My body's broken....


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I'm not sure if it's just an age thing (I'm in denial) but I feel I am fighting every ache & pain there is to fight currently before any round of golf.

My current issues are:

Left arm:

I can swing OK but if I grab of hold or pick anything up then I get a shooting pain up my left forearm. Wearing the Therapeutic Pressure Band helps it but it's not getting any better! I take a couple of Ibuprofen before round also. I've broken this arm at least 3 times in the past, I'm wondering if it's just a weakness that's now developed although it feels more like tendons?

Right Shoulder:

Grimaced on every shot yesterday. On release it was very uncomfortable , feels like a strain but I've not done anything to strain it. Been like this for over 2 weeks now?!


Working hard changing my diet and drinking habits (tough ask) as the pain I get from the stinging gout attacks in the knuckle of my right big toe are excruciating! I'm starting to notice that I am limping from about our 16th fairway back in, not so much attacks, more a case of sensitivity, the right foot starts to feel very tender.


I succumbed to reading glasses a few years back, now I wear them all the time early morning catching up on here and with work, so I'm on the phone or computer for a good few hours (too many HID says) every day. Now in the morning after reading early doors and then driving to the club (5 minutes), I find my vision is very blurred at distance and it takes anything from 30 minutes to a couple of hours for the full focus to return. I can see the ball OK on the 1st tee but it's not a clear vision down the fairway until a good few holes have been played then it's perfect short & long.

Lower back pain:

Whether I'm driving or sitting down for a length of time getting back up or out of the car/van becomes a bit of an effort, I'm just locking up quite quickly and need to roll and stretch my back when getting back upright. I can also find this same locking up effect when simply walking the dog, the lower back starts to tighten up and I have to stop and roll my body to ease the discomfort.


Getting cramp in my calves at night in bed, the pain and initial attack is horrendous. I have loads of water/squash for hours during the day and night so it's not dehydration. My calves feel quite hard all the time now for some reason, so the slightest thing and the cramp kicks in?

Premature....(we'll give this one a miss) :smirk:

Anyone else noticing massive changes to their body or did when reaching a particular age, this isn't or hasn't been something that's crept in over a few years or months, I feel this has just hit me all at once?

I see 70, 80 year old plus seniors out on the course so I feel my problems are or shouldn't be anything to concern myself with or complain about, but I was extremely fit when in the forces and afterwards for many years when I left, I know fitness is the hardest thing to gain and easiest to lose, but I feel broken and it can't be a lack of exercise? :(
I get absolutely knackered nowadays Robin. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was able to walk (carrying as well!) 36 holes a day, 6 days on the trot on our trips up to Scotland.
These days, 36 for one day does me in and I'd much rather play 18 decent holes than 36 mediocre ones.
I played 18 last Sunday at Calcot Park with Johnny Dee, Slasher and Gordon, followed that up with 18 at Sundridge Park on Tuesday with Richart, Leftie and Topoftheflops, and was really struggling on the closing holes.
With me, it's my legs and feet. I used to have fairly decent upper leg muscles and could cope, but I have lost a lot of muscle mass over the last 5 years or so and it really does show late in a round.
Just part of getting old I guess................. and being bloody lazy.
I'm not sure if it's just an age thing (I'm in denial) but I feel I am fighting every ache & pain there is to fight currently before any round of golf.

My current issues are:

Left arm:

I can swing OK but if I grab of hold or pick anything up then I get a shooting pain up my left forearm. Wearing the Therapeutic Pressure Band helps it but it's not getting any better! I take a couple of Ibuprofen before round also. I've broken this arm at least 3 times in the past, I'm wondering if it's just a weakness that's now developed although it feels more like tendons?

Right Shoulder:

Grimaced on every shot yesterday. On release it was very uncomfortable , feels like a strain but I've not done anything to strain it. Been like this for over 2 weeks now?!


Working hard changing my diet and drinking habits (tough ask) as the pain I get from the stinging gout attacks in the knuckle of my right big toe are excruciating! I'm starting to notice that I am limping from about our 16th fairway back in, not so much attacks, more a case of sensitivity, the right foot starts to feel very tender.


I succumbed to reading glasses a few years back, now I wear them all the time early morning catching up on here and with work, so I'm on the phone or computer for a good few hours (too many HID says) every day. Now in the morning after reading early doors and then driving to the club (5 minutes), I find my vision is very blurred at distance and it takes anything from 30 minutes to a couple of hours for the full focus to return. I can see the ball OK on the 1st tee but it's not a clear vision down the fairway until a good few holes have been played then it's perfect short & long.

Lower back pain:

Whether I'm driving or sitting down for a length of time getting back up or out of the car/van becomes a bit of an effort, I'm just locking up quite quickly and need to roll and stretch my back when getting back upright. I can also find this same locking up effect when simply walking the dog, the lower back starts to tighten up and I have to stop and roll my body to ease the discomfort.


Getting cramp in my calves at night in bed, the pain and initial attack is horrendous. I have loads of water/squash for hours during the day and night so it's not dehydration. My calves feel quite hard all the time now for some reason, so the slightest thing and the cramp kicks in?

Premature....(we'll give this one a miss) :smirk:

Anyone else noticing massive changes to their body or did when reaching a particular age, this isn't or hasn't been something that's crept in over a few years or months, I feel this has just hit me all at once?

I see 70, 80 year old plus seniors out on the course so I feel my problems are or shouldn't be anything to concern myself with or complain about, but I was extremely fit when in the forces and afterwards for many years when I left, I know fitness is the hardest thing to gain and easiest to lose, but I feel broken and it can't be a lack of exercise? :(

Nice try, but you're still not getting any more shots this afternoon….. :ears:

Know what you mean, I've had an issue with my left shoulder for nearly six months now right hand for about 4 months. Possibly an age thing or side effects from tablets. Have you taken it to your GP mate? I keep meaning to, but like you, see others just getting on with it so find a reason not to.
Vitamin deficiency?

My wife has just brought me home some Osteocare Calcium Magnesium Vitamin D, Zinc tablets to take with a main meal. Makes me feel like a knackered old Labrador!

I get absolutely knackered nowadays Robin. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was able to walk (carrying as well!) 36 holes a day, 6 days on the trot on our trips up to Scotland.
These days, 36 for one day does me in and I'd much rather play 18 decent holes than 36 mediocre ones.
I played 18 last Sunday at Calcot Park with Johnny Dee, Slasher and Gordon, followed that up with 18 at Sundridge Park on Tuesday with Richart, Leftie and Topoftheflops, and was really struggling on the closing holes.
With me, it's my legs and feet. I used to have fairly decent upper leg muscles and could cope, but I have lost a lot of muscle mass over the last 5 years or so and it really does show late in a round.
Just part of getting old I guess................. and being bloody lazy.

Must say 36 is taking it's toll on me currently or even back to back 18 holes over 2-days. Going to try and do some kind of light weights with the calcium tablets and build up some muscle, I was really toned in earlier life and even in my 40's, still very strong but can find myself out of breath quickly at times also. Need to do more different kinds of exercise I think.

Nice try, but you're still not getting any more shots this afternoon….. :ears:

Know what you mean, I've had an issue with my left shoulder for nearly six months now right hand for about 4 months. Possibly an age thing or side effects from tablets. Have you taken it to your GP mate? I keep meaning to, but like you, see others just getting on with it so find a reason not to.

I don't do doctors, anyway, if I rang mine I might get to see him in about 4 weeks!
I'm 70 & take daily Glucosamine, Chondritin, Green Lipped Mussel, Omega 3 & Vitamin D3 tablets. I can swing the club back beyond the horizontal (I try not to!) & although I'm stiff when I get up the morning after golf it goes off quite quickly. Can't remember (touch wood) when I last had a golf related injury. I'm not sure how much these supplements help but I'm scared to stop taking them.

I find that Naproxen works better than Ibuprofen.
Saw a Consultant a couple of weeks back. "You do know we'll be operating on your lower back and neck soon?" Me, "no you won't. I've not finished playing golf yet."

The pain yesterday afternoon and evening through to the wee small hours was excruciating but worth it for the two excellent rounds at St Andrews. When the morphine can't cover the pain I'll consider the alternative.

Shear bloody cussedness i guess but after being told in 2005 I'd be in a wheelchair in 5 years I decided it would be a lot longer.
old age,
i suffer with Tennis elbow, a dodgy knee ( broken is 7 places playing Rugby), sore shoulder, sore big toe joint ( broken playing cricket) and my feet hurt.

its only going to get worse.
Should it be too difficult for you to make the Ping fitting, I'm willing to step into the breach to help a mucker out... No need to thank me either :)

personally I struggle with both shoulders, back, cramps, and since I reached 40, migraines. I did once go the docs over the shoulder, he said its one of them things, and nothing they can do :mmm:
2 dodgy knees 1 dodgy ankle that I have about 70% movement in, 2 dodgy elbows, dodgy eyes...apart from that everything's fine...
And ,yep, it's only gonna get worse
I feel for you mate its a nightmare isn't it.

I myself suffer from Golfers elbow in both elbows but I can still do a 100 pullups.

I have dislocated my shoulders the right one 7 times and have had an operation,just once on the left shoulder but I still lift weights 4 or 5 times a week.

I have Achilles problems which stop me running and a permanent calf problem but I still ride my bike twice a week.

I suffer from occasional back spasms I had one 10 days ago and its still tender, I had 4 days off from the gym doing back work so I did arms and legs.

The moral of the story is the day you stop is the day you might never get going again.
Good thread in an empathetic kind of way and selfishly glad to read its not just me.:o
I'm not even 50 yet and both shoulders are done (more ops later this month), hips are starting to go too - painful on any rotation like golf, lower back is manageable but jippy since 10 years.
I never sleep well and often wake up feeling irritable as lying seems to worsen shoulders/hip/back stiffness and pain.
Knees are still good so that's something at least.
Do try to keep going to gym and job keeps me reasonably active but creaking around at my age isn't much fun.

Need to look more carefully at diet/exercise/weight and pain medication once this latest shoulder op is over.
I keep playing cricket to ensure some form of exercise that I have to put some effort into. My wife wants me to stop as my bowling can only put more strain on my knees but as our kids (!!! 29 and 26 ) play in the same team, I want to keep going as I don't get enough time with them.

You have to find some form of exercise that strengthens and helps. I have always taken cod liver oil capsules to aid my joints and apart from a slight knee problem, at 57, I feel quite lucky. I am playing 4 times a week and this week, it was 90 holes so I must be doing something right.
At least your aches and pains arent stopping you playing mate! Going stir crazy as I miss another summer injured, still no light on the horizon

One big change Ive made this year thats helped with the general muscle aches (especially back) is doing Pilates, the stronger your core is the less you use and hurt the back. Definitely worth looking into

Now to get that ankle working properly again :(
Yes indeed. I'm 53. Sunningdale was the first time I'd played 36 this year and I was shocked how exhausted I was on Thursday night... I've never smoked, never been wildly overweight ...used to be pretty fit....

Also strained my elbow from chopping out if the heather!

So, that was a wake up call. Can't stop getting older, but I can get in better shape!