Restricted Handicaps in club major trophies


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Apr 30, 2020
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It seems a couple of years ago I brought up the topic of golfers being more dishonest/cheats than most thought....I got shot down for even suggesting it. Golfers cheat....just like the rest of the population.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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It seems a couple of years ago I brought up the topic of golfers being more dishonest/cheats than most thought....I got shot down for even suggesting it. Golfers cheat....just like the rest of the population.
Yes they do and a lot more than people think.

We played a senior open 4bbb.
On the 16th a par 3.
The guy marking our card said “ I will put you down for a 2 and add a shot on 17 th so your gross is correct , we always do it and get some balls”
He wanted us to do likewise for them.
We told him in no uncertain terms where he could go.
We told the guy doing the cards and gave him my phone number, never heard a thing!

To many with their heads in the sand they don’t see anything so alls hunky dory!


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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It seems a couple of years ago I brought up the topic of golfers being more dishonest/cheats than most thought....I got shot down for even suggesting it. Golfers cheat....just like the rest of the population.
Except for low handicappers. No cheats there. But high handicapper are a different. Thats where all the golf cheats are. It seems.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Except for low handicappers. No cheats there. But high handicapper are a different. Thats where all the golf cheats are. It seems.
Quite the opposite in my experience.
The most blatant ones on the course have been around the 12/18 cappers .
They don’t even bother to try and hide it.
But a lot of golfers won’t call them out.
So they just get away with it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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All Seniors board comps at ours have a 28 h/c limit.
Those with a h/c higher than this can still play, but must play off a 28 h/c.

In my opinion this is too high & I would like to see it lowered.
28 was probably introduced in the days when the max men's handicap was 28. It's now not pertinent so should be scrapped.
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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2022
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Surely that can't be the case?

If the reports are correct, it takes more than 45 to feature up the leaderboard, 50+, to win. Week in, week out.

So that isnt few bad eggs, manipulating their handicaps for a few rounds for a few shots before board competitions.

Thats a significant portion of the membership, manipulating their handicaps, by 10 shots above what it should be, and maintaining that week in week out, despite soft caps, hard caps, differentials of 14 shots, shooting net 60, peer review, the attention of their handicap committee, and exceptional reductions.

Either that. Or the reports are tilted towards exaggeration. Hmmm. Not sure which is the more likely case.

Bad eggs & exaggeration?
You mean like the guy at ours who went out on our 2 day 36 hole club championship & shot a net 60 on the 1st day & a net 63 on the 2nd day for a net total of 23 under par.

Yeah, right.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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If someone wins two comps playing 10 under net (say), won't those scores appear in their best 8 and automatically bring their handicap down. I can't understand why people are telling us about consistent winners with outlandish low scores.


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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My ego loved being off 8, and 9 just pre-WHS. So I was miffed when WHS stuck me up a couple to 11 within months of the change. But I have come to understand how WHS works, and how I must work to get back down to SFs if that’s what I want to do. I want to improve, and my HI will follow any improvement, my HI and a SF CH is not my objective. Improving is. And now knowing how it works I am not bothered were I to drift up as I know I can fairly easily get back down. And I have.

And in truth…in feeling superior with my pre-WHS 8 I actually knew I was a bit of a fraud as it was rare that I could actually play to 8 or 9. Now back to 8.2 (CH of 9) I am comfortable as I know I can fairly easily play to 9 and that if and when my CH gets to 8 that will be, for me, a real measure of my general ability.
Yep. It’s all about submitting your cards. I’m back up from 12.8 to 14.6 HI after two very low rounds came off. It feels 1 stroke worse than I’m playing right now but it gives me focus for next year which I want to try and get all 20 cards as sub 90. If I can get that consistent it will feel like happier golf.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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If someone wins two comps playing 10 under net (say), won't those scores appear in their best 8 and automatically bring their handicap down. I can't understand why people are telling us about consistent winners with outlandish low scores.
It’s not the same people all the time there are lots of these people.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
If someone wins two comps playing 10 under net (say), won't those scores appear in their best 8 and automatically bring their handicap down. I can't understand why people are telling us about consistent winners with outlandish low scores.

I assume they soon shift the winning score with a bunch of bad general play!

Maybe consistent doesn't mean "often," it means "when bigger prizes are on offer!":p


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I have checked results of our Thursday Rollup. This Rollup is played off our front tees and members playing are, in the main, higher handicappers. As our front tees have a CR 2 shots less than par it is the case that Stableford points off these tees are generally a bit higher than off the back tees.

46 played. 13 played to their PH or better. The winner scored 46pts (winning by 4pts) off a HI of 17.5. WHS has seen his HI cut to 15.3. Off front tees that sees his CH cut by 2 shots. That is how it should work, and at my place how it works. 46pts is unusual, winner normally 41-43pts.

I note he is a senior who has in the past played off a lower handicap (low teens, maybe SF) and who, for some time, has been working hard on his game to get back down.

Maybe more, and certainly also, appropriate comment for the WHS Doesn’t Work thread…
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