Notification of a handicap change and singles match disqualification


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Wouldn't have effected it; might have affected it though!:rolleyes: (irresistible!:whistle:) But that's actually irrelevant to whether there was a breach or not. And with upward adjustments, as you say, you have to wait until it's published - no anticipation allowed.
Didn't say it was, I thought I asked if the h/c change would have altered effected affected change or made the result different. :ears:


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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We still need more info
OP shot net par 71
CSS went up to 73
But if SSS is 70 or 71 then there couldn't be a cut until the results are published
So the DQ would be unjustified


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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hello andy and welcome. Enjoy :)

as already stated without knowing the SSS for your course an answer cannot be certain on any grounds for appeal.
With rules stating any downward adjustment is the players own responsibility against SSS immediate upon completion of a competition you may have fallen foul to the rules.

further on down the thread IMO As regards not knowing the rules ignorance is not a valid excuse and as fiddly as some are we all have to stick to them and not pick and chose which ones we wish to ignore as harsh as it maybe at the time rules is rules.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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on the assumption that you had put you name through on the sheet as the winner of the round (accepted as the formal announcement of the result for such knockouts) then we have 2+ pages of incorrect information in this thread so far - possibly a record!

can I suggest that people read rule 6-2a/5

Wrong Handicap Used in Match by Mistake; Error Discovered After Result Officially Announced

Q.In a handicap match between A and B, A stated by mistake before the match began that his handicap was ten strokes, whereas in fact his handicap was nine strokes. The match was played on the basis that A's handicap was ten strokes. A won the match. The error was discovered after the result had been officially announced. What is the ruling?

A.The match stands as played. No claim by B could be considered unless A had known he was giving wrong information about his handicap

doesn't matter whether it affected the result, basically if you use the wrong handicap in error in such a situation the result stands.

EDIT in fairness to some of the earlier responses there are really 2 questions here -
1. did you play of a wrong handicap - this will depend on the SSS and other elements already mentioned. CSS and eventual result are not relevant as presented.
2. should you be DQ'd - when was the question of your handicap raised in relation to posting the result on the sheet?
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