Stack and tilt: let's have a heated debate

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Mr Gibbs - that's the straightest left arm I've ever seen in golf! :thup: ... do you iron it? :whistle:

:rofl: Classic line!!

Well, another range session complete and one happy golfer am I :D

As per James' advice, I moved the ball back to mid stance for irons 6-9 and a ball forward for a 5 iron. I cannot stress how much better this felt.

Much better, more consistant right to left flight with the above irons. Strangely the contact felt more solid than usual......... And I have proof

6 Iron:

7 Iron:

8 Iron:

9 Iron:

I think I may be standing a little too far from the ball with the 9 iron?

Stats for tonight.

Same as Tuesday. Irons 5-9 hit with slightly open face. Tonights session was 60 balls hit (After 10 ball loosener). All balls moved back in stance (6-9 mid. 5 iron a ball forward of centre)

Start + Flight (curve)

Left + Left: 6
Left + Straight: 1
Left + Right: 0

Straight + Left: 7
Straight + Straight: 2
Straight + Right: 2

Right + Left: 27
Right + Straight: 12
Right + Right: 3

All in all very happy :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I get a lot of my S&T info from US sites, as there's not so much over here. Just saw this thread about what you might call S&T 2.0...

5 simple keys

steady head
weight forward
flat left wrist
sweespot path
clubface control.

An interesting read. Different approach to coaching overall as well.

Yeh I read that and it's basically some (top and apparently trusted) S&T instructors who want to do the 'Foley thing' and try to monetise their teaching via DVD and calling it their own method.

I can't blame them (even though I want to) as Plummer/Bennett have been so slow/poor at communicating with the public pertaining to questions. 4 years since S&T broke in the USA and how many instructors are there in the UK?... about 5.

They should have been teaching fleets of instructors for FREE but instead they sat back and let the world discuss it without hardly making a peep. I think those instructors are getting tired of taking the flack (I can relate to THAT feeling!) :D

That said to package it as something new is quite naughty and they've even had to resort already to saying things such as....

when I was asked to put together content for a DVD it seemed daunting. I guess it became simpler when I considered all I had to do was explain what we already did on a daily basis. I could take what I had learned from so many different sources and other instructors (nothing is ever really "ours"...just borrowed :)) and share it with anyone interested. This system is, for the most part, a process we have used at Golf Evolution since we opened the academy and now it has a "name"'s fun, to say the least :), to see the DVD, etc. becoming a reality.

Yes, and that name is Stack and Tilt remember? ....the stuff you already did on a daily basis?? HELLO!!!

and (when talking about someone else who teaches)......

Grant officially teaches a centered pivot, push draw pattern where the rear knee straightens, left flexes, on the backswing so the shoulders and hips can turn on an incline plane allowing the arms to swing inward and from there the hips slide forward and the butt tucks into the followthrough. His information is based off an understanding of biomechanics, geometry and physics.
Same information maybe in a different teaching style.

Yes... you mean Stack and tilt right?.. you know.. the thing you've been TEACHING for 4 years!


Actually I don't really care a great deal, Yes I think it's a shitty move by them but it'll just put stack and tilt out to even more people under a different name... so more golfers will benefit in the long run if it becomes at all sucessful.

It might well turn out to be a win/win situation.
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Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Latest range session.
As my lesson didn't occur, I had a few balls on the range.
I hit a few with my irons (good), hybrid & 4 wood (acceptable), before moving on to my driver.
Started of as total gash, had a smoke & re-evaluated.
Started working on my hip turn, (thanks justone) and I also stood slightly closer to the ball at address, (thanks here to GIBB0), so my arms felt more relaxed & I didn't feel like I had to reach out to hit the ball.
Well, what a difference, I suddenly started hitting them quite a bit straighter, albeit not very far.
I can't stress how close I FELT I was standing to the ball, it was just wierd, but the results have given my quite a lot of encouragement & I'll definitely persist.
I've still got a long way to go but I feel that I'm heading in the right direction.
I'm working to a tighter deadline now.
I've just been invited to a game at Bearwood Lakes in late March! I hear it's a pretty good course, any tips fellas?
All the best & thanks again to justone & GIBB0,



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Some S&T elements

No weight shift back
Head still
Hands forward at impact
Descending blow
Narrow stance
Hold off release (no wrist rolling)



Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Just giving this a bounce as I wanted to make my 1,000th post among fellow pariahs... sorry, friends! :whoo:

Not been out on the course much recently, but a few range sessions and plenty of practice swings have allowed me to swing without thinking too much about moves and positions. For me that's the best way to take it to the course... just thinking about rhythm, not technical stuff.

An S&T purist would look at my swing now and say I'm not hitting all the key positions.. but at present I'm ok with that.

What I have got from S&T so far: hugely improved consistency in ball striking, no fats, much better understanding of the golf swing in general (of whatever type), ability to hit a proper draw, increased distance.

My worst performance is 34 stableford points, so consistency if also there.

Will I try to become a "pure" S&T player... not sure, but I do know how much the book and theories have helped me evolve my swing.

Can't wait to take the new swing to the course to collect some silverware.

Thanks all for your thoughts, advice and encoragement so far, especially James, Chief Pariah. :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 2, 2008
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Just booked myself and child in for a split lesson on Sunday with Darren Hopwood. This will be the lads first S&T lesson and he is really looking forward to it. DH says its the best thing I could do by getting him into S&T at a young age (12).
I have also booked in for a 4 hour group S&T session at the local range. Closed range, balls included, video analysis and flightscope all for £50. No more than 6 people.

Anyone wanting to have their swing checked over by an authorised S&T instructor check out Hopwood Golf as there are details of online video swing assessments.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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So tell me Bob. Where does the £75 an hour come from.

Nothing but the best for my lad. Coach and swing pattern that is.

6 people paying £50
£300 divided by 4 hours
£75 per hour

Just checked his website and it's £40 per hour.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 2, 2008
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6 people paying £50
£300 divided by 4 hours
£75 per hour

Just checked his website and it's £40 per hour.

No apology necessary Bob I just wandered where you came up with that figure.

I know S&T is not your thing but it has proven to be very beneficial to me and if it works for the lad the same then it will be a price worth paying.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Went to the range tonight, Tried to video my swing, however the wind blew my phone off the stand and has done something to the memory and corrupted the video (..... and others on the device) so I'm a little bit miffed.

I've managed to recover certain frames and was hoping someone could check my positions:



I think, no, I know I'm loading too much weight onto my left at address. Not sure if you can see in the address picture but my right leg has very little flex.

Any thoughts, good and bad, always welcome :thup:


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Another range session.
Not much to report really................................same old, same old.
Irons were good, wedges were really good, long irons very acceptable, hybrid was reasonable, 4 wood was gorgeous, driver was rubbish.
Stood closer to the ball, further from the ball, ball further forward in my stance, ball further good.
I'm going to have to get another swing vid done..................feel vs real. I feel as though my hip turn is okay & my backswing feels shorter but I still have no control over where the ball goes.
Low left, high right, straight tops & some were even popped almost vertically & went about 130yds, but at least they went straight!
I'm getting bored constantly reporting my driver woes so I'll probably not waste your time until I have something different to report, maybe a little bit of cheer, who knows?
I'm starting to wonder whether or not my driver shaft is too long for me. I've got a free flightscope fitting arranged with a guy from Tour Edge, to try their Exotics & Bazooka bats........but that's another thread!
I'm a stubborn sod so I'm going to give my driver the S&T treatment for a while yet, my irons have got it on a permanent basis though.
All the best,
