? Managed tee times that bring in 10% extra revenue or 10% increase in Subscriptions!

Though it would seem to be a good idea to 'reserve' the occasional tee time for members who simply roll up, at least initially.

Soft hands

Assistant Pro
May 18, 2014
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Our club is turn up and put your ball in the slide,unless it's comps then you book a tee time.

I like it and it's all I've ever known I like the flexibility of it. Obviously I understand it wouldn't suit everyone and whet I get lessons has the computer in place and they like it.

For clubs that use a computerised booking system can I ask,do a lot of the more favoured tee times get block booked early?


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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The BRS system is widely used these days across the UK and Ire, it is much more organised and you can see before setting off if there are any block bookings that would prevent you getting teed off without having to wait. It also means you an book so it is in your favour too.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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For clubs that use a computerised booking system can I ask,do a lot of the more favoured tee times get block booked early?

I believe no more than under any other booking system. Yes you can see the same names in the same time slots but under a turn up and play system i'm sure you'd soon learn that those same players turned up at those times to play thus taking the tee.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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We introduced the BRS system this year, I think its great, instead of just turning up and finding I am stuck behind a couple of fourballs, I have a look on line in the morning, book a suitable time and then turn up and play.


Assistant Pro
Jan 31, 2014
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Sounds like the club desperately need to attract younger members before it goes bust. If they want to do that they need to put practices into place that suit working people.

I doubt we'll be going bust any time soon, we have a waiting list.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Moved from a come when you like club, apart from comps, to one with a booking system early this year. Bliss! I can check up online before I leave work or home... no more waiting for an hour or more, or turning up only to return home.

A definite plus!

Me too... Even with avoiding the usual busy times it was always a hold your breath as you came round the corner at my old club

Deleted Member 1156

Do you seriously want to plan your golf 3 weeks in advance at a private members club? I left my previous club for exactly this reason. All the prime times will get snapped up as soon as they go live. To get a time for a Saturday you have to be online refreshing your screen at 19:59 then grab one as soon as the server allows. If you leave it till 20:01 they have all gone.

Good luck with it :confused:

Hayling have the right answer, book competitions and all other times are walk up and play. Works beautifully :thup:

Soft hands

Assistant Pro
May 18, 2014
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I believe no more than under any other booking system. Yes you can see the same names in the same time slots but under a turn up and play system i'm sure you'd soon learn that those same players turned up at those times to play thus taking the tee.

True id never thought about it like that.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 19, 2011
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I've moved this year from a club that has booked tee times to a club that has a chute (booked tee times for comps only) and I much prefer the chute. At my old place, the same groups would block book tee times every week, well in advance of knowing how many people were actually playing that day. So you would see 8 tee slots booked, and not be able to put yourself down. But turn up early to warm up and the tee would be empty because the group has turned out to be smaller that day. Lost slots for members, lost potential green fees for the club.

Yes, the same thing would happen with the big roll-ups at the new place, in that they go out at (say) 9am every Sunday. But because it's a true roll-up, I know a) to avoid that slot if I want to play with specific people or guests and b) I can always join in!