Project Scratched


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
I commented on here a while back that if I stopped enjoying my golf because of the project I'd pack it in. I reached that point today with an abysmal 120 in the July Medal. I spent a fair amount of time chatting to the Club Captain, who played with me, in the bar after the game and he felt that while there was clearly a decent golfer in there, the level of pressure I am applying to myself is preventing me from reaching my potential.

The Project wasn't my idea in the first place and I thought I'd give it a go. I'm keen to carry on practicing, taking lessons and trying to improve my game, but the unnecessary pressure of 'needing' to shave shots off my scorecard is stopping me from having fun, which is what it's all about at the end of the day.

I don't care anymore about what handicap I am (pretty much where I started at), I just want to go out knock it about, savour the good shots and laugh off the bad ones. Thanks to those who have given me encouragement along the way, and thanks also to those who have given me a reality check when I've needed one.

I'll probably go out and post 90 next time I play now :D


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Think it was ambitious. However you have given it your best shot and realise it is unlikely to happen.

Everyone has a bad round but with 120 which I assume is gross the right decision has been made.

Well tried


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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This is not a told you so post first and foremost.
I am glad you gave up on it too as it was simply far too much pressure on yourself, analysing and reanalysing what you are doing... all in full view of the forum.
If I was you I would continue keeping minimum notes on scoring and maybe the odd thought regarding what works and what doesnt. Come on, just enjoy the bloody game with all its frustrations and challenges.


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
I've read that book by the guy who did it inside 12 months.

He fortunately had a very understanding wife and business partners. :)

Reading the book, I often wondered how his missus put up with all the hours he spent down the driving range and on the course. Every waking hour was dedicated to golf, whether playing, practising, reading about it or watching videos.

Forget about the project Tiger. Go out and enjoy the game.
We have enough pressure in our lives without adding to it!


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 23, 2010
West Mids
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Very honest Tiger, i've admired your project, and the tough target you set yourself. Probably agree that the presure of 'having to' get the scores down is hindering you. We all play pretty well once we think we can't win afterall.

I've a sneaky feeling that when the scores tumble you might set the target again, if not in the public way but for yourself.

Also, i think your at the hardest part. Learning all the skills involved, there are loads of different shots to get your head round, its really pretty technical. Once you get under 100 then 90 is a big target. once you can get a few pars and you get confortable then it comes easier. Its all in the mind once your down to 12ish. I accept that this is my experience and what i think from my own game, but the technical aspect comes in the end. once you can do it a few times then its a mind game like any sport.

Had been meaning to ask anyway - whats happened to Bogie (your fellow -original- project memeber)?


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Im sorry to here that you have given up on your quest Tiger,going onto a forum and telling people of your plan really put you up for some critisism some supported you and some people said you had little hope.This is how i see it now,ask yourself have you really given this your best shot it was a five year plan not five minutes.People in life that achieve great feats sometimes take years just to plan the event let alone achieve it.Conchering mount everest,navagating the globe,olympics four years training,of course enjoying it is important but do you think there wasnt going to be highs and lows,i think you have quit to soon and you may regret that.A lot of people that have a major goal take it in little pieces ie training for a marathon,you dont just go out and do a marathon you build up slowly perhaps thats how you should have gone about it.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Thats a real shame and I hope you don't give up on the blog side of it as it's made interesting reading. I think you know from our PM's and my comments on your blog about what I thought but I still think there is the potential there to get to a reasonable level.

I think you can just go out now and play the game in the way its meant to be played without putting any pressure on yourself. Get you handicap sorted (not sure if you'd done that yet) and go from there. I think if you go out and don't worry about your score you'll crack 100 and then 95 and so on and the handicap will take care of itself.

For what its worth, I'd keep going with the lessons for a while and make sure the fundamentals (and your driving which I know has been a nemesis) are sorted. Enjoy the rest of the summer free from pressure and then have a look at what you want to do in the winter


Money List Winner
Jan 14, 2008
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At least you gave it a shot,having read your posts i think it was an obsession with you i'm maybe wrong but thats my opinion for what its worth.
Now you can go out and enjoy this stupid game without the pressure,keep it up and your handicap will come down.

ps - get yourself a fairway wood it will help.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Well Tiger
I admire anyone that has drive and commitment as in my eyes your half way there with that......Iv played football all my life and its a big requirement in the game....Retired now through injury but im still a very competitive individual......Mainly with myself....Im playing off 18 now having started off 21 and reached 17 but the past few weeks i havent been shooting scores i know im capable of and its been creeping back up..Im starting the see the areas of my game that need work and have made a promise to start to enjoy myself come next weekend in our comp...The way i see it were young and healthy and were able to get out a knock a little white ball around in all weathers which is something that many many people would give there right arm for.....Like your captain has said to you i know there is a very good golfer in me but as other people have said to me and even some here on the forum dont try so hard and the scores will certainly come tumbling....Im only playing 8 months but i can be pretty tough on myself when i want to be.......

Enjoy it mate as im trying to do and one day im sure we'll be on here with single figures in our Sig's like alot of the gents on here..... :D :D


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 23, 2010
West Mids
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I did say it was speaking from experience from my own game.. ;)

But, i also meant that we can hit the shots we need to, we dont do it often enough. That's a mental issue isnt it?


Challenge Tour Pro
May 30, 2010
South Yorkshire
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I just dont understand the pressure people put upon themselves,I started playing golf 4 years ago with the idea that Id get to the stage where I could play to a level that would be I am not a member of a club I dont have an official handicap,but i can play to a 14-16.I play at least twice a week,and win or lose,enjoy every game..I,ll be sixty in a couple of months and to me theres no better game


Assistant Pro
Aug 29, 2009
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I found following your progress quite interesting.
Having only been playing golf one year myself, i felt alot of afinity with some of your frustrations.

Most people's goals are to get as low as they can, with the amount of time they put into it.

It took me about 8 months to break 100, my biggest learning was, as your game improves(ball stiking, short game etc) so will your scores. I wish I woried less about the scoring.

28 shots is a lot, you get a few pars then a few 6's or 7s and you can still break 100.

If you are ever in London, it would be great to have a game together :)



Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Thanks for the comments guys. The major problem was the weight of expectation. Going public and having people follow your progress and then getting nowhere was building the pressure up. Can relate exactly to what Kid is saying. All my life I've been 'good' at sport. Mainly because I started at a young age and therefore can't remember being rubbish. I'm my own harshest critic and add that to the external pressure...

Today I had eleven penalties, eleven!!! And it's all related to unnecessary pressure and tension. I started playing golf for fun as illness had robbed me of football but the project is sucking all the fun out of it. Spinns right and if in eighteen months I'm playing pretty well I'll probably (privately) see how low I can go, but if it sucks the fun again!!!

The blog might be reinvented and of course I'll keep you all updated with my golfing progress.

PJ I'd have loved to keep it going but I've recognised that doing something like that publicly makes the challenge even tougher. When I read 'Dream On' he points out that he started very public with his challenge but he made the biggest steps when he stopped posting on forums and his blog. All of today I was fretting about going backwards, whereas now I'd be laughing about the mare I had and shrugging it off as a bad day at the office.


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Hey BF I work in London so may well be up for a game just need to let the dust settle and get my confidence back first!!! There have been a few that have found the blog interesting reading so I may keep it going under a new guise, watch this space...

Spinn in answer to your earlier question I have no idea what happened to Bogie. He went AWOL in february and I emailed him a couple of times but got no reply. Seems he wisely ducked out early!!


Tour Winner
Sep 3, 2009
North Ayrshire
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tiger imagine if you did make as a pro. the PRESSURE would be unreal. golf is for fun and relaxation(well its meant to be). i dont follow your blog and i dont follow others. nut keep posting on here. with the pressure off you will improve and enjoy it. i would love to be single figures but will settle for enjoyment. :cool:


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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Wise move Tiger imho.

Just go out and enjoy playing golf at whatever level. It's a game ffs. By going public on your hopes and aspirations, you were putting far too much pressure on yourself.

I'm sure that out of the public eye, the pressure will be off and if you continue to practice and have the occasional lesson then your scores will start to tumble.

Just let us know occasionally how you are getting on and I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to improve significantly over the next year or two.



Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I agree with Leftie.

One thing I remember was just how quickly things take shape. It sounds to me like you had a horror round and realised/feared you were going nowhere. BUT, as you get better and relax a bit, you'll start to hit less costly bad shots and see the light of what is possible as you develop a usable swing and short game/putting.

I believe the initial challenge with the game is to begin to trust yourself and learn how to negotiate your way around the course, almost regardless of how good/bad you are. Play for the enjoyment, go for lessons and practise, you might be surprised how far you can go.

Good luck.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'm with Pokerjoke - it was a 5 year plan and so far it's been how long? Not very.

If you want to get better then forget being too technical, go out onto the practice ground and hit 1,000 x 9 irons then 1,000 x 8 irons and then 1,000 wedges...and repeat. Don't stray too much from the basics and you'll give yourself half a chance. Start worrying about what you shoot in a medal after a few months is futile, it really has no bearing at this stage.

Hope you stick with it... I don't see why single figures isn't do-able within a couple of years and that leaves 3 more to worry about :)