Robin Matthews-Williams

I'd agree and not to be nasty but he's hardly made any decent money from copying their technique, he banged on about getting a loan and being in debt to go to America PGA Show, so he's barely making much money milling around driving ranges.

He won't make much as most driving ranges will have pros already working there and most will insist on the PGA qualification which he doesn't have.
His unique selling point is that he shouts, swears and slags off the PGA..... not what most ranges/clubs want.
That video is clearly faked, and the speaker is obviously not the real RMW.
I endured about half of it and didn't hear a single profanity, so it can't be him.
This thread has served one purpose as I had no knowledge or experience of any of these bloggers until now.

Having watched several of them I can only say what a bunch of self-obsessed, narcissistic charlatans they come across as.

If I was still serious about my golf I would look for a good teaching pro' with whom I could relate, not some shouty idiot clearly more interested in promoting himself rather than improving my golf.
He won't make much as most driving ranges will have pros already working there and most will insist on the PGA qualification which he doesn't have.
His unique selling point is that he shouts, swears and slags off the PGA..... not what most ranges/clubs want.
Theres alot of guys teaching on the tour that dont have a PGA qualification, Mark Crossfield is hypercrititical of the PGA and doesn't even pay the yearly fee anymore. Certainly does nothing much for me the pga course, theres alot of monkeys with pga degree who I wouldn't let regrip my club never mind take swing advice from. Whilst for the most part being a golf pro isn't very well paid the reality is these guys are better off at driving ranges, assistants in a shop are paid minimum wage. One local pro I know only hires young boys and pays them the least he can whether its 4 something or 5 something an hour. Pretty poor show
Yeah, Robb McGarr. after Robb flmed a video revewing the FlowMotion swing method (based on a lesson he took).

To be fair, Rob McGarr didn't just pinch the idea, he also regurgitated almost verbatim RMWs comments.

RMW is good when he is himself and not playing some character. Because the shouty, sweary act has worn very thin very quickly.
This thread has served one purpose as I had no knowledge or experience of any of these bloggers until now.

Having watched several of them I can only say what a bunch of self-obsessed, narcissistic charlatans they come across as.

If I was still serious about my golf I would look for a good teaching pro' with whom I could relate, not some shouty idiot clearly more interested in promoting himself rather than improving my golf.
I don't think his target market is people really trying to improve. His best videos for me are when he takes the mick out of the more ridiculous training aids and instructional videos that he's seen elsewhere. I follow him mainly for laughs, I've never seriously attempted the no-look or walk-in methods that he talks about. I just like the general idea and concept of a more natural individual swing.
To be fair, Rob McGarr didn't just pinch the idea, he also regurgitated almost verbatim RMWs comments.

RMW is good when he is himself and not playing some character. Because the shouty, sweary act has worn very thin very quickly.

Aye because he had a lesson from RMW's teacher/mate (guessing he's a flow motion teacher)... who I imagine used the same terms to RMW as he did Rob McGarr…

The teacher was in his early videos (They've been took down since)

I doubt he had a sudden change of heart 6 months down the youtube line... Something has happened for him to make his arse drop and post that vid
Who do flowmotion think they are

They didn't invent all this. Can't copyright or trademark a swing feel etc

Need someone with a bit of money behind them to help RMW out
I think Robin is very good and there is without doubt a place for him in golf.
He is extremely passionate and of course trying to make a name for himself. I don't get the people who use this to criticise him.

He is of course an acquired taste, as are all other pro's/YouTubers.
I can completely understand how his swearing and antics would annoy some, but I'm fine with it and I've seen some great videos of his.

He's something very different and I find myself a lot more often than not, agreeing with him. He's helped my swing too.
A very good guy I reckon, despite some wobbles and cringey bits on the way
To be fair, Rob McGarr didn't just pinch the idea, he also regurgitated almost verbatim RMWs comments.

But McGarr couldn’t have been more clear about promoting the instructor, who is in the video! He didn’t pinch the idea he saw it and went for a lesson off the guy, benefitting the pro responsible, pinching it would be demonstrating it as your own.

Yes he said a lot of the same phrases RMW did but in a response video he apologised for that and said it was just stuff that had already been on his mind (none of it is stuff you haven’t heard elsewhere, if you haven’t heard the “you could throw a ball at that target” thing is be surprised). I hear people parroting things they’ve heard others say with no realisation that’s what they’re doing, it’s quite common. RMW was way too strong in his rebuttal, which has been edited heavily, but still maintains the “you can’t be honest in your video mate” jibe that now rings hollow. He was doing far worse.

Hopefully a lesson learnt and he’ll grow from it. We’ve all made mistakes, kept on doing things we knew were wrong when that little voice in the back of our minds was telling us it was. Some are better at listening to it than others, I’m far from perfect at it. Let’s just hope it hasn’t cost him anything I don’t wish him any ill will. At the time I thought he was out of line with his treatment of McGarr, that stuff affects people, given recent events an apology is even more called for.
Tbh I just typed in flow motion golf got a video of a guy doing a drill and then hitting a shot and it was basically as if RMW had copied it exactly in a previous video of his I had watched. Basically completely ripped the guys content off, I am with you he can teach anything he wants but you cant be making instructional videos and basically just copying someone else verbatim
As someone who now plays Orka irons, was great to see Robin's video with Alex last week.

And then this week I went for my follow up gap test with Alex and was shocked to walk in the door and bump into Robin after he'd just had a fitting for some irons. Seemed like a genuinely nice bloke from the brief chat we had - Alex had a lot of lovely things to say about him as well - can't wait to see the video of the fitting when it comes out.
As someone who now plays Orka irons, was great to see Robin's video with Alex last week.

And then this week I went for my follow up gap test with Alex and was shocked to walk in the door and bump into Robin after he'd just had a fitting for some irons. Seemed like a genuinely nice bloke from the brief chat we had - Alex had a lot of lovely things to say about him as well - can't wait to see the video of the fitting when it comes out.
Think he worked himself into a bit of a corner with some of the things he said but I think in reality he is actually ok.
Been watching a few of his videos where he sits in with Marcus Bell good content

He’s a strange lad mind
You know what,I had exactly the same opinion as you, but then I met him and he’s a fantastic lad.

I’m not sure what he’s trying to achieve but all I can say is that his video massively helped our business This year despite my Past reservations about him
I had a few lessons with one of the guys who taught Robin early days and they said he was a nice bloke.

I also have a friend who had a lesson with him when he first started out, really helped him start enjoying his golf by relaxing and just hitting it.

I’d certainly rather watch RMW than another reviewer hitting drivers 300yards and telling me how I need one. ( though tbh I rarely watch either)
First video of his that I've actually enjoyed & a good subject for a vid (just shows you the swearing in the early videos was just for show & isn't needed in the extremes it was included)

I might have to go see what else he's been uploading recently...