Playing TOC St Andrews


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May 12, 2022
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For £320, would this be worth it?

5 out of 8 of us will play this course if we get through the ballot in June.

I am not one of them but open to be persuaded.

Can someone explain how the course justifies that green fee?

Forgive me if I offend but I’m not really into ‘history’ and ‘prestige’ as all I want to do is play golf. I’ve played the Brabazon many times and couldn’t give a flying about what happened on the 10th hole.

What am I missing with TOC?

Sell it to me. I want to believe


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Brabazon???😱 You've just mentioned Bells in a discussion about world class Malts!!🤣🤣🤣

I'm a course and history nutter, so maybe I'm not the person to convince you. But, here's some thoughts.

The Town gripped me when I first set eyes on it. Golf Central. Shops, bars and golfers everywhere. If you don't feel it when you get there, you might never!

Where else are you booked to play?

Watch a few reruns of Opens there to get to know the layout if you don't already.

If you're there on a Sunday before, walk the course and have a look round. At least the first few and last few holes. Or go on a guided tour. It might grab you! Look at those double greens, some of the famous bunkers, stand on some famous tees. Look at the Valley of Sin, Road Hole Bunker, stand on the tee of 1st, 18th and 17th... just for starters.
You can help yourself, no play on Sundays.

I wonder if that will whet your appetite?

It's silly money to play anywhere decent these days. But it won't getting any cheaper anytime soon.
The paying £320 depends on your priorities, your financial position and how you spend your cash.

When will you get another opportunity?

When you tell folk you went to St Andrews, they'll ask how you got on. Then you can say, I didn't bother?

Either way. Its a personal thing. There are links courses I prefer to St Andrews. But, it's HQ. Would never be built today.

One additional thought. Bobby Jones hated it the first time he saw it. After that he had nothing but praise... learned to love it.

I won't mention the hundreds of years of history and the famous footprints you'd be following, because that's not of interest to you!😁

Have fun on the trip, only you can decide...
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Active member
May 12, 2022
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Brabazon???😱 You've just mentioned Bells in a discussion about world class Malts!!🤣🤣🤣

I'm a course and history nutter, so maybe I'm not the person to convince you. But, here's some thoughts.

The Town gripped me when I first set eyes on it. Golf Central. Shops, bars and golfers everywhere. If you don't feel it when you get there, you might never!

Where else are you booked to play?

Watch a few reruns of Opens there to get to know the layout if you don't already.

If you're there on a Sunday before, walk the course and have a look round. At least the first few and last few holes. Or go on a guided tour. It might grab you! Look at those double greens, some of the famous bunkers, stand on some famous tees. Look at the Valley of Sin, Road Hole Bunker, stand on the tee of 1st, 18th and 17th... just for starters.
You can help yourself, no play on Sundays.

I wonder if that will whet your appetite?

It's silly money to play anywhere decent these days. But it won't getting any cheaper anytime soon.
The paying £320 depends on your priorities, your financial position and how you spend your cash.

When will you get another opportunity?

When you tell folk you went to St Andrews, they'll ask how you got on. Then you can say, I didn't bother?

Either way. Its a personal thing. There are links courses I prefer to St Andrews. But, it's HQ. Would never be built today.

One additional thought. Bobby Jones hated it the first time he saw it. After that he had nothing but praise... learned to love it.

Have fun on the trip, only you can decide...

Unless I have a wager on one of the big majors I find golf very boring to watch, so very unlikely to find me watching any reruns of anything 🤣

We have the 3 day unlimited booked on the Castle, New and Jubilee and plan to do at least 9 holes on Eden and Stratch but if we get through the ballot it will definitely mess our itinerary up to make sacrifice for TOC.

The thing about TOC is mainly the financial side. £320 for a very ugly, easy, boring track where you’ll most likely be putting from 100ft on most holes which just seems like it could do with a few windmills and other crazy golf ornaments dotted about.

Walking it on a Sunday seems ideal, a quick picture on the bridge to post on Facebook / Instagram whatever and job done.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
That's a decent trip without playing ToC. But the Old is a big step up on the New and Jubilee.

That's why I suggested you have a walk round. You might feel differently after a look!

Ugly, easy and boring it isn't. (In my view) If it is easy, why would you have to putt from 100 feet?😁 And why bother with the pic on the Bridge?😉

You might not get a time in the ballot anyway! But, having done a recce you might want a repeat visit to play it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Unless I have a wager on one of the big majors I find golf very boring to watch, so very unlikely to find me watching any reruns of anything 🤣

We have the 3 day unlimited booked on the Castle, New and Jubilee and plan to do at least 9 holes on Eden and Stratch but if we get through the ballot it will definitely mess our itinerary up to make sacrifice for TOC.

The thing about TOC is mainly the financial side. £320 for a very ugly, easy, boring track where you’ll most likely be putting from 100ft on most holes which just seems like it could do with a few windmills and other crazy golf ornaments dotted about.

Walking it on a Sunday seems ideal, a quick picture on the bridge to post on Facebook / Instagram whatever and job done.
why bother asking anyone elses opinion when youve clearly made yours up?

no reason at all for you to play TOC, you wouldnt enjoy it and wouldnt get any value for money clearly


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May 12, 2022
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why bother asking anyone elses opinion when youve clearly made yours up?

no reason at all for you to play TOC, you wouldnt enjoy it and wouldnt get any value for money clearly

I haven’t played the course so my opinion really doesn’t hold any weight


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May 12, 2022
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If you dont value any of the history or appreciate the style of golf course, genuinely would be a waste of money for you

Is the style of the golf course any better than the New, Jubilee, Castle etc

If not it just sounds like I’m throwing £320 at ‘history’


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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What’s better about it.

Imagine you are trying to sell this to someone that is young in golf years and hasn’t really been around the game all too long.

Without being too harsh, youre not the target market for the course if you are young in golf years and have no interest in its history. There are some really good holes on the course and some ok ones, its always been in cracking condition when Ive played it, it plays completely differently on a calm day to on a windy one, each time you play it you discover something new that you didnt on previous occasions, hit different shots from different angles and distances and learn the different nuances, especially on the large double greens. That said would I pay £300 for it having already played it, nope I wouldnt (Im fortunate to have played it several times 20+ years ago when the green fee was far less). Would I pay it having not played it before and appreciating the history and everything that comes with it Yes definitely. You dont fit into either of those and on the basis you dont value any of the history that comes with the course then Id expect its not worth it to you but others may be able to convince you.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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We first played it in the late 70s for £14, when the weekly wage was around £120.
I still remember chipping onto the 18th to 9 inches from the Valley of Sin while being watched by a bunch of Chinese tourists, cheering he pwooofessonal.
Little did they know it was a bogey lol.
It depends on what you want out of it and if you think it is worth the money. Lots of memories and conversations to talk about years later.
I wouldn't pay £320 to play it again, but mibbie for the first time if I was a bit flush.
TBH the New Course is as enjoyable but nothing to boast about back at your club or over dinner.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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The thing about TOC is mainly the financial side. £320 for a very ugly, easy, boring track where you’ll most likely be putting from 100ft on most holes which just seems like it could do with a few windmills and other crazy golf ornaments dotted about.

This is such a comically bad take that I’m not sure if you are being serious. All golfers, if given a chance, should be playing TOC.
As others have said, sounds like you have made your mind up anyway.


Sep 11, 2011
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Most of my golfing life has been on links courses. Some say they’re boring, flat & featureless. I love ‘em. There’s a way to play them and that includes 100ft putts, bump and runs etc.

I’ve played TOC 3 times and loved it more each time. Which line to take off different tees with its risk and reward potential? Go for the flag or the safe, fat part of the green? You could play each hole a different way, and because of that it doesn’t beat you up. You decide where you go birdie hunting and where to go for pars.

I’ve played the other courses at St Andrews, some say the New is better but not for me. It’s tighter and there isn’t the same options off the tee - a bit like just another links course. There’s a buzz stood on the TOC first tee, as there is on so many tees, and there’s definitely a buzz firing into the last green. But you need to know the history of the place to get the best out of it. Things like where to go to avoid The Road Hole bunker, but if you’re really into the place you want to avoid it but also want to be in it.

A lot of years ago I had a similar conversation with an occasional golfer but a keen footballer. He, like you, was a “yes but it’s just another golf course.” I asked him did he like playing football at the local sports centre or would he travel 200 miles, stay overnight in a hotel and play Wembley for £500 for 90 minutes. He chose Wembley. The Old Course is, for me, the opportunity to play our Wembley.

£320 is a lot of money but if special experiences is your thing, and you’ll need to know some of the history to appreciate it, it’s worth it.
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Jul 12, 2022
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You sound a bit like me, don’t really like watching golf or care about the history just love playing it.
I know a few that have played TOC and they have all said the same thing it’s not really a good course it’s just the history.
I probably would like to play it at some point just to say I’ve done it but I wouldn’t wait in line through the night just to play it. If it ever becomes easy just to book online and play I’ll do it but that’s about it for me.

Mel Smooth

May 4, 2017
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Can't comment on TOC as I've never played it - nor have I visited St Andrews - which is on the to do list. I know I've generally scoffed at the exorbitant green fees some clubs charge and felt I'd never go near them, but after walking round Hillside last summer I was forced to question that view, as that is a course I would love to play, and would possibly stomach the green fee. Just checked what they're charging at Royal Liverpool - £310 this summer - definitely not worth it, the course isn't anything amazing, however the reception you get at the place is first class - but that green fee would make The Old Course look reasonable value to me.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
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It is a singular unique atmosphere around the whole town not just the golf courses. To actually stand waiting on the 1st tee to be called forward to play is a nervous time and despite the width available once you manage to get the ball on the tee with the shaking hand all you want to do is put a reasonable swing on it and get it going forward. It is a one off and as a bucket list item it is worth the cash in my opinion and I'd love the opportunity to do it again


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Feb 25, 2024
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To me, it's lik,e eating in many of the fancy or celeb restaurants.

Food experience can be had heaps cheaper, but you're paying for the experience, which sometimes makes you happy you paid more and sometimes not.

I played Gleneagles thirty years ago and my then playing partner and I still talk about that round today.


Big Hitting, South African Sweary Person
Sep 25, 2011
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For you it will be the once in a lifetime experience. Those are worth paying for. The whole town oozes golf and the course is bloody amazing. You walk around there in awe.

The question anyone asks you when you say “I’ve been to St Andrews” is “Did you play the Old Course?”Not how was the New or the Jubilee or the Castle etc. The Old. That’s it.

The money for that is irrelevant on a one off like this. £320 can be earned back pretty simply.