Realistic target for handicap drop


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Oct 4, 2018
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Yes - I've also seen the Rob McGarr video and the two things I took from it were:
* measuring the success of your practice sessions, so you can compare the following week.
* how many of the routines are short game focused.

Also have seen Denis Pugh and Francesco Molinari speaking. Molinari had his best ever year last season, but they were talking about following their process and getting better at certain disciplines.

They would measure 2019 as just as successful, or more successful, based on their process. Even if that didn't translate to 2 tour wins and a major win and 7 or 8 other top 10s.
I heard an interview with Pugh recently that said exactly this and found it really interesting that the thought process wasn't on scoring numbers or gaining yards etc but all about creating process and practising these process until they became 2nd nature and the end result will look after itsoef, its certainly changed my approach to practice and something I'm looking at implementing and sticking to across the year


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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Yes - I've also seen the Rob McGarr video and the two things I took from it were:
* measuring the success of your practice sessions, so you can compare the following week.
* how many of the routines are short game focused.

Also have seen Denis Pugh and Francesco Molinari speaking. Molinari had his best ever year last season, but they were talking about following their process and getting better at certain disciplines.

They would measure 2019 as just as successful, or more successful, based on their process. Even if that didn't translate to 2 tour wins and a major win and 7 or 8 other top 10s.

Being able to practice twice a week as well as quantify it, also following a good preshot routine etc would all be seen as successful based on completing the process each time. So that consistency must make you play better golf.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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I would ask a couple of the better golfers in your group who have played with you for the answer to your question. They will have all the necessary information.

Alternatively ask your pro for a quick assessment of what he thinks he could get you down to, and how much it will cost - again he will have the skill set to advise accurately.

Based purely on what you have written, and my own experience of having time at your age after that same period of playing, was that I quickly got down to 8 (from 13) when I stopped letting work get in the way of playing golf 😎 From your description of your tee to green abilities I can't see any reason why you should play off single figures at all.

Have asked the guy off plus 1 for some feedback, as we have played together quite a few times, he used to just shrug his shoulders and say "19" handicap when watching my swing lol. I was also ask my pro / coach.

the downside would be that we don't have ESR like England to can't reply on that extra shot after a few good rounds, though it might get easier once we go to the new handicap system

Not sure if this is what you mean but we had a sheet issued from Killermont this week indicating handicap cuts and increases based on an " annual review" ??


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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I heard an interview with Pugh recently that said exactly this and found it really interesting that the thought process wasn't on scoring numbers or gaining yards etc but all about creating process and practising these process until they became 2nd nature and the end result will look after itsoef, its certainly changed my approach to practice and something I'm looking at implementing and sticking to across the year

Absolutely practice specifics which can be quantified and compared will show how you improve or not as the case may be. The practice Manual by Adam Young is worth a read as well. One particular bit that springs to mind is his comparison to computer gaming and golf practice. You don't start on the hardest level but on an easy one and as you gain skills you move up levels. An example for golf may be setting the diameter that you want a 50yd pitch to land within and then once you can get 14 out of 20 inside that bring it in by one yard and do it again, or if you get less than 7 move the markers out until you find your level then work to bring them back in again.


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Jun 9, 2009
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Have asked the guy off plus 1 for some feedback, as we have played together quite a few times, he used to just shrug his shoulders and say "19" handicap when watching my swing lol. I was also ask my pro / coach.

Not sure if this is what you mean but we had a sheet issued from Killermont this week indicating handicap cuts and increases based on an " annual review" ??

no dear boy, the SGU didn 't adopt it but England did, when you brake the CSS by such and such within a certain amount ( i think it may have been 4 shots) of returns there is an additional cut so; cut, cut, ESR which i think is another shot so its easier it get cut quicker. originally for juniors to catch up with there rapid drops


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Once I got down to 16 I got to 12 quite quickly. Stayed there for a year or so then all of a sudden found myself on 9,after that is another story. Just go along for the ride and see where it takes you.


Jul 13, 2015
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I am busy looking at targets for this year, and not sure what would be a realistic drop.

Last season I got cut from 18.9 to 14.8, a combination of a cut for winning the winter fourball and a good medal round taking me back down to 14.8.

My initial goal would to not be the highest handicapper in our Saturday sweep. There are currently 28 guys play and two of us are off 15, so just one off gets me that one ;), only worked it out this morning but only 7 guys are in double figures the rest are +1 to 9 with the average being 7.4 for all of us !!:eek:

I am fortunate that I do have ab bit of time to practice and am having lessons fairly regularly, so what could be possible ?

I was thinking of aiming for 12.4 but is that too much ? Has anyone of a similar handicap made a goal and what do you think is possible ?? or anyone else got experience of same

Alan I know you, and I have played a good few rounds of golf with you. If you cut out the odd crazy shot (cough cough, knifed wedges) I genuinely see no reason why 10 isn't a realistic target.

You have the game and the ability, just putting it together for a few rounds will see you tumble.

(Right when's my next invite? 😇)

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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having joined a new club after a near three year lay off due to injury i was given a h/cap of 18 after my three initial cards were put in , my aim this year now is to get back to 14 which is where i was before my lay off ,ultimately i will be looking to get to single figures as my game is there to do so as i have shot sub par gross rounds at my former club and it will only be a matter of time before i am shooting the lights out again and i know that with a lot of work from me that it really is an achievable target.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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the downside would be that we don't have ESR like England to can't reply on that extra shot after a few good rounds, though it might get easier once we go to the new handicap system
Not sure that would help. The scores would have to be exceptional. 2 scores with a net differential of -4 or better in four returns.
He has only had two good scores and one of those questionable
"18.9 to 14.8, a combination of a cut for winning the winter fourball and a good medal round taking me back down to 14.8. "


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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Alan I know you, and I have played a good few rounds of golf with you. If you cut out the odd crazy shot (cough cough, knifed wedges) I genuinely see no reason why 10 isn't a realistic target.

You have the game and the ability, just putting it together for a few rounds will see you tumble.

(Right when's my next invite? 😇)
Cheers Crawford, your’s is an open invite 😉 need to get a date sorted