Scottish golf app- projected WHS

*cracks knuckles*

CONGU handicap has disappeared. Again.
I have another new Projected Handicap Index, today it’s 3.0!? Which from a 10.5 still makes no sense.
All my away scores are missing. Again!
And some of the home scores are showing NR when I’m pretty sure they weren’t but I can’t check because the CDH record page isn’t working. AGAIN!

And around we go. Again.. :ROFLMAO:
Do we know how they plan to communicate handicap indices to those who don't have the app? (I'm suddenly interested)

I've not seen any authoritative info on it myself, it's not mentioned in the FAQs, the only thing I've seen is that one of my clubs has emailed to say that anyone without access to the App can continue to use the printed handicaps on the members noticeboard as before.

In a serious note, as much as this is amusing, I genuinely feel for all the handicap secretaries who are having to deal with this as volunteers. I do know the stress and strain this must be causing, I hope we can all laugh it off within a few rounds on the course. There are worse things to worry about. :)
I've not seen any authoritative info on it myself, it's not mentioned in the FAQs, the only thing I've seen is that one of my clubs has emailed to say that anyone without access to the App can continue to use the printed handicaps on the members noticeboard as before.

In a serious note, as much as this is amusing, I genuinely feel for all the handicap secretaries who are having to deal with this as volunteers. I do know the stress and strain this must be causing, I hope we can all laugh it off within a few rounds on the course. There are worse things to worry about. :)

I'm sure it will all settle down soon enough once the initial cutover period is finished.

I actually think it's a better system despite the more complicated and convoluted calculations required.
I'm sure it will all settle down soon enough once the initial cutover period is finished.

I actually think it's a better system despite the more complicated and convoluted calculations required.
Of course those calculations will, in general, never need to be done by the players. Much like CSS
I actually think it's a better system despite the more complicated and convoluted calculations required.

Yep, I agree, I've been looking forward to using slope for ages because it's going to work better for me playing across many courses.

I know very few other golfers would go for it as an idea but I would have been happy to rebase, start from scratch and play my way to an 8 best rounds. I don't care about my best round from 3 years ago, the system is built around current performance so why not start from there. As I say, that's just me and I know it wouldn't be popular in the majority for lots of very valid reasons.

The migration was always going to be a nightmare, the systems just aren't equivalent and trying to give an impression that they are in a retrospective munge of data was always going to create a lot of problems - it's why I'm so amazed it's taken this long to get to this point, it all looks like homework being done on the bus now. And I know in these situations it's the people at the coal face that are working hard and absorbing all the stress of a situation they've been put in by others.
Yep, I agree, I've been looking forward to using slope for ages because it's going to work better for me playing across many courses.

I know very few other golfers would go for it as an idea but I would have been happy to rebase, start from scratch and play my way to an 8 best rounds. I don't care about my best round from 3 years ago, the system is built around current performance so why not start from there. As I say, that's just me and I know it wouldn't be popular in the majority for lots of very valid reasons.

The migration was always going to be a nightmare, the systems just aren't equivalent and trying to give an impression that they are in a retrospective munge of data was always going to create a lot of problems - it's why I'm so amazed it's taken this long to get to this point, it all looks like homework being done on the bus now. And I know in these situations it's the people at the coal face that are working hard and absorbing all the stress of a situation they've been put in by others.

That wouldn't have bothered me, and as someone who plays at 2 clubs with a combined 3 courses as well as 10-15 opens per year, I'm also looking forward to using slope as it deffo makes things more equitable when moving from course to course and playing away comps at other clubs.

And I'm not too bothered if the migration doesn't come out absolutely 100% accurate as I'll soon have a fresh batch of 20 scores submitted when the new season kicks off.
According to the App Store the actual app hasn't been updated in a month. Absolute mystery as to why it's stopped working for me.

How did you uninstall the App? It appears to be caching something in Documents & Data which may be getting Offloaded to iCloud. Trying deleting it from Settings->General->iPhone Storage. Make sure it's not set as an Offload App and then remove it using Delete App. Then reinstall from the App Store?
Yes they are no doubt removing the evidence before roll out, that's one way to limit the arguments. Best grab a copy from your ISV before it goes from there too!
Reading their instructions for downloading and setting up the app it seems that there should be a "Register" button but that's missing.

It's pretty borked. I logged out and when I restarted the App I do have the "Register | Sign In" options at the top of the first interactive screen.
... and the CDH data is back on the website .... despite my doubts I'm forced to admit my records and calculated new HI appear to be correct from what I can see. Maybe SG are going to make me eat humble pie by getting most things fixed before launch... ever the cynical optimist
... and the CDH data is back on the website .... despite my doubts I'm forced to admit my records and calculated new HI appear to be correct from what I can see. Maybe SG are going to make me eat humble pie by getting most things fixed before launch... ever the cynical optimist

Mines has been refreshed again and still some errors e.g. 1 away score showing as being played at home and a number of gross differentials not giving the correct answer based on the data displayed combined with me knowing where the CSS varied from SSS and adjusting accordingly.

However, if I take my best 8 scores correctly calculated I get the same answer for overall Index as is displayed on the app, so to be honest even if a few of these errors are still there when we go live on Monday, I'm not that bothered as the index is pretty much what it should be.

My App just said it did an update (not an App Store update, one of its mysterious self content updates)

My Projected Handicap Index is now "NaN" and the Effective date has gone back in time to 24/08/2020. I noted earlier today when it was claiming HI 3.0 the effective date was 28/08/2020.

I really want to join the roll-up on Monday and see the look on people's faces when I'm asked my handicap and I say it's literally "Not a Number". :ROFLMAO:
It's just updated again. Gone from 1.12.0 r12 to 1.12.0 r13.

Please, just stop. Stop deploying to live and letting us see this trash fire unfold. I've got things to do.