R&A statement on Woods incident at Masters

I still find it hard to believe that a viewer, watching what we were all watching, was able to determine that Tiger's drop was incorrect, was able to get in touch with the Augusta Tournament Committee, who were then able to get hold of and review footage of the drop and make a decision in the hour or so between the drop and Tiger signing his card....

:thup: very convenient :whistle:
I also think it's a cop out and I can see more of this nonsense happening. IMHO Tiger went away with a load of cash that he should never have got......denying others who played by the rules that cash. It also showed the side of Tiger that some of us knew exsisted. He should have DQ himself.

Spot on Tommo.
The fact of the matter is that Tiger stated on television that the drop was not in the right place so as not to play the same shot twice. After an admission that he took a wrong drop and signed his card, he should have withdrawn -end of, for me!

If then, the committee foul up their job there is still no reason to re instate Tiger with a belated penalty - two wrong don't make a right, not even in golf! I don't agree with allowing slowmo hd judgement of infingements as in the Harrington case but where the player admits a wrong drop was knowingly taken there surely can't be a way back, whoever fouls up afterwards!