Hacker Khan
Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
In terms of title and content not aligning, this has got to take the biscuit! So, it's for everyone that wants to drive really well, thanks for that! I know they need to advertise but this really annoyed me, not sure why this particularly -it just really jarred with me to the point of being offensive. Contrast with the much more subtle info-mercials others have produced and you'll see what I mean.
Is it just me, am I having a grumpy old man day - what is you view on this style of clip?
It's nothing we have not seen before and not offensive to me. And if you believe the shot the chap hit on the video went a lot more extra yards than his usual shot with an old driver then you were born yesterday.
As I've said before on other threads I think a lot of companies are running scared of TM with the SLDR. Ping came up with turbulators, not exactly sure what the angle is here apart from it is hotter, more adjustable, faster swing speed blah blah. After all it's only an update of an existing driver. And of course they will say it is for anyone, as they do not want to alienate any part of the shrinking market out there for new golf equipment.
To be honest we've all heard this 1000 times before. And in reality this driver, assuming you have the same loft, will be very good and will go much the same distance as Pings as it will Nikes as it will Cobras etc etc. I think most of it is now which one you feel most confident with, as opposed to which one will gain you any significant extra yards, as they are all on the limits of what can be done with the face of the club.