My body's broken....

I'm 30 and my knees click but I'm in amazing nick compared to you lot! Reading this has made me feel great, I think I'll skip home.

Well I'm 70+ and play 3 times most weeks without any aches and pains so you have made me feel guilty.

I'll probably be jinxed when I play tomorrow: probably break my leg in a bunker - Perhaps I'll stay in bed!,
To put these niggles into perspective, heard yesterday that one of our members had a heart attach on Saturday after golf. PE teacher, doesn't drink much and runs half marathons etc so reasonably fit. Fortunately the news is positive and he's recovering in hospital but it shows that sometimes it doesn't matter, if your body is going to break, it'll break
if it hadnt been for my accident a couple of years ago i would be aches and pain free,but alas my knee is knackered and i now couldnt walk the course anymore ,.im 59 now and was carrying during the winter months before said accident.
the problem im now facing is trying to lose weight i put on whilst i was imobile. the good news is that i have lost nearly two stone in three months ,so maybe i will be able to walk the course again if i can get down to my previous weight as the knee wont be strained quite so much. [only another three stone to go].
Following 2 days in bed immediately following H4H's I had to go to the doctors on the Friday because as in my OP, I'm in quite a bit of discomfort with my right shoulder.

The locum doctor has referred me but he's confident I have a Rotator Cuff injury which will require an operation and he said this would put me out for around 12 weeks, but, it has now transpired that this totally depends on what the actual injury is and it could actually be extended to 6 months, which he failed to inform me!

I've now got to wait for a letter/date to have it looked at by the specialist so I'm battling on for the next 2-3 weeks as I've been selected to play against The Forest of Arden in our A Team on Tuesday, I then have my invitation Day next Saturday with Gary (Region3) and then on the Sunday & Monday I'm away at Ashburnham in Wales with my Sunday roll up boys which I don't want to miss and then it's Swinley Forest followed our last medal of the season on September 30th, so I'm hoping to push through 6 rounds of golf!

But, after thinking what the locum doctor said and informing him what I was still doing, in trying to play the next few weeks (6 rounds), I have decided to see my usual doctor who is back today and I have an appointment at 4pm with him to discuss further.

This is because I don't think I have the full story or have been advised correctly by the locum.

I appreciate the specialist and scans will determine what has got to happen operation wise, but I'm a little concerned, especially as I informed the locum I was going to still play for the next 2-3 weeks and that after speaking to some medical people at my club, I could be really doing myself a lot more injury that could keep me out for much longer, especially as at this point we/I don't know if the injury is the tendons or bursa, the difference apparently being micro surgery for the tendinitis or full open surgery for the bursitis.
I too have rotar cuff pain. Two injections didnt last. But only 3 weeks ago i was at docters and saw someone different. Not so much a docter but possibly a physio he looked at me and said bad posture. Am like ok really. Anyway gave me a simple excerise and since then im pain free in shoulders. Im now trying my best to walk tall and be concious of my posture.
I used to get massive pains in my rotator cuffs and went to physio to see what could be done. He basically informed me that it was very common for rugby players and weightlifters to have issues with them. He gave me a few stretches and exercises to complete every day to loosen them up. I'd say it did make a bit of a difference but still had a lot of pain when weightlifting. In the end I basically had to neglect my shoulders in the gym as any upper body exercises had an impact. Luckily I do not get the pain when playing golf as it really was painful.

Hope you have a quick recovery and all is good!
Fish - A guy who I talk to on my dog walking has had this, he is also a golfer, hence why we also chat. He had the same diagnosis and stopped playing entirely for about two-three months. I saw him a week ago and he has started playing again. It is not perfect but it has reached the stage of manageable. Like a lot of these things the timescale for recovery is very varied. At least we are coming into the winter period so easing off now is not too bad. Hope it goes well.

Bigslice - I get some back issues and try to improve my posture as that is part of the problem. On holiday I saw some photos that we had taken of me standing with my "improved posture" and I looked daft. The chest out, shoulders back look was too exaggerated and I looked like a flat chested version of one of those enhanced models that are pushing their boobs out :D. I'm trying to work on a middle ground as I definitely hunch too much.
Rotator cuff (right shoulder) did for my cricket playing about 10 years ago - can no longer bowl quickly and cannot throw a heavy ball at all.

However, once the pain went (sports massage and exercises) I found no impact on golf at all - perhaps because cricket created the issue with a different movement.

Anyway, there is hope of not requiring an op.
Following 2 days in bed immediately following H4H's I had to go to the doctors on the Friday because as in my OP, I'm in quite a bit of discomfort with my right shoulder.

The locum doctor has referred me but he's confident I have a Rotator Cuff injury which will require an operation and he said this would put me out for around 12 weeks, but, it has now transpired that this totally depends on what the actual injury is and it could actually be extended to 6 months, which he failed to inform me!

I've now got to wait for a letter/date to have it looked at by the specialist so I'm battling on for the next 2-3 weeks as I've been selected to play against The Forest of Arden in our A Team on Tuesday, I then have my invitation Day next Saturday with Gary (Region3) and then on the Sunday & Monday I'm away at Ashburnham in Wales with my Sunday roll up boys which I don't want to miss and then it's Swinley Forest followed our last medal of the season on September 30th, so I'm hoping to push through 6 rounds of golf!

But, after thinking what the locum doctor said and informing him what I was still doing, in trying to play the next few weeks (6 rounds), I have decided to see my usual doctor who is back today and I have an appointment at 4pm with him to discuss further.

This is because I don't think I have the full story or have been advised correctly by the locum.

I appreciate the specialist and scans will determine what has got to happen operation wise, but I'm a little concerned, especially as I informed the locum I was going to still play for the next 2-3 weeks and that after speaking to some medical people at my club, I could be really doing myself a lot more injury that could keep me out for much longer, especially as at this point we/I don't know if the injury is the tendons or bursa, the difference apparently being micro surgery for the tendinitis or full open surgery for the bursitis.

Listen to what the doctors say Robin. A couple of months out is better than knacking it for the foreseeable.
Rotator cuff (right shoulder) did for my cricket playing about 10 years ago - can no longer bowl quickly and cannot throw a heavy ball at all.

However, once the pain went (sports massage and exercises) I found no impact on golf at all - perhaps because cricket created the issue with a different movement.

Anyway, there is hope of not requiring an op.

This makes feel very lucky that I am still playing cricket and bowling reasonably quickly at 57 !!
Saw my proper Doc today and I've got to wait for the letter to make an appointment to have ultrasound, which will be at least 2,weeks.

So I'll push these 6 rounds out and then take a break and wait for the scan and results.
Saw my proper Doc today and I've got to wait for the letter to make an appointment to have ultrasound, which will be at least 2,weeks.

So I'll push these 6 rounds out and then take a break and wait for the scan and results.

Good luck mate
Had the same shoulder issue a few years ago
Ignored it, kept playing, ( stupidly ) and just made things worse
Couldn't raise my arm to shoulder level without being in agony

Luckily I didn't need anything as severe as surgery, but had to endure very lengthy physio work/excercises before finally having steroid injections, which had a big impact
Movement gradually got better, whilst also continuing the stretching excercises previously recommended

2 wasted golf seasons whilst stupidly trying to play through it
1 whilst injured , the other whilst recovering
2 shot handicap increase too😱👎😃
Took a while to get playing again anything like decent, tried to come back with a slightly altered swing , shorter backswing, still wasn't convinced I could commit to a bigger turn with my left shoulder
Saw my proper Doc today and I've got to wait for the letter to make an appointment to have ultrasound, which will be at least 2,weeks.

So I'll push these 6 rounds out and then take a break and wait for the scan and results.

Did he concur with the locum mate or offer any alternative
Did he concur with the locum mate or offer any alternative

He concurs that its most possibly a Rotator Cuffs injury but to what extent only the scans will determine. I told him I wanted or needed to play a few (6) rounds still and he honestly stated he couldn't say conclusively that I shouldn't or that it could do more harm, based on not knowing the extent of the injury, so, I've got a few exercises to warm up which are pretty much what we all do anyway, but not starting off too aggressively, and he said I should be OK.

TBH, I've had this discomfort now for possibly a month or more, after a couple of holes I don't really think about it or feel it, but as soon as I stop it returns quite quickly. It can catch me out during the day when reaching to open a window or making a sudden movement, it then feels like my shoulder has popped and takes a few minutes for the discomfort to subside, but when using the arm all the time like when playing golf, it's pretty much insignificant with only the odd attack if I jar it quickly.

Obviously if it gets worse or if I spot any notable differences during these 6 rounds which I want to push through, I'll stop.
Is your issue age related or the result of an injury?
Both mine were age related, (mid 50's), and physio was of no use at all.
I had boney spurs growing down from my bone which were slowly cutting into the ligament, one of which was eventually severed. This required open surgery as the medics had to re-pin my ligament to my humerus as below;

The other shoulder only required keyhole surgery but still kept me off the course for six months!
Both ops were done late autumn so I only missed the winter and some of the spring.
Chipping and putting after about four months.

I sincerely hope yours isn't age related!
Sounds like you'd be best resting up or reducing the number of games to try reduce the pain. Could you have some physio on your shoulder too inbetween games?
Well I'm 70+ and play 3 times most weeks without any aches and pains so you have made me feel guilty.

I'll probably be jinxed when I play tomorrow: probably break my leg in a bunker - Perhaps I'll stay in bed!,

Snap -I feel sorry for these other guys but lucky not to be taking any pills, visiting the quacks and still able to play 2 or 3 times a week on foot. However I admit to use a battery powered trolley.

I hope your prediction of a broken leg proved false :lol:
Feel for you mate. This again goes straight to my argument about keeping oneself in the best condition you can be in. Future proofing.

Eat less rubbish
Drink water
Sleep properly
Learn to de-stress