The aching body over 50yrs...............and ageing process !


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Jesus reading this does nothing to improve the conception that golf is played by a bunch of haggard middle aged or old men. Best add my tuppence then?.

Had several ops on areas of my body, have a metal plate in my lower abdomen area, as well as many other injuries over the years all work related.. Yet at nearly 40, im fit healthy and nothing hurts or aches before or after playing golf. Thanks to maintaining a regular exercise plan and stretching routine... Seems I've a way to go to catch you lot up.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Got more chance of playing in the Masters in a couple of months time!:LOL:

Is that masters snooker ???

Re the OP, you just gotta embrace what we have left. Quite frankly the Xmas period was proper crap. Bessie mates wife has had a massive stroke. Went to another funeral over Xmas and was told of another whilst there. In essence, yup I think we have all got aches and pains due to the strains our lovely game puts on our bodies. But were a lot better off than some. I think we have just got to embrace it, play within our bodies abilities and enjoy the company.

Deleted member 15344

Any particular type?

I have major back issues due to various injuries and went on a spine injury rehab ages ago and Pilates is superb for core work to help strengthen the back.

Mine only goes twice a year now as opposed to monthly like it Did before


Assistant Pro
Dec 30, 2016
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My thoughts when the aches and pains annoy, definitely harder trudging through the mud and the cold damp conditions. Growing old is ? but it’s much better than not growing old ?


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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I'm in my 60's and always carry my golf bag.
I'm off to Spain in September to play 6 rounds in 6 days with three fellow 60+ blokes.
Two will use a trolley and my twin and I will carry.
After a 5hr round in the sun I'll still feel better AFTER the round than before it.
The hardest thing I find is, after a round, when I stand up after a couple of drinks.
The only pain I feel during a round is when I hit one out of bounds!
Maybe I'm just lucky.

Edit to add that, due to arthritis in both knees, I gave up football last year at the age of 61.
It still breaks my heart just thinking about it.
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Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I'm 67, started playing at 47 after football then tennis. I've had both hips replaced and my left knee reconstructed after an ACL replacement and apart from those things I'm super fit ?

I play 2/3 times a week, always walk but use an electric trolley.

Mel Smooth

May 4, 2017
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Any particular type?

As I say, I've not tried it myself yet, but there
I'm in my 60's and always carry my golf bag.
I'm off to Spain in September to play 6 rounds in 6 days with three fellow 60+ blokes.
Two will use a trolley and my twin and I will carry.
After a 5hr round in the sun I'll still feel better AFTER the round than before it.
The hardest thing I find is, after a round, when I stand up after a couple of drinks.
The only pain I feel during a round is when I hit one out of bounds!
Maybe I'm just lucky.

Have great trip. Whereabouts in Espana?


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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Went to see the cardiologist last week and she asked me what my current occupation was as she thought I might not be getting enough exercise. I told her that I gave up work a little while ago as I couldn't fit it in with the golf, racket ball, squash, archery and grandchildren.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Didn't join a Golf Club until my mid 50's. Prior to that was a pretty serious Rock climber, winter & Summer mountaineer, pot-holer, skiier, wind-surfer & sailor before moving back to tennis, my first Summer game, when family arrived in my late 30's.
Gymnastics damaged my rotator-cuffs so that most of the past pursuits are out of the question. Have lately had achillies & Bakers cyst problems with my right foot & knee, though at 72 years have weathered pretty well really.
During 2019 the latter problems caused severe tiring on the back 9 & led me to go from H/cap 10 to 12.
Joined a gym, for the first time ever, a month ago & go 3 times a week with good results so far & with medical staff addressing the achillies which maybe causing the knee problem... we shall see & may lead to a rather better coming season.
Good to hear the mention of the benefits of Pilates which I start this coming Thursday as I have very poor flexability. There's Yoga classes on a Tuesday that I'll have to have a look at as well.
I do feel, that in golf, I have found a game that I can follow & enjoy for many years to come... if they do continue to keep coming.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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I will be 55 later this year and also have some aches and pains. What makes it worse and harder to handle is I had always been very active without any real after effects until last year. Since then every day my hip is sore, bizarrely sorer when I sit than when I walk. After an xray it urns out I have mild to moderate wear and tear in my left hip - slight arthritis. It doesn't affect my golf I am just really quite sore after a round. Have been to physio and have some exercises to do, but slights changes to my diet have helped more than the exercises did. As Homer said there are many much worse of then me, so i won't be complaining - well not too much.
Keep meaning to look in to pilates or yoga :rolleyes:

Deleted member 23344

I guess I’m just lucky. I’m 68 and never feel any aches or ill effects after playing a round of golf ... even after carrying a half set in a lightweight bag during this bad weather. I don’t do any other exercise either. Long may it continue ??


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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I'm 55, been trying to play golf on and off since the mid 80's (with a hiatus between 2000 - 2008). Currently playing 9 holes once or twice a week, but usually 4 times through the summer. I also do Aikido 3 times a week for the last 28 years, which helps keep me flexible and fit. However, I have struggled with frozen shoulders and tennis/ golfers elbows at different times over the past couple of years. The winter cold makes them a lot worse, this year it's tennis elbow in my left arm, which really impacts the golf swing and the Aikido. As a result, I have played a lot less golf over the past few months, and when I do play, restricting to 9 holes mostly, although I try to play 18 in our swindle at least once a month. I use an electric trolley in the summer, but have actually carried pretty much the whole winter this year. Do feel tired on our last stretch, which can induce a loss of concentration at times, but for the main part, I'm happy to keep carrying until it's warmer, when I hope the elbow gets better.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Seems I am not alone, which I'm not sure if I find reassuring or not !!

The thing is, this has all reared its head only in the last year or so, which is what I find annoying. I've managed my Knee issues well for over 40years, so the impending replacement will sort that out, and there is a chance that because of the over-compensation in many ways for the knee
are what's causing 'some' of the other discomforts etc, time will tell.