Partial knee replacement


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Oct 21, 2021
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Having limped and prevaricated for too long, I'm having the above procedure very soon. I'm 72, 5 ft 9 and 10st 8lb and reasonably fit. Would be interested to hear from others who have been down this route, especially recovery time, physio, getting back on the course and any other useful info. Thanks
There’s several on here that have had bits replaced, I know @chrisd has 2 titanium hips.

Everyone is different, but the golden rule is don’t push it, if it hurts, stop.

Some will be back in 8 weeks, others 6 months or longer.

Others will be along soon to add their tuppence
Well I am having unicompartmental knee surgery very soon, so would welcome any advice or comments. Not looking forward to being out of action for (say) 6months, but at least it's winter.
A 60-year-old guy at our place was back, in a buggy, after 4 weeks. After 6 weeks was walking 18 holes..... all this, however, in Summer conditions. Good luck, matey. :D
A pal of mine a good few years back had a knee replacement. He was a golfer and bust a gut to get back golfing asap. His “ mate” taught him a few cheats re physio. Screwed his knee up for the rest of his playing days. Take your time with physio. ?
Dont go againt medical advice their are lots of issues that mean each and every one will react differently as with most things.As a retired nurse i would say do not push yourself you will get the advice you need from the Doctors and physios.When you feel ready you will know listen to your body.
Absolutely don't ignore the medical advice on the work needed after the surgery. Before my hips were done I had a cruciate ligament replacement and the surgeon said he would only do it if I promised to do 12 months of physiotherapy afterwards, I did every single session and it's still going well 25 years later
I have got several mates who have had knees replaced the one who has suffered the worse in the long term is the one that would not put up with the pain when going through the after surgery physio and did none of the exercises he was supposed to do at home.

One of the things I have learnt from him is that is important to bend the joint as much as possible post surgery (exercises as advised by he physio) to stop the scar tissue from setting in the wrong place and therefore stopping the knee from ever flexing fully.

I have some mates who were back playing after 6 weeks.
I had a Total Knee Replacement in May this year. I started chipping after a month and was playing 18 holes after 9 weeks. This was all after getting the go ahead from my consultant. I still need a buggy because my other knee is equally in need of treatment. I'm still waiting for that to be dealt with.

I would repeat what has been said above. Follow the instructions of the experts and do the recommended exercises religiously. They are painful, especially in the early stages, but the hospital will provide painkillers. Fortunately I only needed the Naproxen I take anyway for my Spondylitis. The worst thing I found was that for a couple of weeks sleeping was difficult. Overall however the experience was not as bad as I expected. I'm very pleased with the result.
Having limped and prevaricated for too long, I'm having the above procedure very soon. I'm 72, 5 ft 9 and 10st 8lb and reasonably fit. Would be interested to hear from others who have been down this route, especially recovery time, physio, getting back on the course and any other useful info. Thanks
My Mum has had both her knees replaced (TKR) in her 80's (At different times obviously). Her pain threshold is pretty high, but even so her recovery was very rapid - just a few weeks. The key I think is doing as much physio / exercise as the knee will allow. Your knee should tell you when it's had enough! Hope this helps & gives you encouragement.
I had partial one done on my right knee 7 years ago and a full one done on my left knee 4 years ago. The partial one is fine most of the time with full bend. The full one doesn’t fully bend and can get a bit sore after 18 holes. It’s o.k. by the following day though. I do quad strengthening exercises on a regular basis. I’ m now 70 and play and walk 18 3 times a week.