Major Champion
It should be possible to challenge a player’s score in a non-confrontational way if it is done properly … I think tone of voice and inflection is key. I would tend to consider that, if asked very politely, any player getting stroppy about being challenged has probably knowingly cheated. A couple of months ago in a senior doubles match against another club, I said when we were all on the green ready to putt “that’s four for me“ and one of our opponents said in a polite way “are you sure?” or similar. I did a recap and he was right … I was mortified and said “you are right, I am so sorry”. He said “no problem … it’s easily done” and we moved on.
We played a foursomes on Wednesday and racked up an 8 on a hole. One of our playing partners said a hole later that he thought I miscounted and it was a 7. I ran through the shots and he'd missed one and it was an 8 - I wish he'd been right but all ok