Project Scratched


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
I'm with Pokerjoke - it was a 5 year plan and so far it's been how long? Not very.

Hope you stick with it... I don't see why single figures isn't do-able within a couple of years and that leaves 3 more to worry about :)

Although I started blogging in December the project truly started in August. That means next month I will be one year in. I practice as much as is possible but with a young family it's hard to find the amount of time I need. But the main problem is the growing pressure I was placing myself under, despite my best efforts not to, meant I was playing well below my capabilities and most importantly not enjoying it.

I still want to improve, I'm still going to practice, but I just think without any expectation I'll probably do a lot better and have more fun on the way.


Club Champion
Jul 21, 2009
Hey Tiger

I enjoy following your blog, your project is neither here nor there with regards to why I follow your story, I just think it's a refreshing change to hear about a beginner trying to get a grip on this game rather than another single figure golfer story.

As for your project, the only thing I would change is your time frame, i.e. Don't have a time frame!

When you break 100 is unimportant, you will break it and 90 and 80 and probably 70 too judging by how you come across on the blog.

Just because your not one of the very few (or very young) that pick up a set of clubs and shoot 75 six months later does not mean that you will not be a very good player eventually, apart from for the insanely talented players, golf it seams often is a correlation between input and output, if you do not currently have the ability to practice silly amounts of time, then your journey may take longer but it is still a valid journey.

You (like most of us) seam the type of person that will not be satisfied until you can play this game to a standard that you are personally happy with. So while you may scratch the public targets and while you may enjoy smacking it around with your friends without pressure for a while. Just remember that the game is so much more than just hitting a ball around the countryside. It is even more than just your score, it can be just as frustrating and annoying when you score ok and without any outside pressure, conversely it is still a f*****g awesome game regardless.

Even if you pretend to the world that you have no targets, inside you know you will have those targets anyway.

I'm putting an insane amount of practice time into my golf this summer, but in the past years I did not put anywhere near this much effort into it. Some days now I can go around looking and feeling like a decent player, but still more common are the days when I just can't hit it well and I look like what I am, a third year hacker, one year is very, very little time in golf terms.

Ohh by the way, stuff the six iron off the tee, bash the 3 wood!!! Or even better get a driver! All that advice about scoring well and playing safe is all guff, it's a damn site easier to get a par when your second shot is with a wedge!!! And lets face it hackers like us can put a six iron in the hazard almost as easy as we can a driver.



Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Hey Crux, the 6 iron off the tee conservative strategy is all in the past now. That was back when I was thinking how can I score whilst still learning the game. Now it will be grip it and rip it with the 3 wood, or 3 iron or 4 iron and if it goes OoB sod it and tee up another one. I won't rush out and buy a Driver just yet but I do still want to get better at this game and you are right that now I can just take my time about it.

The blog may well be reborn but I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Even if you pretend to the world that you have no targets, inside you know you will have those targets anyway.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 11, 2007
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I play at least twice a week,and win or lose,enjoy every game..I,ll be sixty in a couple of months and to me theres no better game

Get into a club with a good seniors section.
You enjoy the game now but just wait for all the banter and camaraderie you will find there.


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Just a brief note to say that the blog shall live on and will continue to chart my trials and tribulations against this tough sport, with probably a few more broader golf reflections, golf jokes I hear etc...

You can now find me at I'll be making some tweaks over the course of the week.

Thanks for the support and positive messages.


Tour Rookie
Oct 6, 2008
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shame it's come to this, but as long as you are enjoying it, that is the main thing. you never know, refraining from trying to reach an unachievable target may actually make you a better player, then one day you might decide the project is back on ;o)

ps. didn't you have a bet with someone on here that said you wouldn't do it?


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
ps. didn't you have a bet with someone on here that said you wouldn't do it?

I'm not stupid slugger :D what would the odds be of me actually making it 10,000/1!!!!

There is a kudos battle going on among the high handicappers to see who can get lowest by the end of the season and Deke and I were racing to see who could get to 18 first. But nothing more than that.


Enjoyed reading your posts tiger, you've never said a bad word, even in jest, to some of the doubters, but tbh I never thought it was possible to get to scratch as a normal guy within the time frame. Hope you can now play for fun and watch the handicap come down and up like most of us. I hit 89 in a medal last week and 109 this week :D