New Puppy Advice

How is she getting on?
Pretty well on the whole thanks - there was quite a lot of nipping and stuff early on, but that has improved a lot, especially now that we have got her into a good sleep schedule - we put her into her crate with a treat when she starts getting nipppy and fractious, which is a good indication it's time for a nap! Potty training has been very good on the whole, and she is starting to walk better now - more straight lines! After Thursday we can take her further afield as her vaccinations will have fully kicked in by then, so it'll be a walk along the canal soon after.
Finally caved in to months of pleading from the family, and agreed to get another Springer. We pick him up next week when he is 8 weeks old. It will be strange going through puppy training again after 9 years but we've done it successfully twice so should be fine. Will have to have a good read through this thread!
Hooray for springers! Ours just turned 7 and is definitely wired differently to some as she basically just sleeps all day (unless there’s ducks, sheep or squirrels to chase ??)

wouldn’t change her for the world absolute legend.
Chasing sheep, surely not?

Only at our friends house, who have 3 “pet” sheep who play with their dogs all the time and are happy to run around with them.

She would, happily, chase livestock as well given the chance, but we’re not irresponsible knobheads so we don’t just go around letting her chase grazing sheep, just in case that’s the impression I gave!

We did have one incident when she was younger where she spotted some sheep in the distance and tried to start chasing them, before quickly realising she’d lost us and started panicking. Pretty certain she wouldn’t know what to do if she ever caught up with one!

Did take us about 30 minutes to get her out of Rydal Water one year when she jumped in for a swim, spotted some ducks at the other end of the lake and tried to swim and catch them. They happily stayed their distance whilst she doggy paddled painfully slowly trying to get to them. Eventually she gave up and came back to the waters edge, exhausted, having got nowhere near them, obviously.