Should all trollys be banned in winter.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 1, 2011
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Re: Should all trolleys be banned in winter.

some of you have missed my point,IF you need to use a trolley for health reasons that's fine i have no objections and i have no objections for the use in summer when the ground is normally firmer it is the use by juniors or older members who can carry in the winter months but still choose to lumber along with bags laden and yes they should walk were directed but in soft conditions it does not take long for the ground to turn into a scene from the Somme and what do they do when an area gets muddy they walk around it causing more damage i wonder by some reactions on here if you have your own personal comfort issues above that of the course and i bet you will be the first to moan when areas are roped of in summer to repair damage caused by the trolleys.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Re: Should all trolleys be banned in winter.

The OP seemed to be referring to people who look as though they should be carrying. As I was trying to point out, often those who look fit, are not. Short of flooding to the GPs (involving time off work, and wasting their time) to get a medical certificate, for something so trivial, how are the fitties going to be seperated from the raspberries?

Grass is a weed. It soon recovers.


Assistant Pro
Oct 25, 2011
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Re: Should all trolleys be banned in winter.

some of you have missed my point,IF you need to use a trolley for health reasons that's fine i have no objections and i have no objections for the use in summer when the ground is normally firmer it is the use by juniors or older members who can carry in the winter months but still choose to lumber along with bags laden and yes they should walk were directed but in soft conditions it does not take long for the ground to turn into a scene from the Somme and what do they do when an area gets muddy they walk around it causing more damage i wonder by some reactions on here if you have your own personal comfort issues above that of the course and i bet you will be the first to moan when areas are roped of in summer to repair damage caused by the trolleys.

Again as I say I am perfectly capable of carrying it summer or winter.. I am fit and strong enough to do so barring injury... but I just don't want to. Nor do I need a sanctimonious {I'm sure you know what fits in this part
} telling me that I should do as I'm told.

I'll use my trolley, go where I want, and do it the way I see fit. And if you get into one of the tracks from my trolley and have an issue with it then take a drop. You're entitled to do so anyway. Or you could just have a rant back in the clubhouse about it and get pointed and laughed at... your call.


Aug 5, 2011
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Funny how all the martyrs who carry all year come out with the same old guff come winter.


Its the same brigade that want 4x4's banned to save the environment then jet off 3 times in a year on a plane dumping more toxic filth in 1 journey than a 4x4 does in its lifetime.

The weight is spread over 3 wide wheels and 2 wide feet, you want it ALL on the feet and when everyone walks over the same piece of soft ground it will get damaged..........and recover.
Have you seen the state of courses used for big tournaments when there is bad weather? recovers pretty quickly doesn't it?


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Some people are only happy when they are complaining. If you feel that strongly about it. Put your clubs in the shed at the end of summer, and stay home. Just leave the rest to enjoy their golf in peace.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 24, 2011
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What is the current trend for everyone to have a trolley, once the preserve of the injured or the elderly golfer now it has become a must have for everyone,what happened to having a carry bag and stand,it makes my blood boil to see fit looking golfers churning up the turf near the greens in winter with what can only be described as sheds on wheels and what do they have in those massive bags?? i have always carried unless on holiday and use a buggy if asked to and carry the following,set of clubs,tees,6 balls,2 gloves,ball marker,pitch repair tool and a couple of pencils that is it,if it is raining i wear my all weathers and cant see the point of a brolly,if your worried about getting wet/sun or cold PLAY SNOOKER.

People with a trolley make your blood boil? You need to get out more!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I only used a trolley when i had lower back issues last year, and since then the only time ive missed a trolley was at the blackmour forum meet which was 18holes at camberley heath on sunday in mega heat, followed by 27 on the monday.

to date even if offered to share a buggy i still opt to walk with my bag.

Its lightweight, waterproof, carries all my crap, i dont have to walk back and forth from trolley paths, can walk up to the fringe ignoring the no trollies past this point restrictions, and i've been unlucky enough to spank one into the cabbage i can walk through the tree's and bushes with clubs on my back.

I dont think trolleys should be banned altogether, but i would like to see a decrease in the amount your see on a course being used by juniors or normal healthy members with nice big tour bags on them.


Assistant Pro
Oct 25, 2011
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I only used a trolley when i had lower back issues last year, and since then the only time ive missed a trolley was at the blackmour forum meet which was 18holes at camberley heath on sunday in mega heat, followed by 27 on the monday.

to date even if offered to share a buggy i still opt to walk with my bag.

Its lightweight, waterproof, carries all my crap, i dont have to walk back and forth from trolley paths, can walk up to the fringe ignoring the no trollies past this point restrictions, and i've been unlucky enough to spank one into the cabbage i can walk through the tree's and bushes with clubs on my back.

I dont think trolleys should be banned altogether, but i would like to see a decrease in the amount your see on a course being used by juniors or normal healthy members with nice big tour bags on them.

Thing is that doctors recommend not carrying a full bag of golf equipment until you have a fully developed muscle and skeletal structure as it can harm development... So whilst you might like to see juniors carry I won't be encouraging my son to do so.
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Club Champion
Aug 25, 2011
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One point that no one has mentioned...
I was told a while ago that carrying affects your swing. If you are carrying a reasonalbe weight as you are, then certain muscles will be more tired as you progress round and this can change your swing. Kind of made sense to me.
Anyway I can carry but don't. My little trolley makes far less damage than the tractors and other equipment they drive around. I also don't use hedgehogs, they actually seem to make more holes in the ground than my flat wheels !
Anyway to each his own. If I want to carry weights I go to the gym. Having said that, I NEVER get a buggy....

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: Should all trolleys be banned in winter.

some of you have missed my point,IF you need to use a trolley for health reasons that's fine i have no objections and i have no objections for the use in summer when the ground is normally firmer it is the use by juniors or older members who can carry in the winter months but still choose to lumber along with bags laden and yes they should walk were directed but in soft conditions it does not take long for the ground to turn into a scene from the Somme and what do they do when an area gets muddy they walk around it causing more damage i wonder by some reactions on here if you have your own personal comfort issues above that of the course and i bet you will be the first to moan when areas are roped of in summer to repair damage caused by the trolleys.

I didn't mis understand/interprit your point at all

I clearly stated that when the NO TROLLIES sign is displayed I carry my bag.

I'm sure the groundsman at any course are capable of determining whether the ground conditions are suitabe for trolly use? If this causes issue(s) at your course I suggest you take it up with your clubs ground staff and highlight the situation to them rather than making sweeping generalisations on a forum.

Like I said in my orginal post, I have no issue carrying my bag when conditions restrict the use of a/my trolley. I will leave that decision to my club and the ground staff PAID to keep the course in a playable condition.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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quite simple chris, less trolley traffic should in theory result in less course damage during the wet months. now i have no issue with anyone using one who needs one, ive been there and know that a electric trolley was all that kept me playing last year. but what gets me is when you see healthy 16/17/18 year old young men, with electric trolleys, huge tour bags with everything in there from a packed lunch, change of clothes, spare tent, you name it.

I appreciate that for some members a trolley is the difference between playing and not playing, and i respect that totally, the more people playing AND ENJOYING this game the better, but when little jonny who is now 6ft tall, 18 years old and a strapping young man cant carry a 2 kilo bag around a field for 4 hours, i think its a bit of a **** take if im honest.

What scares me more is no doubt someone will soon get a no win no fee case in court claiming a heavy tour bag he has carried has done long term damage to he's back, then we will all be forced to use trolleys for H&S reasons.


Assistant Pro
Oct 25, 2011
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I think you'll find that a fully loaded golf bag weighs a lot more than 2 kilos. I'd put a standard 14 club set with a dozen balls and a few bottles of water at 8 or so... and then add in all the other junk you have in there and it will add up to a fair bit more than you expect.

To show you what I mean a shaft typically weighs 60 or 70 grams for graphite and maybe 125 or so for steel. For my 13 clubs that would add up to around 1.5 kilos. Add in the weight of the heads at perhaps 300 grams each (my putter is 350g and I'm estimating the rest) and that's another 4.2 kilos.

Say a golf ball now weighs 45g (that's a rounded down amount from the legal weight of a ball) and you carry 12 of them. That's another half a kilo.

Nows lets say you have a lightweight carry bag. A Sun Mountain for example. A Superlight is 2 pounds in weight. Lets call that a kilo shall we?

So with all that.... without water, a rain suit, food, and any other junk in your bag you're up to 7.3 kilos.

I agree that's not a massive amount. But it will cause some fatigue over 18 holes up and down hills and things. And cause muscle damage if you're not very very fit.
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Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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If the course can cope with trolleys no need to ban them. Never been banned at my course as far as I know. but the course is sand based and drains well. A ban would stop a lot of members playing.

Personally prefer to carry except when it is lashing down. Just bought a new Sun Mountain carry bag which I can't wait to use tomorrow. I did use a trolley this summer when I injured my shoulder, but as it shows no sign of getting better or worse decided to go back to the carry bag.


Q-School Graduate
Mar 1, 2011
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im 24, 12 stone, very fit and compete in triathlons and squash to a decent level in the Armed Forces. I use my trolley whenever the course allows it (yet to be a trolley ban), why......well, why not!!! I enjoy it and love my trolley!
I also use white castle tees, not because i cant put a wooden tee in to the correct height, just my preference!!! same as using a trolley.
so p1$$ and off please dont join Bath Golf Club and bring your stupid ideas to our club!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I think you'll find that a fully loaded golf bag weighs a lot more than 2 kilos. I'd put a standard 14 club set with a dozen balls and a few bottles of water at 8 or so... and then add in all the other junk you have in there and it will add up to a fair bit more than you expect.

Sorry jonny should have said 8-10. i know my new TM lightweight stand bags weighs 3.7lbs on its own.

My point is bags have come along way since the good old days when the original powerkaddy was being launched. i used to caddy nasty horrid leather bags, with wooden woods, 10-15 balls, brolly, waterproofs and anything else the old boys used to want to carry for no valid reason. the straps were like thin belts, and the bags would weigh alot more than they do today.

I can still remember the first taylormade pacesetter bag that come out around 93/94, that had a nice big cushy strap and even with the stand was a pleasure to carry, the old chap i used to caddy for gave me this bag for myself after about 2 years, when he replaced it with the newer version.

In yesteryear when bags were all heavy, i can understand the need for a trolley more so than today where every manufacture including some cheaper non-branded stuff all offer very good quality lightweight bags at some great prices.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Re: Should all trolleys be banned in winter.

Totally dismayed by the opening post.
Always moaning some people.
Ive said it to my playing partners many of times,a trolley makes no difference to grass,
it will recover,it always does.
The problem is the mowers the greenkeepers use,much,much heavier,and used in all weathers.
You could walk a trolley up and down the fairway all day,and do less damage.
I saw a greenkeeper at our club drive onto the green when it was very soft,and
put tyre marks all over it until i stopped him.[no idea].
Let people decide wether they want to carry or use a trolley.


Assistant Pro
Oct 25, 2011
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Its not about the bag though. It's about all the junk inside it.

When I was carrying I would have guessed my bag at 10 and that was fairly light. Some bags that I picked up were double mine in weight and that would have been damaging to carry.

A trolley is a benefit and everyone should be using them... if only to extend our golfing lives.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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So with all that.... without water, a rain suit, food, and any other junk in your bag you're up to 7.3 kilos.

I agree that's not a massive amount. But it will cause some fatigue over 18 holes up and down hills and things. And cause muscle damage if you're not very very fit.

So with that statement, do you think its unrealistic for a grown man to carry a whopping 8 kilo around a course. after all, thats 8 whole bags of sugar!